Satan is Paralyzed
"...that your love may abound more and more in  knowledge and all discernment..."(Phil.1:9)
For as much then as the  children are partakers
Of flesh and blood, he also  himself likewise took
Part of the same; that  through death he might
Destroy him that had the power of  death that is
The  devil.
And deliver them who  through fear of death were
All their lifetime subject  to bondage.
(Hebrews 2:14,  15)
Thank God Jesus has  delivered us from the bondage of fear of death. I want you to observe the phrase  in our text "...him that HAD the power of death, that is  the devil..."(Hebrews 2:15). Notice that  Satan HAD the power of  death. The implication of this  phrase is that  he had that  "power"sometime but does not seem to have it NOW !;. Satan does not have the power of spiritual  death any longer. Physical death still  remains an enemy to man but it will eventually be put underfoot:
So when this corruptible  has put
on incorruption, and this  mortal has
put on immortality, then  shall be
brought to pass the saying  that is
written"Death is swallowed up  in
(1 Cor.  15:54)
People will continue to die  physically until the saying is brought to pass..."Death is swallowed up in  victory". However our Lord Jesus  Christ has destroyed the authority of Satan who had power over spiritual  death. Rev.  1:17,18 shows us that He actually took from Satan  the keys of hell and death:
And when I saw him, I fell  at his feet as one
Dead. And he laid his right  hand upon me, saying
Unto me "fear not, I am the  first and last: I am
He that liveth and was  dead; and behold, I am
Alive forever more  and I HAVE THE KEYS  OF
(Rev.  1:17,18).
Hell and Death are no  longer under Satan's jurisdiction. The English word"destroy"in our text in Hebrews 12:14,15, is from  the Greek word "Katargeo"which  means : ...to render null and void; to abolish or  bring to naught, make of no effect or paralyze. In His combat with Satan, Jesus left him  paralyzed. Satan was rendered completely powerless and ineffective. In fact Satan was crippled, disabled and  immobilized. I will like us to read  Hebrews 2:14,15 from the Amplified Bible version:
Since therefore[these His]  children share in
Flesh and blood [in the  physical nature of human
Beings], He [Himself] in a  similar manner partook
Of the same [nature], that  by [going through] death
MAKE OF NO  EFFECT him who had the  power
Of death - that is , the  devil
And also that He might  deliver and completely
Set free all those who  through the haunting fear
Of death were held in  bondage throughout the
Whole course of their  lives
(Hebrews 2:14,  15)
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