Jesus offered Himself to rid us of all our guilt
We are cleansed from all Sin and guilt
The law, with  it' s offerings and sacrifices can never make any man perfect
The blood of bulls and goats are powerless to take our sins away
God does not desire the sacrifices and offerings offered under the law
God made a body ready for Jesus to offer on our behalf
God does not delight in the burnt offerings and sin offerings offered under the law
Jesus came to fulfill the will of God
God has annulled and done away with the old Covenant as a means of expiating sin
God has inaugurated and established a New Covenant as a means of expiating sin
We are holy, consecrated and sanctified before God by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all
Jesus offering for our sin avail for all time
He has completely cleansed and perfected us by offering His body as a sacrifice
All these facts are the testimony of the Spirit of God concerning our redemption in Christ Jesus
God's laws are printed upon our hearts
God's laws are inscribed on our mind, innermost thoughts and understanding
God will remember no more all our sins and lawbreaking
We have absolute remission and cancellation of the penalty for our sins and lawbreaking
We have full freedom and confidence to enter into the presence of God by the power and virtue in the blood of Jesus
Jesus has initiated, dedicated and opened this new living way by which we draw near to God by His death.
By Faith we are Justified and absolved from all guilt
We have Peace with God through Jesus Christ
We have access, introduction and entrance into the presence of God
We are standing presently in a state of God's favor
We rejoice and exult because we are experiencing and enjoying the glory of God
We are full of Joy. We are triumphing in our sufferings and troubles.

Dr Rex al Opusunju
Rex al Opusunju
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