~About Rider~
      As I said before, her real name, her heroic spirit, is Medusa. Medusa is the Gorgon from greek mythology.
~Medusa's History...
        Medusa, along with her sisters, Stheno and Eurayle (sometimes spelled Euryale), were born from the wishes of mankind for ideal goddesses, contrasting the flawed gods of Olympus. All three Gorgons were blessed with beauty, but unlike her sisters, Medusa was mortal, and fated to grow older and taller over time. Medusa was also cursed with Mystic Eyes, which transmute all living flesh under her gaze into stone, requiring her to wear a blindfold. Because of these differences, she was bullied by her older sisters. At one point, Medusa was given her Pegasis as a gift from Poseidon.       
        Jealous of the sisters' allure, Athena goaded the Gorgon's worshippers into attacking them, forcing the sisters to take refuge on the Shapeless Isle. This disgrace left Medusa bitter and spiteful of humans, her resent intensifying as she killed invading men who lusted after her sisters. Over the years, Medusa became eager to slaughter and ingest humans, which spread infamy about her as an icon of terror. These fears, like the desires that gave birth to the Gorgons, distorted Medusa's appearence and incarnated her into the atrocious Gorgon of legend. Despite their teasing, Stheno and Eurayle deeply loved their sister, and upon realizing they were responsible for her savagery, allowed Medusa to devour them. Eventually, the demigod Perseus, equipped with five Noble Phantasms, proved capable enough to decapitate Medusa, ending her tortured and dismal life. As she died, Medusa realized that however poorly Stheno and Eurayle treated her, she had treasured the time she spent with them, and would later consider those experiences as her fondest memories.
        While Shinji is not Rider's original Master, she still obeys his commands as a dutiful servant. However, Rider holds no love for Shinji and sees him as vile and predatory. Also, it is hinted at in the anime and more strongly suggested in the game, that Shinji had been using command spells to have non-consensual sex with Rider.

         Aside from that, Rider is empathetic of Sakura because of their similar backgrounds and seeks to protect her whenever possible. And like many of the Servants who participated in the 5th Holy Grail War, Rider has no motivation for seeking the Holy Grail.
        In the game, Rider dies in 2 out of the 3 scenerios. In Fate, which the anime follows the closest, she is killed by Saber's excallibur. In Unlimited Blade Works, she is killed when her throat is crushed by Caster's Master. In Heaven's Feel, she is freed from her indenture to Shinji and assists Shirou in fighting Dark Saber and Angra Mainyu. She survives in HF and is able to live on with Sakura because of Sakura's abundant mana.
      In Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, two new characters appear who bear a resemblance to Rider. This is because they are Rider's sisters, Stheno and Eurayle. However I do not know what role they play in Hollow Ataraxia.

      If you have any information regarding these two new characters, please email me and let me know...
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