In 1986, Renault Italia sponsored research on wild wolves in the Abruzzo region. They donated this Renault 4 to monitor a radio-collared wild wolf 24 hours a day that had been captured in Pagliari di Thione (Italy), a medieval village that remained abandoned for years. Italian wolves thrive in this place because its mountainous location is inaccessible to anything but people on foot or on mule.

This Renault 4 was modified with bullbars, a motor winch, additional lights and fog lights, a special wheel set and two spare wheels (one under the trunk, the other above the engine, now moved on the top of the car to enhance the visibility), a large top luggage holder, a steel plate covering the engine base, a divisor for the inner luggage compartment and a safety box. But the major difference is a special antenna mounted in the top of the car, to radio monitor the wolf (not shown in this picture, but you can see the cable of the antenna and the tube where the antenna was mounted, just above the front window).

© Figueira 2003

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