Brethren, let each one remain with God in that state in which he was called
(1 Corinthians 7:24)

Many problems arise in the body of Christ from the zeal of ambitious Christians who seek ministries and positions God have not called them to occupy.
Paul the apostle refers to the Church collectively as the body of Christ and individual believers as members of one another.
When any part of the human body is "out of joint" ,this causes pain that effects the well-being of the whole body.
This is true as far as our placement in the body of Christ is concerned.An effective ministry that is out of place in the body of Chrst will cause pain to the rest of the body of Christ.

You can never excel in ministry when you are in the wrong office. Excellence in ministry is tied to God's calling upon our lives.
We must function where we have an annointing because God blesses us when we are in His perfect will.
As a principle you will excel in the ministry of your calling as you faithfully prepare yourself. Seek God to find out your calling.He will show you.
You must seek Him by developing an intimate fellowship with Him through His Word and Prayer.
Your spirit will be built up in the process. You will become aware of the call of God in your own spirit.
You will have the conviction of it in your own heart and a divine compulsion to fulfill it. As you set your heart to obey God, He will equip you with the gifts of the Holy-Spirit that go along with the office He has called you. It will take quite sometime though but He will set you in that office and you will be a blessing because you have the divine enablement to function in your calling.

Many times people fail in ministry because they function in the wrong office. This is dangerous.The calling of God is holy.
In the old testament if someone besides the High-priest intruded into the Holy of Holies,he fell dead instantly because he had intruded into the wrong office.
Failure to remain in the calling or location
God has chosen for us is rebellion and rebellion leads to deception and deception leads directly to the snares of the devil.

I have seen some who are not called to pastor attempt to do so without the call of God along that line.
Frankly speaking pastoring is not the thing to do if you are not called into it because you could do damage to yourself and your family as well as the flock of God.

Take time to wait and see what God wants you to be.
Allow God to make you the minister He wants you to be.
Bear in mind that it takes time for people to become equipped to do what God have called them to accomplish.
Those called must not only be equipped spiritually,they must also mature naturally and mentally.
Stepping out at the proper time is very important.You must ask yourself some basic diagnostic questions when seeking to determine God's call upon your life.
The following questions may be very helpful to you in making that determination: 

Am I certain that God has spoken to me to begin this ministry?
Could I be happy doing anything else?
Am I really prepared to take this huge ministerial step?
Can I stick with this call for a long haul, maybe the next 50 years?

  A negative answer to any of these questions should set off a warning signal in your heart for once you have started, there really is no turning back.

Obedience to the call is more important

  The methods by which men are called into ministry are unimportant.However obedience to the call is important.God could call some people in extraordinary ways. It is possible that you could locate your calling through a vision if God chooses to give you one.
But I counsel you not to seek God to show you a vision. If it is in His will for you to know your calling through a vision He will definitely give you one without you asking Him for it.
Your calling can be confirmed by God through prophecy also.
As a general rule however, prophecy should only confirm the call of God. Saul and Barnabas had their calling confirmed by prophecy in Acts 13:1-2 :

Acts 13:1-2 
    Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. [2] As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.  

The Annointing vs Strong desire

  When a person is called into ministry, an annointing just comes upon him or her to stand in that office. An annointing evidences a divine call to ministry.
A strong desire could in some cases evidence a divine call to ministry also.I believe God will put in your heart a desire to serve Him in the office of your calling.
The key factor we must keep in mind though is to take the time and wait on God and He will make you the minister he wants you to become.
He will give you the strategies also to fulfil His plan for your life when you ask Him through prayer.

Write down the Vision

It is of utmost importance for you to write down the vision and strategies God gives you concerning your calling.
A well defined vision is necessary to keep you on track because without it your work will seem aimless and you will have a difficult time judging whether you are reaching your goals and accomplishing the vision.

Habakkuk 2:2-3  
   And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
[3] For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

   God told Habakkuk to do three things about his vision. Habakkuk was instructed to
write,run and read.
Writing the vision down helps to establish it in your heart. Ask yourself about the direction and strategy that you are following to accomplish your vision. How are you going to accomplish the vision? How are you going to preach the gospel? Is it through crusades, seminars, radio and TV or by establishing a Bible School? As you find out the methods begin to fulfill your calling. Glory to God!      
Dr Rex al Opusunju
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