Why's everyone leaving so soon...! Please come back after visiting the links!
Previews of the show - This page, from Emilio3dGraphics, holds previews of the show itself. Wonder if the links still work...?
Rayman TV Series @ The Rayman Fanpage -The Rayman Psychopath has put together a handy little fanpage based on the show. Holds plenty of images to boot. :D
Rayman TV Series Fanpage - Matthias Franke is back with a page on the TV show. Essential for English and German fans.
Buy the video here! - The UbiSoft shopping site is still selling the video, and if you want it you can come here and get it! (note - only available in the US)
Ubi's main page - UbiSoft has a main page for its TV package. Handy if you want information from the developers themselves.
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