Well done! You found the profiles for the characters in the show! We got profiles for Rayman and Razorbeard (whom made a cameo), but if you want something different let's see the profiles for the one-timers in the show itself!

She was believed to be the first of the captives held within the circus, but even with that in mind she happens to be a sweet, caring figure for the group. However, underneath the skin of hers lies an inner self that can take out a bad guy or two if she wants to.

There has to be a member of the group that spends his time worrying over everything, and Cookie has to be it. Mind you, he also has time for his two favorite hobbies - making cakes, and ending up in slapstick moments, e.g. being squashed flat and getting slammed behind doors.

This small critter is often referred to as the "dragonfly" by Rigatoni himself, due to her flying with her wings on her back. With the group, she is seen as a bubbly character, even if all she ever does is fly, squeak and look cute.
Lac Mac

He can be seen in the series as an adorable bunny, even if he has two buck teeth sticking out of his mouth.Compared to the others in the group, he can be a bit dim and unwise, but he still has as much common sense as the others.

The circus ringmaster himself, and one with a vile mind set onto Rayman and his crew for capturing. His vile voice can be known to drive anyone up the wall, even if some people don't know how. On top of that, no one knows how his moustache grew like that either. o_O
Inspector Grub

He is the police constable that was sent out to capturing Rayman and his group. Not much can be known about his personality, but what we do know is that he's not as sinister as Rigatoni, and can be often seen driving a bright yellow car. -.o
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