Our Ride


The Whirl pool Jet Boat Tours Office and the Jet Boats at the docks

This is the beginning of our third and final run. The upper left photo shows our jet boat is about to go into that huge wave off to the starboard side. Can you see Carol and me (circle) looking right into it? We could see we were about to get wet, but we had no idea what was about to happen.

In the upper left photo, the huge wave comes completely over the boat and inundates all the riders. The force and weight of the water was tremendous! I have never experienced anything like that before! In the last photo, the water is spillng out over the port side (notice the trough it makes).

Epilogue: Carol and I really loved this thrilling adventure! It was by no means dangerous or scarey - just wet. We had brought full changes of clothing, as advised, and although we were buttoned-up in our rain gear from head to toe, we got thoroughly drenched! The warm, dry clothes were certainly needed and welcomed. If you are ever in the Niagara Falls vicinity, and want the boat ride of your life, first visit the website I have linked below for you.

Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours

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