"Super charged Quotes to fire your Dreams"
All imagination comes from memory either overt or covert .
Rex al Opusunju

Don't allow bitterness to grow in your heart !
Rex al Opusunju

Bitterness will rob you of your peace of mind !
Rex al Opusunju

Stop recounting the evils done to you; Forgive those that have wronged you .
Rex al Opusunju

Live life as though it never happened !
Rex al Opusunju

Stay away from the things that will cause strife .
Rex al Opusunju

Disaster waits at the door of disobedience !
Rex al Opusunju

Do not sacrifice the powers of the "Other World" on the alter of disobedience .
Rex al Opusunju

Allow God to rebuild your life !
Rex al Opusunju

Do not arbort the purpose of God for your life !
Rex al Opusunju

A Successful life is a life of obedience to God .
Rex al Opusunju

There is no lasting Success Outside God's Will .
Rex al Opusunju

When you know God and do His Will , Your Success is guranteed !
Rex al Opusunju

A Man becomes civilized when the Word of God is the rule of his conduct
Rex al Opusunju


Faith is a requirement , not an option .
Myles Munroe

Faith is the only thing in this World Where there is true equal opportunity.
T.D. Jakes

Real Faith in God simply says about one's self what the Word says
Kenneth .E . Hagin

Confess abundance in the face of apparent lack .
Charles Capps

Rex al Opusunju
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No generation will be more civilized than the Word of God

Rex al Opusunju

Civilization begins and terminates in the Word of God
Rex al Opusunju

I never learned how to not do anything . When given a task . No matter What it was. I always accomplished it Successfully.It was many years later that I gave my life to Jesus and learned that; Mat 10:27 "But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God,for with God all things are possible". And my eyes were opened as to Who was with me all the time. He was always with me in all that I did.
John Foreman


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Continue to Pray For the Leadership and People of the Nation of Nigeria
Dr. Rex al Opusunju D.D