Original Series Episodes

First Season

1. The Cage

2. Where No Man Has Gone Before

3. The Corbomite Manuver

4. Mudd's Women

5. The Enemy Within

6. The Man Trap

7. The Naked Time

8. Charlie X

9. Balance of Terror

10. What are Little Girls Made Of?

11. Dagger of the Mind

12. Miri

13. The Conscience of the King

14. The Galileo Seven

15. Court Martial

16. The Menagerie, Parts I and II

17. Shore Leave

18. The Squire of Gothos

19. Arena

20. The Alternative Factor

21. Tomorrow is Yesterday

22. The Return of the Archons

23. A Taste of Armageddon

24. Space Seed

25. This Side of Paradise

26. The Devil in the Dark

27. Errand of Mercy

28. The City on the Edge of Forever

29. Operation -- Annihilate!

Second Season

30. Catspaw

31. Metamorphosis

32. Friday's Child

33. Who Mourns for Adonais?

34. Amok Time

35. The Doomsday Machine

36. Wolf in the Fold

37. The Changeling

38. The Apple

39. Mirror, Mirror

40. The Deadly Years

41. I, Mudd

42. The Trouble with Tribbles

43. Bread and Circuses

44. Journey to Babel

45. A Private Little War

46. The Gamesters of Triskelion

47. Obsession

48. The Immunity Syndrome

49. A Piece of the Action

50. By Any Other Name

51. Return to Tomorrow

52. Patterns of Force

53. The Ultimate Computer

54. The Omega Glory

55. Assignment: Earth

Third Season

56. Spectre of the Gun

57. Elaan of Troyius

58. The Paradise Syndrome

59. The Enterprise Incident

60. And the Children Shall Lead

61. Spock's Brain

62. Is There No Truth in Beauty?

63. The Empath

64. The Tholian Web

65. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

66. Day of the Dove

67. Plato's Stepchildren

68. Wink of an Eye

69. That which Survives

70. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

71. Whom the Gods Destroy

72. The Mark of Gideon

73. The Lights of Zetar

74. The Cloud Minders

75. The Way to Eden

76. Requiem of Methuselah

77. The Savage Curtain

78. All Our Yesterdays

79. Turnabout Intruder

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Last Updated August 19, 1997.

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