Riley's Story
Last Updated January 24, 2005
Photo Gallery
E-mail Riley's Mommy Riley Ann
Before I Was A Mom
What Worked For Us
was born on December 22, 2001 with an Incomplete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Complete Cleft Palate and Alveola Ridge (gum line), and Amniotic Band Syndrome affecting all fingers and thumb on her right hand, her index and middle fingers on her left hand and her middle and fourth toes on her left foot.
Baby Brother Aidan
Photos December 2004
January 24, 2005
February 6, 2004
October 24, 2003
July 4, 2003
June 19, 2003
April 23, 2003
February 6, 2003
Wide Smiles
Cleft Palate Foundation
5 Days Old
3 Year Portrait
Cleft Advocate
March 27, 2002 (13 weeks old) � Cleft lip repair and nose surgery, and Tubes put in ears, performed at Columbus Children�s Hospital by Dr. Robert Ruberg and Dr. Michael Martyn

May 9, 2002 (4 � months old) � Release of amniotic band on right thumb by Z-plasty, performed at Columbus Children�s Hospital by Dr. Loree Kalliainen

November 7, 2002 (10 � months old) � Cleft palate repair, release of amniotic bands on right pinky finger, right middle finger and right index finger, the webbing between her fingers on her right hand cut back, and skin graft from her groin area placed between her fingers, performed at Columbus Children�s Hospital by Dr. Robert Ruberg and Dr. Loree Kalliainen

Future Surgeries
Lip and nose revisions around age 4
Bone graft for gum line around age 7
Possible teeth implants
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