The Virginia Muscle Car

Andy's 65 Vette of Today

(65 Coupe, 327/350hp - L79, M22 "Rock Crusher", 370, Sidepipes, Knockoffs)

In has been a while since I owned a vette. Back in the early 70's Bill and I each owned a 61 vette. Bob wanted one too but got caught up with college. However, years ago all of us (Bob, Bill, Andy) had Nomads at the same time (see our Nomad section).. I always liked the 65 mouse motor (small block) fastback, so I felt it was time again and I bought the above in 2003.

I bought this Vette from a Texas owner. When I was looking for a 65, I looked "not" to buy a car from up North because of the salt they use on roads during the winter. Salt damages the frames (especially just before the rear wheels). Bob took this advice when he found his 85 Vette in North Carolina. Anyway, I bought this car from the original owner and he was very particular. I did some background checks on the owner through various means.

The owner told me an interesting story about the car. Many years ago, the owner had gotten some gas at a gas station and left the car running as he went to pay. Some knucklehead hopped into the car and stole it. The owner call the police and the police ended up chasing the stolen Vette. As the police were chasing the Vette they tried to shoot out the rear tires. One of the police remarked: "Man that Vette can really fly!" They missed a couple of times and put bullet holes in the rear quarter panel. Finally, the thief slid the Vette into some sand and got stuck where he was subsequently apprehended and hauled off to the Iron City (jail or Penitentiary). Actually the rear quarter panel had been replaced.

My wife, Cathy, encourages and supports me as you can see in the left above photo. I want to give special thanks and appreciation to Cathy for her understanding. In the above right photo, I am putting on the tag for the first time.

Here I am with the County Chief Bailiff. When he retired, he bought this 94 as a retirement gift to himself for performing years of court duties for the sake of all the Virginia citizens. His tag read "All Rise." (cause here comes the Judge!). Anyway, if you look close at my 65 you can see I added a white racing strip.

Corvette has come out with a new model this year however the pricing has remained high for a mucle car- according to our standards. All things considering, I'd rather have my 65!!!

Background music is "Get Around" originally sung by The Beach Boys and rerendered by Still Surfing ( BTW they have a great CD you can get on this WEBsite ... ~Andy

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