You might not realize the  importance of the day we are living in. The body of Christ is gradually moving  on to maturity. The word of God is coming forth with greater clarity and  authority. God is raising ministries all over the globe. He is raising voices  that will change the destinies of nations and people. These are voices that will demonstrate His  love and power to a dying world. We are living in an hour of restoration...an hour  of power. The wave of God's glory is here with us now and each new day it  gathers greater momentum. Many who are in the fringes of the wave of God are  left behind. You cannot witness this wave in full by staying on the sideline  either. You need to ride in the fullness of God's glory.  Do not jump into the wave of God's glory without adequate preparation  otherwise you will get drowned in it! God must teach you how to ride His  wave. You must learn to weather the storms of life first and then you will be  ready to sail-beautiful sailing. Glory to God!
A Word of  Advice
Do  not ever despise your little beginnings. You cannot climb God's ladder of  success by starting on the top. You must start from the bottom rung. This is a  hard but valuable lesson to learn. It takes some time for God to equip you for  His purpose. Never forget this-God is never in a hurry. You must learn to keep  pace with Him. You must learn to wait on Him always. His instrument for your equipment is His  word. You must always stay on the word of God. Have a strong sense of commitment for  God's purpose in your life.
Beware of  Competition
We  are not all called to be and do the same thing. Remain content in the calling of  God upon your life. Each individual ministry and calling is peculiar. Stop  comparing yourself with other people. Shun competition as a plague. Seek to  excel in your own calling and you will discover that God rewards faithfulness.  He will promote you in due time if you are not weary of well doing. You will be  all He desires you to be-a blessing!
I Have Good news For  You
When you are faithful and  you make God's purpose your pursuit in life, all kinds of blessings from heaven  will come and visit you. You had better watch out for the blessings of God  because it will fall on you. It will entirely knock your socks out. Good gifts,  perfect gifts will come down from the father of lights to you! I am excited  about the good things from heaven we can enjoy in this life. Are You?
Final  Word
Prepare yourself for  success. Do not make provision for failure. All that you need
in  order to become successful is in your disposal through the Word of God. You are  also carrying God in His fullness in your belly. God is ready to undertake for  you in every emergency of life. Learn to put Him to work. Heaven knows no defeat  . Heaven knows no failure. Everything about God is victory  :
For whatsoever is born of  God
overcomes the world. And  this
is the victory that has  overcome
the world-our  faith
(1John  5:4)
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Rex al Opusunju
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Dr Rex al Opusunju