In a dark dark world, where corruption runs through the water that people drink,
Where there are not only those who want to drink water that is unpure.
In a world, where there are few people who live lives God can be proud of.
However, humanity has a chance. There is a cup found not of this Earth, but of the heavens.
A cup that allows one to go to heaven whatever the cost.
Many men have died to look for it, but that is not even the problem of finding.
It is man that is the problem, a problem that cost people from going to heaven.
Why is it that you children can't learn how to share?
         The fields are filled with blood and filth. This world was nothing, but a wasteland. Thousands to millions flocked towards the highest moutains. "Where else would a cup of heaven be?" they all asked.
         A man looks at them. He is wearing a cloth of pure white and his body itself was all white and pale.  The pupils of his eyes were so white that the color almost blended with the color of the rest of his eye. No blood vessel could be seen from there nor from any other part of his skinny frail body. He has enough strength to hold the only thing that he has that is not white- a staff ten feet high. "This is not only a world of blind selfishness, but a world of superstitution as well." With a wave of his hand the clouds rained rays of gold and put them in the mountains. "So be it," the man looked in the air. The man had a long beard. The beard went from ten feet above his head to the air right below his feet, but the beard did not touch anything else, not even the long cane that is of the same size. Perhaps, not even air molecules or even their electrons would be anywhere close to his clothes.
         A man appeared next to him. He wore all black thunderbolts and red. He was a bit muscular and more athletic. His eyes were filled of dilated large dark pupils. One couldn't see any white on his body at all as the clothes were draped all other him and he seemed to have an skin tanned to ash. "A deal with the devil? I was once new to this world as well. What is worse than death has happened and shaken the realms and universes. To be successors of ourselves... to be immortal of this immoral world. Shame this is."
"In Canaan, they will find the land of milk and honeys... as the pharaoh remains with Egypt slaveless, but full of spite, unlike the Israelites and their aura-filled stomachs."
"And of this world, a flood had destroyed these worlds of Sodom and Gemorrah once more."
"Humanity still has a chance."
"God has given us a deadline. He is a tired old man no matter how wise he is."
"Perhaps we will entertain him, unlike this boring pacifism and bloodshed."
"I would hope so, my neighbor. It is the last thing we can do for the old child of the understood millenia young."
"How naive and senile he has become. It is for the best."

         Far away, a battle has just been fought. The remains of the battle were of one similar to that of the one the men stated before had seen. A man in peasant clothes looks at his tired dirty mud-filled hands tired of fighting. "Years have gone by. I have not seen a child around and I am happy for this bloodshed should not be seen by any eyes, especially that of young children. Why is it that we have gone this far just for a cup to heaven?"
        A man in clothes of rich silks next to him simply smiled. "We ask for the cup of heaven that way we can get out of hell. Those who show the most effort to get the cup will be rewarded dearly."
       "And those who die and go to hell?"
       "Won't be much far off. We'll all die as this world lives. Those with good lives, the few will be happy with their life on Earth pretty much no matter what happens; those who do not worry will be the fortunate. However, those are the few. And I shall lead us to victory." The man looking at his dirty hands the entire time then looks at the hands of the man he's speaking to. They are filled with dark mud covered in blood. "No worries, my friend. Don't think of this as the easy way. I know the fifth. God never plays favorites, but if God would give us this opportunity to go to heaven, he'd like us to use it. Why else would he sacrifice his own son for us?"
        The peasant man simply nods. "I will follow you till the end of the world, my savior. I will follow you to the end of this physical life, my savior. I will follow you till we get to the house of honeys and milk. I will follow you and the faith of our religion. Our blind faith is what will keep us together and keep us holy and keep us wholly till the day God accepts us and shakes hands with us as we marry him and move into heaven," the peasant man faded into the background.
         Three men appeared. "Summoned my lord?"
         "Yes, my advisors, since childhood. What have you to offer me?"
         The men stood silently. "Physically, we will give you the world. Spiritually, however, this world is tainted to destruction," the one in blue spoke.
         "Your followers are not of the strictest of allegiance to us. If they will not do so, then they will all die in a world of endless pain. I know you are aware of the consequences, my lord, but if they are not to follow you and God's word, they will never be able to drink from the cup," the one in green spoke.
         "Even of the closest of your followers," the man in purple spoke. They all looked at the peasant.
         "He is ignorant and listened to by little. If we do not help him, no body else will," the rich man of silks spoke.
         "There is no harm in helping those who are damned," the green one spoke. The three advisors walked away.
         The rich man walked around. Confused on what to do, he tries to get advice from a book in his hand. For a minute, the book was a blur as if he was dyslexic, but just went on reading the book.
          "Where do you wish for us to serve you, my lord?" another man spoke right next to the leader.
          "I wish to stay here. No need for our bodies to be tired for our Lord's work..."
          "Yes, my lord," the lieutenant retorted and walked back to where he came from.
          The peasant man then walked back into the scene. "Master, messenger, messiah....," he cried. He was in fear. "I can hear some mourning. I can smell fear. I see a bright light. Is this a sign, my master? Is this a sign of our Lord or a sign of madness?!" the man yelled while shaking the collar of his leader. "I must know!" He yelled in a panic not being able to stop shaking.
           The rich looking leader, looked back at his book and pondered upon the peasant's actions. "All things are a sign from God," he answered, while looking at the stars. "This dead Earth, this world of fight, of famine, of suffering. It is all a test of dedication. Sin was created for a reason too. Perhaps, we live only in Sodom and Gemorrah. And our father wishes to save us from destruction. Perhaps, that is why we must drink of our blood from the cup of Sin...."
Those who don't live the right life will die in misery, in hell...
The Demon Clan
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