Hahahahaha! I thought college was hard. Saving a world and not interfering is hard, especially the interfering part. I never thought I was a smart person till now. All my years of studying actually have an applicable use apparently. Well here's how it started.....

      Just to tell you being invincible alone, can not be the only thing that can save you. I learned it the hard way. It took me years, but hopefully for you people, I can help you understand in... well... a much shorter time. I was done with high school, was anticipating college, and ready.
      I was ready.... I was on my way to college. College boy. Girls, less stress on grades, freedom, no parents, THE WORKS!

      I got on the elevator...  I took it myself. I should've taken the moment to stay with my family and old friends here at the same time, but I took it by myself- I feeling I could get used to. I could see the numbers light up as I was going up. Ascending, not only to the terminal, but to the top of the world.

      I fell down.... the elevator with me. I could feel the forces of gravity and the air rip my body to all different places... The luggage bags tore open. Clothes were scattered all over the place. Over my eyes, but it didn't matter for I didn't need to see to feel the wind rush and the speed of the shaft to increase.
      I fell deeper and deeped down the shaft.... I could swear tha I could break the sound barrier. Suddenly....

I was running cheerfully, with my brother. As we raced home, I ran into into somebody hard, while into smiling and then all of a sudden seemed to have passed out....
                Page 2: Immunwhere
                I could only see darkness. Who knows how far down I had fallen? I could not see the elevator or pieces of it anywhere, so I had assumed that the elevator had somehow went threw the ground floor. How? I could not answer. How did I live? I did not know, but I was grateful- at the time, at least. I could only not comprehend what was going to happen next.
                I suddenly heard growling. I thought it was a dog that was let loose, but I was terribly wrong, unless the dog was seven foot and bear-gorilla looking... "Bigfoot!" I yelled for help hoping that someone in the airport would at least tell me what the creature that was trying to attack me was, but no answer.
               I had escaped, the basement, to what seemed to be a grassy field. Where the hell was I? I pondered. It was a bright sunny day on a dark green grassy field in the middle of nowhere. It was a peaceful sight opposed to the dark one with the bear-like creature in it, but I was still bothered. Being lost, really did bother me from appreciating how I could hear the wind blow through the tress. Not like one from a car passing by and honking as mud splattered all other the place, but a peaceful silence from the tree.
              I was in a new world somehow. How? I did not know, but heck, I figured I'd at least try and look for civiilization.
             "Going somewhere boy?" I heard a woman's voice. "Up here!" I tried to get the sun out of my eyes so I could see if she was human or not.
             "Do you know where I could find a town of some sort by any chance?" I said as I took a look at the woman. She was in clothes that were in a raggy type of colors, like if she was a barbarian or something, but the thing was she didn't smell and it didn't seem to be dirt or anything on her. More as if her clothes weren't genuine. She was carrying a bow and arrow as well. However, it wasn't something you'd see back home or at any archery range I've seen before at least. The bow seemed to be the size of a large harp and the arrows seemed to be the size of missiles.
              The girl responded with a giggle and jumped off the tree without fear and concern, but with delight instead. She jumped ten feet in the air again and landed twenty feet away from me. She did it again and again and again and - I hurried to run to catch up with her, since she could probably find civilization or give me food or some sort of weapon to protect me from animals such as that one that was after me before in the mysterious cave. What kind of human being leaves someone in the middle of nowhere without even the help of a map? What kind of world was this?
Make up a name for the girl. She's really in an advanced race and is only pretending to be an amazon, which is why here clothes aren't genuine.
It is revealed that something is wrong with his QNC- quantum nucleic code and when his body accelerated down in the elevator that he was somehow transferred to another world due to his QNC defect. His QNC enables him powers that he would not have if his QNC was from that of this world's. Since he's stuck here he has no choice, but to help the world that he's stuck on and always wanted to travel anyway.
The reason why it's called Immunity, is like Diplomatic Immunity. He can be sent to jail for laws, but he can't die since his QNC is from that of another world's.
However, stuff that is worse can happen.....
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