Space Signatures
Collecting Astronaut and Cosmonaut Autographs
On October 29, 1998, I sat in my 8th grade class room in awe over what I was witnessing.  On the TV in front of me was the much anticipated launch of the STS-95 Space Shuttle mission, when John Glenn made his return to space.  On that date, the goals of my life changed and ever since then I have wanted to become an astronaut.  About a year later, I wanted to do something to make me feel involved in the program somehow so I decided to write to one of the astronauts; the first one I wrote to was John Young.  A few months later, I recieved a response and inside the envelope was a signed photo.  I didn't request an autograph but I got one anyway and as a result, I began to write to other astronauts and asking for autographs.  As time went on, my collection began to grow, and is continuing to do so.

This web site is ment to encourage others to join this rather small hobby.  I have found great joy in collecting these autographs and I would like to spread this joy to others.  All the autographs in my collection are portrayed here, for comparison and identification of autographs visitors may have recieved; it is also the best way I can think of to desplay my collection so others can see it.  I will be constantly adding new autographs so be sure to check back frequently.

Be sure to visit the guestbook here at the site and talk with other space flight enthusiasts and collectors.  If you would like to leave a comment about the site or collecting space autographs please do so.  This is also a good place to ask questions about the hobby, or I can be contacted via e-mail to answer any questions.

None of the items here are for sale in any way.  Please do not e-mail me and try and buy any of them, I won't sell them for any price.    
American Astronauts
Soviet/Russian Cosmonauts
International Astronauts/Cosmonauts
Deceased Astronauts/Cosmonauts
New Autographs

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