these following paragraphs are by no means official statements of a philosophy that the group must adhere to, but rather descriptions of beliefs and values that have inspired this project, and which i (jonathan) provide for you to muse over, and respond to if you're so inclined.  ([email protected]). 
voluntary simplicity

        by choosing to live simply we livc counter to the "all-consuming" mass media culture and the tremendous economic and ecological injustice it represents.  together, we can help each other live in simpler yet more abundant ways.  abundance of joy, abundance of health, abundance of spirit, abundance of hope.  thru simplicity we can minimize our ecological footprint on the planet, and grow towards a more mindful, improvisational, grassroots, do-it-yourself (with a little help from your friends), sharing and egalitarian, creative culture.

if we can share our spirituality, we have a 'glue' for our community.  the spirit is expressed in faith, art, word and song, tear, smile and stillness.  some pray, some sing, some meditate, some would love to learn how to do these and some would love to teach.  spirituality is an exploration and an appreciation of that which is sacred and valued in life.  our One World is filled with many worlds.  by sharing our indiviual paths in discussion and practice, and by celebrating our diversity, we can find ways to heal the disunity and misunderstanding that exists in the world.  then we can create new understanding and harmony.
intentional community

by telling our true names to each other, by interweaving our stories and by struggling together, we can embrace our differences and find the common ground from where we grow.  when we choose to live together and share our lives, our happiness and sorrows, bridges are formed and new roads made that can overcome the isolating forces of today.  operating on a consensus decision-making model invites the participation of everyone in the group, and promotes an atmosphere of inclusiveness.  to be included allows for wants and needs to be expressed, and for each to then take responsibility for their desires in a supportive structure.  one of the challenges facing us in our world is helping people to find their voice, equipping everyone with the ability to communicate openly, honestly and effectively.  no community works without communication, and so by  committing to the processes of intentional community we affirm the importance of collective, cooperative efforts in the peaceful resolution of all conflicts.  collaboration in the very act of living brings the delights of shared creation, an experience that can be described as a higher level of conciousness when many spirits and minds are working as one.
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