Romans 8:10
And if Christ be in you, the body  is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 
Paul's expressions in the above  Scripture text appear as if he is not sure that Christ lives in the Believer in  the power of the Spirit. In contrast he is quite certain of the fact. The  editors of the King James Bible on the other hand leave us with the impression  that Paul was not quite certain of the fact.
This verse should read  thus:
Since Christ  be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the spirit is life because of  righteousness.
Notice the phrase "...Christ be in you...". This simply means  that Christ is resident in your spirit. Your spirit has become His domicile. You  must allow your heart to receive this truth. The awareness of this fact will  cause a revolution in your spiritual life. You can face life's challenges with a  sense of mastery instead of defeat.
...the body is dead because of sin; Your body is animated by the presence of the life  giving Christ within and is unresponsive to sin as a corpse is unresponsive to  the cries of mourning and bereavement around it. This simply means that sin has  lost its appeal to your flesh. Your body can no longer respond to sin's plea  because it is dead to sin. Glory to God!
"...; but the spirit is life because of  righteousness...". This means that the pervading presence of Christ in you  makes your spirit alive to righteousness. You have become spiritually aware of  your right standing with God because of Christ's pervading presence in you.  Glory to God!
Romans 8:11
But if the Spirit of him  that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from  the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in  you.
It is interesting to note that  the same Spirit that has raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you. Be  assured in your mind that God will do no different to your body what He  did to the body of our Lord Jesus When He overwhelmed and permeated it with His  divine presence; raising it from the dead. It is also implied that the body of Jesus  was not only raised from the dead but also healed of every sickness and disease  which he bore for us on the cross. Visualize in your minds eye what the Spirit  of God can and will do to your death-doomed bodies now. He will give life to  it more abundantly. Glory to God !
Rex al Opusunju
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