The Virginia Muscle Car

Music Sites

The below are links to several kool sites. One of the things I remember best about our younger days was tooling around in one of our cars with the music on. The music we liked was a key component to our whole car sceen. Although we did not turn the music up like the people of today who I feel cause noise polution, it was just at the right volume so we could hear everything without blowing out an ear drum or two. We kind of looked down on those that had their volume cranked way up. The music we had kind of went along with the rumbling of our motors.

The first site is a group that rerenders The Beach Boys and other similar music. Andy found this group and we have featured some of their renditions on several of our pages. They have a great CD available - check it out - goes great in a Virginia Muscle Car.

The second site, theStatenIslandBoys, was recommended to me by a buddy and co-worker, Kim. Since I used to live on Staten Island before I move to Northern Virginia, the site has held some interest. They have a lot of neat music and services available - take a look. I had struck up a dialog with one of the Staten Island Boys - omniman - straight up kind of guy. He is a Commercial Artist. As a starter, Omni suggests And one of my favorities is his Phil Collins Easy Lover selection - Phenomenal WEB pages - what great visuals!!! Most of their music comes from the 50s with some from the early 60s and later - when times were much different than they are now - listen to what he has to say. If you visit this site, send an email to the omniman saying a friend of Bob's stopped by to listen - thanks!

[email protected]

(Make a selection below; The blue areas indicate a recent update)

StillSurfing - Great Beach Music!

TheStatenIslandBoys - Great Site!

We do not get anything in return for including these links - no reciprocating links, no payment of any kind, nor any returned favors of any kind - nothing to be taxed on ... just good will ... :).

Background music on this page is "Louie Louie" by Kingston Trio (a public domain synthesized version) ~Bob