God does not change but He expects man to change "...for I am the Lord, I CHANGENOT..."( Malachi 3:6). Do not be afraid to change-rather be willing to change.
You will never experience heaven's best in your life until you decide to change. The choice is yours! .
Change your thinking
The greatest need in the church today is for the believers to renew their minds with the word of God:
...be not conformed to this world: BUT BE
MINDS;...(Romans 12:2)
God's thoughts for life is in His word-the Bible. You need to think God's thought-His word after Him. Any thought that is in your mind that contradicts the written word of God is a lie of the devil, and you should resist it in Jesus Name, and have nothing to do with it:
For the weapons of our warfare are
Not carnal, but MIGHTY through God to
The pulling down of strongholds;
Casting down imaginations, and every
High thought that exalts itself
Against the knowledge of God;
(2 Cor.10:4,5).
God will be God to you when you think His thoughts alone-therefore you must have to change your thinking !
Change Your Lifestyle
When your mind is renewed, practicing the word of God becomes easy. The purpose of renewing your mind is for you to become a doer of the word of God and a partaker of the manifold blessings of God.
... be you doers of the word, and not
hearers only, DECIEVING YOUR OWN
(James 1:22)
When you hear the word of God and refuse to practice it, you deceive yourself and the greatest deception in life is self deception. Do not delude yourself rather allow the word of God to affect your lifestyle by practicing it !
Expect the Blessings of God
When you hear the word of God and do it, God will bless you exceedingly. God honors obedience. Never forget this fact for as long as you live. All kinds of blessings you can imagine in your mind, will come home to stay with you, if you live a life of obedience to God. His blessings will fall on you everyday and His presence will go before you all the time. He will give you good success and not a bad one. Your life will be full of peace, contentment, joy, health, love and victory. Are you willing to change?. The choice is yours.  CHANGE!
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Rex al Opusunju
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Dr Rex al Opusunju