Remnant of war


Kevin Pitzer (Maputo Mozambique) has sent in this picture and says someone who may be interested in it. He says: Whilst travelling through Gaza province in Mozambique I came across this chopper which I think was shot down at the Barrage on the Limpopo river near Chokwe during Op Uric in 1979. It is incredible as the little town still sports this as a victory sign as it is placed in the middle of the only traffic circle in the town and remains reasonably advertised.The chopper tail is surrounded by outlines of freshly painted white rocks depicting victory and communist stars.There are also a few mounds of white rocks dotted with red which I think depict graves and the blood of the chaps who died. Sadly our guys who died in that chopper have been long forgotten and idiots who probably have no clue of the history carry on celebrating.


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