Star Trek Deep Space Nine Characters

Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko

Captain Benjamins Sisko as The Starfleet Captain in charge of the Deep Space Nine space station. Sisko is a single parent to his son, Jake, since his wife was killed in an attack during the famous encounter with the Borg -- the bloodiest battle ever recorded in Federation history. Brooks commented on being a part of the Star Trek legacy, "Since its inception, Star Trek has always provided a positive message of life in the future." He continues, "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine provides an opportunity to reinforce how critical it is to find a way to live together."

Rene Auberjonois as Odo

Rene Auberjonois portrays Security Officer Odo, an alien male who is a Changeling. In his natural shape he is a gelatinous liquid, however he can take any form he desires. To assimilate and function on the space station, he takes on a humanoid shape. "Odo is a curmudgeon of sorts," Rene explains. "He is very rigid and uptight, yet there is a wonderful humor about him."

Alexander Siddig as Dr. Julian Bashir

Alexander Siddig is Dr. Julian Bashir, a graduate of Starfleet Medical and a brilliant specialist in multi-species medicine. He graduated second in his class and could have gone anywhere, but due to his naivete and his zealous expectations of adventure, he chose the remote space station Deep Space Nine. According to Alexander, "Julian is a humanist, and a bit of a philosopher. He's confident and incredibly enthusiastic about medicine." He finishes, "Although, along with that level of confidence, there is a certain youthful arrogance as well."

Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys

Nana Visitor plays First Officer Major Kira Nerys, a Bajoran female who is a former terrorist. She has been fighting for Bajoran independence most of her life and is skeptical of the Federation's involvement on Deep Space Nine. "Kira embodies the warrior archetype that all women to a lesser or greater degree possess," Nana explains. "Her aggression is not without purpose, but is passionately connected to her love of the culture, spirituality, and history of the people of Bajor. A mentally and physically fearless fighter, she'll do anything for what she believes is for the good of Bajor."

Cirroc Lofton as Jake Sisko

Jake Sisko has a surprisingly healthy mental outlook considering the traumatic childhood of losing his mother at age 11 during the infamous Borg massacre at the Battle of Wolf 359; he was unconscious when his father barely saved him from their wrecked cabin on the U.S.S. Saratoga and fled to escape pods. The memory is ever-present but only occasionally haunts him, as on the fourth anniversary of her death, whenever the Captain leaves for a risky mission that might leave him orphaned again, and when the chance to meet the mirror-universe Jennifer Sisko lured him into a trap in that dimension in 2372.

Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien

Chief petty officer Miles O' Brien, senior chief specialist is currently assigned as Deep Space Nines Chief of operations, Deep Space Nine. O'Brien was born in September, 2328 in Killarney, Ireland, Earth to parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Brien. He Married Keiko Ishikawa in 2367 in Ten-Forward, U.S.S. Enterprise, they have one daughter, Molly, born 2368; a son, Kirayoshi, born 2373.

Armin Shimerman as Quark

Armin Shimerman plays Quark, the Ferengi bartender who runs all the entertainment concessions on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine including bar, restaurant, gambling house and holosuites upstairs. A delightful blend of charm, wiliness, and entrepreneurial greed, Quark holds the distinction of being the only character to have appeared on all three of the latter Star Trek series -- Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager. "Quark's passions are gold and 'hew-man' (Ferengi word for human) women...not always in that order," says Armin.

Terry Farrell as Jadzia Dax

For six seasons, Terry Farrell played Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, the Starfleet Science Officer aboard Deep Space Nine. As a joined Trill, Jadzia formed the eighth humanoid host for the 300 year-old symbiont creature Dax, a unique relationship fostered by the separate but interdependent twin species of her homeworld. Terry explains, "While Dax may appear as a young woman, she possesses the wisdom and knowledge that comes from seven lifetimes of experience." Following Terry's decision to leave the decison when her original six-year contract was up, she quickly was cast opposite Ted Danson in a half-hour situation comedy for NBC, "Becker," slated for a midseason debut.

Michael Dorn as Worf

Michael Dorn portrays Lieutenant Commander Worf, the first Klingon warrior to serve in the Federation Starfleet. After serving seven years on the U.S.S. Enterprise on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Worf was brought to Deep Space Nine by Captain Benjamin Sisko to act as a diplomatic liaison with the Klingons. Dorn comments, "There are a variety of new developments for Worf this season on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." He continues, "While continuing his demanding role as a diplomatic liaison with the Klingons, Worf and Dax are planning a marriage." Dorn previously starred in one of the most successful syndicated drama series in the history of television, Star Trek: The Next Generation. For seven years, he portrayed Lt. Worf, the Klingon security chief of the U.S.S. Enterprise and covered his leading man good looks with 90 minutes worth of make-up and prosthetics to create the other-worldly and beloved Worf. The first of The Next Generation to join Star Trek on the big screen, Dorn played Lt. Worf's own grandfather in the 1991 hit feature "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country." And in Fall 1994, the rest of The Next Generation cast joined him in their first movie, "Star Trek: Generations." Dorn also appeared in Paramount's 1996 hit feature film "Star Trek: First Contact" and in the ninth feature film "Star Trek: Insurrection" released in November 1998.

Nicole deBoer as Ezri Dax

Nicole deBoer portrays Ezri Dax, the newest member of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, who inherits the memories of the previous Dax characters; as such, she is actually the union of some nine different characters, each with their own distinct history.

Recurring Characters

Max Grodenchik as Rom
Aron Eisenberg as Nog
Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat
Rosalind Chao as Keiko O'Brien
Andrew Robinson as Elim Garak
Mark Allen Shepherd as Morn (uncredited)
Chase Masterson as Leeta
Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun
Jeffrey Combs as Brunt
Casey Biggs as Leget Damar
Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross
J.G. Hertzler as General Martok
James Darren as Vic Fontaine
Brock Peters as Joseph Sisko
Penny Johnson as Captain Kassidy Yates
Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn Odami
Wallace Shawn as Grand Nagus Zek
Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi
Philip Anglim as Vedek Bareil
Duncan Regehr as Shakaar
Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter
Kenneth Marshall as Lt Commander Eddington
Paul Dooley as Enabran Tain
Melanie Smith as Ziyal

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� Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

Ritterson's Episode Guides 1998-2005 by Captain Bill.

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