Started 6/25/01 Updated 8/29/06 (The pic makes fun of FF7... bleh...)- Probably going to take it off..
If you got questions for video games or wutever, just ask me [email protected] and i'll post them on this page. Meanwhile, I gotta find more pics and figure out how to use this to upload music. 
Warning: I might also include my own fanfics on my fanfic page if there is to be one. lol. If u wanna find me on (starcraft/broodwars), my sn is P.E.Monarch. Counterstrike:
Updated 9/15/01
On my vacation, I bought Paper Mario and Sid Meier's Gettysburg. So exciting... lol. Diaries and Journals are so much more boring than I'm writing now....
Paper Mario (possibly Super Mario RPG 2?)
   Better than Super Mario RPG 1? Maybe not. The game's much worse since Intelligent Systems made it instead of Squaresoft Inc. I prefer the Mario & Luigi handheld series. Also, less original characters, "Pokemon."
   Battle System: It's sorta like Pokemon, except the trainer (Mario) does most of the work. The partners are pretty cool. Sorta like getting pokemon instead joining the party. You can't get more than 50 HP/FP/BP (you'll find out what they are if you get the game) and it's pretty boring since practically all attacks are less than 10 damage.
   Plot: Sorta like the Bowser VS. Mario thing except he beats up Mario before capturing the Princess; he's actually pretty stupid for not making sure Mario's gone for good and not attacking him before he gets to full power, but what can I say? There'd be no plot instead of a stupid one.
game on.
Fanfic site! Writing for 10 years. Final Fantasy & my own short stories
Started 7/4/01 Updated 4/19/02
Updated 7/16/01
     After going to my cousin's house for the weekend, I have seen some cool parts of some PS2 games.
     Twisted Metal
     Music, Graphics, Movies: The difference between this game and the other Twisted Metals? It's actually Twisted. See the  movies to find out and the characters to find out.
     Plot: I don't really noe much about the plot. I know that all of the Twisted Metals had to do with had to do with a Twisted Metal tournament, and that the first one was in the US and the second was in the World, but have no idea where black's is.
Updated 9/5/01
     The plot has to do with a tournament "made by this guy named Kalypso" as usual. If you've seen the movies, you'll know why I put that in quotation marks. The twisted drivers all join the tournament all join the tournament for boons, redemptions, revenge, and/or just for the fun of it. Lots of cool specials..
The Phantasy Star Pages
Phantasy Star Cave
Kefka's Final Fantasy 3 Dominion
Enter Kaliron's Phantasy Zone #1
Going to add some more reviews... Ghost in the Shell, Ehrgeiz, Shenmue & other games people haven't heard of.
The Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Online
SquareSound- Home of great FF music
Ez to get FF music & arrangements
At Play
Old FFCX NewsletterWebsite
FF Classes Quiz
OML Rom Topsites
Blizzard Club X Issue 52
Square-Enix Play Online
Unofficial FFIX Website
FF Compendium- FF the study..
PS2: Capcom Fighting Evolution (not sure about the features, but it's the biggest mix of games, not characters ever), Guilty Gear Usuki (I think... that's what the spelling was... Fighting Force meets Guilty Gear..) WHY AREN'T ALL THESE NEW GAMES IN ARCADES?!
Other XBox notable games: Otogi, Ninja Gaiden, Prince of Persia, Jade Empire, Star Wars: KOTOR
Toonami Reactor:
Batman "Lost episode," Old commercials of old toonami shows, Video game reviews.
DefJamVendetta = A LINEAR wrestling game w/ TNA knockouts, rap music & Ultimate Muscle specials! (overrated) My brother bought a gamecube a couple years ago apparently..
Wanted list: Sonic Racers, Zelda: Twilight Princess, FF12, KingdomHeart, Otogi, , Battlefield 2, MarioKart: DoubleDash, StarFox: Assault, LocoRoco, KatamaryDamacy, Ultimate Spiderman (w/ Venom cover), Elebits
Crappy Computers, but Good Games
To send a link, e-mail [email protected]
Creative Uncut
UBAnime & Adella's Cosplay?
Spiderman PS > Spiderman the Movie PS2 (Had good features like Stealth mode, but extra villains/heroes) don't move the plot & the ending is horrible- Tobey McGuire kisses a much older woman who is obviously not Kirsten Dunst in front of his best friend's father's dead body.
New: Ridiculous list of stuff that should be in Smash Bros Brawl that I might not even like
Fallen Angel & Comic Books: Move to wrestling
FF8 notes: Go to Galbadia sewer for early access to Red Bat (Drain) & Creeps fight
not get the Shumi Village Timber Maniacs if you want 3 ppl in the Laguna vs Red Dragon dream sequence.
Read about Zell's Love Quest at the beginning of the game.
Ragnarok Propagators- Yellow last; Green Saves, Red where you start.
9: Tantarian
7: Epyon's fort condor. my battle 4 is lvl 25
Celeb Women of Warcraft?! Celeb WOW!
Cool street fighter controller
Cool FF6 flash launch
MY Ehrgeiz site 2006.
Power Rangers vg separate?
X-Men Legends (tech tree) guide soon too?, Chibi Robo
2 crewmen/Arbiter level.
My cool friends' fake SvR boxart
DB ROM aka DB episode- PW site
Booster's portraits unlike GameFAQS 453621
What I wish I got: Only US Record of Lodoss Game
Watch the Excalibur 2 challenge
Do I really care for this pic?
Resident Evil 4 Tips.
Fought two lvl 10 geodude in Odeburgh Mine. Diff gamefaqs use diff info- items, lvls. Day/Night.
Fighting Games 2004:
Jet Set Radio 3?
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