Heart by Britney Spears
Heart, I know I've been hard on you.
I'm sorry for the things I've put you through,
Before, you start to break on me,
Or ask for sympathy,
I need to make you see,
Oh heart, I'm not sure it's been long enough,
To say that I feel is really love,
There is just one way to learn,
Sometimes we'll get burned,
And right now it's our turn,
Give it time,
Help me through,
Heart, we can do this together,
You're my strength,
You're my soul,
I need you now more than ever,
Heart, all the hurt will soon be gone,
If you, if you just keep on beating strong,
You will always be my friend,
So keep on hanging in,
And we'll find love again,
Give it time,
Help me through,
Heart, we can do this together,
You're my strength,
You're my soul,
I need you now more than ever,
Heart, I know I've been hard on you,
I'm sorry for the things I've put you through,
Please don't you break on me,
I need to make you see,
It wasn't meant to be,
Cuz you will always be my friend,
So keep on hanging in,
And we'll find love again
On a dark rainy night, with a bright starry sky, chaos consumes a city. Happiness and sadness come two and two. Two and two equals three in a city and world that has more carefree lives than unforgettable deaths. A crowded careless city.....
  A teenage boy furiously storms out of a restaurant and runs across town away from his parents. He is not a spoiled brat, but like most humans, have bad days at bad times.
  The boy is of a rich family. His parents were the stereotypical humble rich people. Passive, liberal, business people. They had all they wanted, even a son- their only son so far. A lot of money has been spent on technology and research on attempting to spread their love through natural ways- they cherished love and nature equally.
  But enough of that.
  The boy runs.
The ignorance of my parents to give me such a thing He thought. Yes, gifts, cake, money.... What will that give me? My birthday.... A day that is not a celebrated. My parents give me gifts and smile, but after that when I am bleeding, they will tell me to clean up after myself- to clean my own blood over to care for his/her own family... that is what they have chosen. My gosh.... I hate my nosebleeds. The boy looks up into the dark clouds on this rainy night as the blood on his face is washed off. He walks to wash off the blood on his clothes as he walks off. 
         The boy didn't know what happened, but all of a sudden it seemed like as if he had been pulled in between heaven and hell. His mind was racing at the speed of light. Random memories came to mind. He felt like as if he was running from place to place. The rain was gone on everywhere except his shirt, except it was thick. He ran to his birth, his infancy, to his first day of high school, to his first day of junior high and back again. All his memories that were ever remembered were being recalled right now. Suddenly the floor had disappeared and he fell back into it and back down to earth again...
          A car was next to him. "Oh my god."   On the outside. It felt like as if a blade went into his heart.
Heh... This is how it ends. He thought to himself. Blood was all over himself. Paramedics tried to revive him as quickly as possible. "That's the Bradley's son... Quick! Hurry him to the E.R."
"Oh my god...,"  a voice of a boy around his age said.
"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Nothing to see here."
"Sir, we will need you to come down to the station for some questioning."
           Though rich, he was also diligent and did not like taking the easy way out unless he had no choice to. What was logical was on his mind and what he thought was not on his parents'. He considered them inconsiderate. He thought his parents were double agents for the government when he was young, since it seemed that they had double lives. He never found out whether there was any truth to that or even which government they wanted to work for since they had so much money, but he did know that his parents seemed to never know where they were or what to do whenever the family was all together. They could never discipline him or else he would not be walking in the rain. They could not keep him healthy for they always criticized him for his bad habits, which lead to things such as nosebleeds. They could not help him study for though they spoke so many different languages, they could not explain nor teach well (at least) to their son. The boy taught himself, since the day he walked. He knew the day he walked that his parents would be proud of their "investments" no matter how careless they actually were with them.
              The boy walked around pondering on how bad his day was by looking on the busy street of the city. This was the place where he had grown up and everything he knew was here.
               He gazed at the glass of an old restaurant- one of which he and his best friend had first met. It was possible that his friend was dead now as the two best friends had not spoken since his parents sent their son to private school, not bothering to give messages on time or letters to mailboxes, despite all servants. "Son, if it was important, your friend would've called again," the boy remembered his father saying.
"If it was important, son, you would've had the brains to remind us," the boy remembered his mother saying.
               He ran towards the playground, where was innocent and cheerful all until he was ten and too big for the playground.
               He ran toward the school, where he was always teased and made fun of and where his parents never met him, besides the first day where he was dropped off for his first day of school- to live and survive and fend on his own.
               He ran again- ran again and again into the dark streets filled with blinding lights, fog and drenching rain..
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