Hosts of the Dax Symbiont

·  Lela, The first host to the Dax symbiont. Lela was a legislator, one of the first women to be named as a council member. Lela had a son named Ahjess. Jadzia recalled that after Ahjess was tucked into bed at night, he would climb into his mother's bed two hours later for attention.

·  Tobin, Second host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Lela Dax. Tobin Dax had a child named Raifi, who caused Tobin some difficulty over the years. Though Tobin was socially inept and unimaginative (according to Jadzia), he was renowned for his knowledge of phase coil inverters. Tobin was the only Dax host to try his hand with botany, but didn't have much success. While on Vulcan Tobin Dax met noted Cardassian poet Iloja of Prim. Tobin used to dabble in slight-of-hand magic. Prior to his death, Tobin worked on a new proof of Fermat's last Theorem.

·  Emony, Third host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Tobin Dax. Emony was a gymnast who discovered that her coordination improved following her joining. Emony was on Earth around 2245 to judge a gymnastics competition. While there, she met and had a romance with Leonard McCoy while he was a student at the University of Mississippi.

·  Audrid, Fourth host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Emony Dax. Audrid was head of the Trill Symbiosis Commission, as well as a loving mother to at least two children. Audrid had a daughter named Neema. At age six, Neema spent two weeks in the hospital with rugalan fever. During her stay, Audrid read all 17 volumes of 'Down The River Light' to Neema, even though the child was unconscious at the time. Fifteen years later Audrid and her daughter were not on speaking terms and would not be for another eight years. Audrid died in 2284.

·  Torias, Fifth host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Audrid Dax. Torias was married to a joined Trill woman named Nilani Kahn. Torias hosted the Dax symbiont for less than a year before he was critically injured in a shuttle accident in 2285 and according to official Trill records, remained comatose for six months following the accident. Despite the efforts of the Trill physicians caring for him, Torias isoboramine concentrations fell below acceptable levels and the Dax symbiont was removed. Torias death was recorded on stardate 8615.2. Official Trill records show that the Dax symbiont was subsequently implanted into Curzon; the fact that it was implanted into Joran is not reflected in commission records. Sisko's discovery that the Dax symbiont was placed into Joran Belar following Torias's injury seems to place Torias's death six months earlier than this "official"date of death.

·  Joran, sixth host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Torias Dax. Joran was an unbalanced individual who was joined for only six months before committing a murder. Records of Joran's existence were suppressed by the Symbiosis Commission.

·  Curzon, Seventh host to the Dax symbiont, succeeding Joran Dax. Curzon was a noted diplomat. In 2289 some years before the Khitomer accords, Curzon Dax walked out on a speech by Kang at the Korvat colony, angering Kang, but opening the door for understanding. Dax eventually won the respect of his Klingon colleagues and was deeply honored when Kang named his firstborn son for Dax, and made Dax the child's godfather. When the boy was murdered by the Albino, Dax swore a blood oath to avenge the death. Although Curzon Dax did not live to fulfill the promise, Jadzia Dax did so in 2370.
Curzon and Benjamin Sisko were good friends when sisko was an ensign, a friendship that they maintained for nearly two decades. Curzon first met Ben Sisko at the Palios Station. They served together aboard the U.S.S. Livingston. Curzon knew Ben from before Jake's birth. He also was friends with Starfleet officer turned Maquis sympathizer, Calvin Hudson. Curzon used to assign Ben Sisko to guide VIP guests while under his command so the Trill wouldn't have to deal with them.
Curzon acted as Jadzia's field docent and recommended she be dropped from the initiate program, noting that he felt she lacked a sense of purpose. She did not realize until years later that Curzon's harsh evaluation had spurred her to re-examine her purpose so

that she eventually did win the opportunity for joining. Despite his early opinion of Jadzia, Curzon did not object when at the end of Curzon's life, Jadzia asked to become the next host. Jadzia learned the true reason for Curzon's recommendation was that he had fallen in love with Jadzia during the young womans initiate program. Curzon died in 2367 The Dax symbiont was subsequently implanted in Jadzia.

·  Jadzia, Eight host of the Dax symbiont, succeeding Curzon Dax. Jadzia was a Science officer at Deep Space 9. Jadzia had wanted to become host to a Trill symbiont since she was a child and worked very hard at winning this honor. Jadzia was a brillant but shy young woman. She did extremely well in the initiate program, winning premier distinctions in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics and exoarchaeology and even won a third level pilots certificate. Nevertheless, her training under Curzon Dax, her field docent, went poorly.
As Jadzia, Dax had been a close friend of Benjamin Sisko, but she noted that such friendships are often difficult to maintain when a Trill has a new host, particularly one of a different gender.
In 2370 Jadzia almost died when a Trill named Verad briefly stole her symbiont. Later that year, Jadzia honored Curzon's blood oath of vengeance against the Albino and accompanied Kor, Kang, and Koloth to Secarus IV to kill him. She battled the Albino, but could not bring herself to kill him.
As an attractive young woman, Dax dre the attentions of many men, including Dr. Julian Bashir. Dax considered herself above such interests.
Like Curzon, she had a great fondness for Klingon food and Klingon music Daqx learned a great deal about her past in 2371, when she underwent her zhian'tare ceremony. In the zhian'tare ceremony a Trill's friend embody the personalites of the symbiont's earlier hosts, giving the joined Trill the opportunity to meet his or her earlier selves.
Jadzia found herself strongly attracted to Strategic Operations officer Worf. Dax's familiarity with Klingon culture was helpful in winning his attentions in 2373. She and Worf were married one year later.
Jadzia was unceremoniously killed by a Pah-Wraith possessing the body of Cardassian Gul Dukat in 2374.



·  Ezri, Ninth and current host of the Dax symbiont, succeeding Jadzia Dax. Ezri was not supposed to be joined. When the Dax symbiont was being taken back to the Trill homeworld, the symbiont took a turn for the worse and had to be implanted in a host in order to preserve the symbiont. Ezri was the only Trill aboard the ship and was therefore implanted. She's had no training, and she can't deal with all the personalities that are talking to her in her head at the same time. So suddenly, she's all these different people, yet not these people. She has all these memories and people's habits. Ezri was an assistant ship's counselor, so it's the therapist who's more screwed up than the patients.



In joinings with previous hosts, Dax had been a mother three times and a father twice.

Trills are a joined species comprised of a humanoid host and a small vermiform symbiont that resides in an internal abdominal pocket of the host body, gaining sustenance and mobility from the host. Most of the personalities and memories of the Trill reside in the symbionts, which are extremely long lived, although the host also contributes personality traits to the joined life-form.

Upon the death of a host body, a Trill symbiont can be transplanted into another host. Trill hosts enter voluntarily into the association with the symbiont, and in fact there is rigorous competition among potential hosts to determine who will be accorded this honor.

Hosts are accepted in their mid-twenties. Once joined the host and symbiont become biologically interdependent, and after 93 hours, neither can survive without the other. The resulting new joined life-form is considered to be another person, although it retains memories of previous joinings.

Trills hands are naturally cold. Sometimes friendships with other species don't survive when the Trill moves to the next host.

STAR TREK TM AND C1997 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Star Trek and related properties are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Copyright C1997 Simon & Shuster Ineractive, a division of Simon & Shuster, Inc. Written by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda. Based on the works THE STAR TREK ENCYCLOPEDIA by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda, and THE STAR TREK CHRONOLOGY by Michael Okuda.


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