Deep Space Nine

The Final Chapter


The last 10 episodes of Deep Space Nine were told as a story arc. Similar to the way stories are told in soap operas.


There were five sets of writers, each writing team wrote two episodes. The writers had the difficult task of organizing the story so it would be presented as one continuous piece. They also were tying up all the story lines for all the main characters and the continuing characters, which numbered over 30.





Written by Rene Echevarria

Directed by Steve Posey

Guest Stars: Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat, Casey Biggs as Damar, Deborah Lacey as Sarah, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter

Airdate 04/07/99

Stardate Unknown

As Sisko revels in the purchase of Bajoran land, where he hopes to finally build his dream house, word reaches the station that Worf is missing in action after a fierce battle with the Dominion. Due to strategic concerns, Sisko calls off the search party before Worf can be found. Overcome by memories of Jadzia's life with Worf, Ezri steals a runabout and goes in search of Worf herself. Sisko orders Ezri to return, but she refuses -- and instead traces a possible route Worf may have taken in his escape pod. That evening, Sisko shows Kasidy a model of his dream home and asks her to marry him. She joyously accepts. Meanwhile, Ezri locates Worf's pod and beams him aboard. At Dominion headquarters, the rapidly deteriorating Female Shapeshifter makes it clear to Weyoun that she expects him to find a cure for the disease plaguing her people. Aboard the station, Jake is honored when Sisko asks him to be his best man. Traveling in the runabout, Ezri's strained attempts to converse with Worf are interrupted by an attack from the Jem'Hadar. Forced to abandon ship, they beam safely down to a planet in the Goralis system, but neglect to pack the equipment necessary for alerting the station to their location. Sisko and Kasidy discover that their plans for a simple wedding may go awry because the Bajorans expect the captain, whom they consider their Emissary, to hold a lavish ceremony. Meanwhile, Dukat unexpectedly appears in Damar's quarters on Cardassia to request a favor. After several days stranded alone on Goralis, Worf and Ezri's conflicting emotions culminate in a passionate encounter. Later, they're confronted by two Breen soldiers, who open fire with their phaser rifles, blasting the two -- who fall to the ground unconscious. Worf and Ezri awake in a cell aboard a Breen ship, unsure of why they've been taken prisoner. In the meantime, Dukat, now surgically altered to look like a Bajoran, plots his next move. Back at the station, Sisko is summoned by the Sarah Prophet, who warns him that he must not marry Kasidy. After Sisko protests, she ominously announces that his greatest trial is about to begin.





Written by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson

Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Guest Stars: Jeffery Combs as Weyoun, Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat, Casey Biggs as Damar, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, Deborah Lacey as Sarah, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, James Otis as Solbor, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 04/14/99

Stardate Unknown

Kai Winn arrives at the station to "assist" Sisko with his wedding, and he admits the Prophets warned he would face a great trial in his future. Later, Winn has a long-awaited vision from the Prophets, who reveal that a "Guide" will soon visit her; the Prophets hope that, together, the two will lead Bajor's Restoration. Shortly before Sisko tells Kasidy that they must call off their wedding, Dukat, surgically altered to look like a Bajoran, appears on the Promenade. Devastated by the break-up, Kasidy prepares to leave the station. Winn offers her regrets to Sisko, but happily reveals that the Prophets spoke to her in a vision. Meanwhile, Ezri and Worf are still being held captive by Breen soldiers, who drag Worf out of his cell. Posing as a simple farmer named Anjohl, Dukat calls on Winn, and convinces her that he is the Guide the Prophets promised. Sisko confides in Kira about why he can't marry Kasidy, and she supports his decision to follow the will of the Prophets. Meanwhile, Weyoun and the Female Shapeshifter, who still suffers from the disease that is killing her people, travel on a Jem'Hadar battleship to a rendezvous point. Worf is returned to his cell after being tortured by Breen interrogators, who take away Ezri. Kai Winn dines with Dukat, and is pleased when Dukat makes it clear that he doesn't understand why Sisko has been chosen as their Emissary. She's also astonished when Anjohl "reveals" that she had a hand in saving his life during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor; this news only further validates Winn's belief that the two are part of the Prophets' greater plan. Later, Dukat goes to Winn's quarters to report a sign from the Prophets, then they kiss. Unwilling to lose the woman he loves, Sisko defies the Prophets and again proposes to Kasidy -- who makes him promise he won't change his mind this time. The Sarah Prophet warns Sisko that, should he proceed with the marriage, he will know only sorrow -- but he marries Kasidy in a hasty ceremony anyway. As the Jem'Hadar ship speeds toward its destination, Breen soldiers are transported with Worf and Ezri to the Jem'Hadar bridge. They are shocked when Weyoun announces the birth of an alliance between the Dominion and the Breen.





Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by Rene Auberjonois

Guest Stars: Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat/Anjohl, Casey Biggs as Damar, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, James Otis as Solbor, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Louis Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 4/21/99

Stardate Unknown

Worf and Ezri are beamed aboard a Jem'Hadar ship, where the Female Shapeshifter and Thot Gor, the respective leaders of the new Dominion-Breen alliance, prepare to sign a treaty designed to destroy the Federation and end the war. However, Damar objects to signing it because of concessions, made to Thot Gor, which could harm Cardassia. Meanwhile, Kai Winn and Dukat seal their bond by pledging to restore Bajor -- even if the Emissary stands in their way. Kasidy has difficulty adjusting to her new role as the Emissary's wife, and is frustrated when Sisko asks her to preside over a special blessing ceremony. On Cardassia, Ezri and Worf learn that Weyoun and Damar plan to put them to death. Enraged, after being taunted with the possibility that Ezri may harbor feelings for Bashir, Worf kills Weyoun. Back at the station, Winn has a disturbing vision of the evil Pah-wraiths -- the enemies of her people's Prophets. Already skeptical of the new alliance, Damar is uncomfortable when the new Weyoun clone allows Thot Gor classified access, while elsewhere, Worf and Ezri break out of their cell, but are quickly apprehended. On Deep Space Nine, Kasidy discusses her situation with Kira, and Bashir leads O'Brien to believe he's attracted to Ezri. In Winn's quarters, she angrily orders Dukat to leave after he urges her to turn away from the Prophets and worship the Pah-wraiths. Eager to prove her loyalty to the Prophets, Winn summons Kira, who advises her to step down. Back on Cardassia, a devastating battle for Cardassian troops leaves Damar feeling betrayed by the alliance. Later, on the eve of their execution, Ezri asks Worf if he loves her, but he evades the question. To Sisko's delight, Kasidy agrees to preside over the special ceremony. O'Brien gets Bashir to admit he cares for Ezri, while Worf confesses he doesn't love Ezri as he loved Jadzia. Ezri, however, realizes she has feelings for Bashir. But as they're led to the execution chamber, Damar shocks them by arranging an escape route and imploring the two to tell the Federation they have an ally on Cardassia. On the station, the balance of power shifts yet again when Kai Winn, convinced she's been abandoned by the Prophets, tells Dukat she's ready to walk the path of the Pah-wraiths -- and the two villains vow to overcome all foes.





Written by Ira Steven Behr and Hans Beimler

Directed by Mike Vejar

Guest Stars: Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat/Anjohl, Casey Biggs as Damar, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, James Otis as Solbor, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, John Vickery as Gul Rosot, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Louis Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 04/28/99

Stardate Unknown

The crew's relief at Worf and Ezri's safe return is tempered by reports that the Breen have attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. While Dominion and Breen commanders exult in their sneak attack, their supposed ally -- Cardassian leader Damar -- secretly pplots to free his homeland from Dominion occupation. Meanwhile, on Bajor, Dukat tells Kai Winn she must release the Pah-wraiths -- the non-corporeal enemies of her people's gods -- from the planet's fire caves by reading the ancient forbidden text of the Kosst Amojan. Ezri and Worf discuss Ezri's attraction to Bashir, and she wrestles with telling Bashir how she feels. Ignoring the warnings of her assistant Solbor, Winn opens the Kosst Amojan, and is surprised to find blank pages inside. Dukat thinks it's a trick, but Winn believes the words are just hidden and she must determine how to reveal them. At Quark's, Bashir asks Ezri why she's been avoiding him since her return, but he's called away before Ezri can confess her feelings. A short time later, Sisko receives word that the Breen have launched a counteroffensive against the Federation's lone foothold in Dominion territory: the Chin'toka System. Sisko and his crew depart on the Defiant to rendezvous with Federation ships in the Chin'toka System. Winn is upset that she still hasn't found the answers she needs in the sacred texts, while in Damar's quarters, he makes final preparations for the Cardassian offensive. The Female Shapeshifter and Weyoun head to the Chin'toka System to observe the Breen-Federation showdown. During a fierce battle with the Breen, the crew is forced to abandon ship. Although they escape unharmed, the Federation loses its Cardassian foothold -- and the Defiant is destroyed. Back on Bajor, Winn murders Solbor after he exposes Dukat's true identity and their devotion to the Pah-wraiths. When drops of Solbor's blood fall on the pages of the Kosst Amojan and reveal Bajoran writing, Dukat urges Winn to seize the power the Pah-wraiths are offering her. The crew monitors a transmission by Damar, who announces that Cardassian rebels have attacked Dominion outposts. Sisko knows that the Federation must help Damar, who could be the key to saving the Alpha Quadrant.





Written by Rene Echevarria

Directed by Michael Dorn

Guest Stars: Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat, Casey Biggs as Damar, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, Barry Jenner as Admiral Bill Ross, Robert O'Reilly as Gowron, John Vivkery as Gul Rosot, Scott Burkholder as Hilliard, Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 05/05/99

Stardate Unknown

Eager to aid Damar's rebel movement on his homeworld against the Dominion, Sisko orders Kira to put her antipathy for the Cardassian aside and train his staff in resistance tactics. Bashir asks Odo to assist in his medical project by donating the Changeling-equivalent of a skin sample. On Bajor, Kai Winn studies the forbidden text of the Kosst Amojan to learn how to release the evil Pah-wraiths. Hoping to ease Cardassian sentiment against the Bajoran Kira, Sisko gives her a Starfleet commission and uniform. Damar and his Cardassian assistant Gul Rusot await Kira's arrival, realizing she has the skills they need to prevail. General Martok prepares to be inducted into the Klingon Order of Kahless by Chancellor Gowron. Bashir and Ezri meet, but he incorrectly assumes she loves Worf. Studying Odo's sample leads Bashir to conclude that Odo is infected with the deadly Founders' disease. Although shaken by Bashir's findings, Odo insists he and Kira proceed with the Cardassian mission. In Kai Winn's office, Dukat is blinded when he sneaks a look at the Kosst Amojan. Hoping to find a cure, Bashir unsuccessfully tries to get Odo's medical records from Starfleet Medical. Following Martok's induction, Gowron betrays him by overtaking his command of the Klingon forces. At the rebel outpost, Damar's staff bristles at some of Odo and Kira's strategic advice. With Sisko's help, Bashir secures Odo's medical file, only to realize it's fake. To their horror, O'Brien and Bashir theorize Odo's records were altered by Section Thirty-one, an insurrectionary group within Starfleet, which doesn't want Bashir to cure the disease. Later, one of Damar's officers tries to provoke Kira by reminding her of Odo's past "collaboration" with the enemy, while privately, Odo notes the first signs of the deadly disease taking hold. Kai Winn puts the blind Dukat on the streets as punishment for defying the Pah-wraiths. Martok is shocked when Gowron, hoping to restore the glory of the Klingon Empire, selfishly proposes sending far-outnumbered Klingon troops into Domionion territory. Bashir suspects Section Thirty-one created the virus and infected Odo as a carrier in a genocidal plot. With O'Brien's help, Bashir vows to discover the cure he feels certain Section Thirty-one has in its possession.





Written by Ronald D. Moore

Directed by Michael Vejar

Guest Stars: Andrew J. Robinson as Garak, Jeffery Combs as Weyoun, Casey Biggs as Damar, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, Robert O'Reilly as Gowron, John Vickery as Gul Rusot, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter

Airdate 05/12/99

Stardate Unknown

While Kira reviews tactical plans with the Cardassian Resistance leaders, Odo returns from a mission, weakened by the disease that's ravaging his race. At the station, Bashir works through the night, trying to find a cure for Odo, while Sisko reproves Chancellor Gowron for reckless attacks which left General Martok injured. Back at rebel headquarters, Kira, eager to discover why the Federation's Klingon ships aren't damaged by Breen-Dominion technology, proposes stealing the enemy's weaponry so that the Federation can engineer a countermeasure. Meanwhile, as Martok undergoes surgery, Worf tells Sisko of a plan for dealing with Gowron's self-serving offensives. At rebel headquarters, Rusot tries to provoke leader Kira, who was once an enemy, by claiming that her tactics are motivated by a desire to kill Cardassians rather than to conquer the Dominion. Later, the Cardassian Garak advises Kira to kill Rusot before he kills her. Back at the station, Worf urges the recovering General Martok to challenge Gowron before he ruins the Klingon Empire -- but Martok refuses to defy the ruler of his people. En route to secure the Breen weapon, the Cardassian Resistance leader Damar learns that his family was killed by the Dominion. At Quark's, Worf confesses to Ezri that he was wrong for asking Martok to revolt against Gowron; but Ezri disagrees, contending that corruption among the Klingon leadership could prove fatal to the Empire. Damar, Rusot, and Garak escort Kira, posing as a prisoner, onto a Jem'Hadar ship which contains the Breen technology. Morphing into the Female Shapeshifter, Odo helps them overtake the vessel, but their plans for a quick getaway are slowed when they learn that the energy-dampening weapon is still being installed. Kira refuses to leave without the weapon. At the station, O'Brien and Bashir hatch a plot against Section Thirty-one, which might lure an operative who holds Odo's cure. Back on the Jem'Hadar bridge, Damar kills a defiant Rusot. Fully united, Kira, Garak and Damar depart with the Breen weapon. In the Klingon war room, Worf denounces Gowron's corrupt leadership and, in a fierce battle, kills Gowron and declares Martok the rightful leader of the Empire. At Quark's, Ezri and Worf toast the truly honorable Chancellor Martok.





Written by Bradley Thompson and David Weddle

Directed by Steve Possey

Guest Stars: Andrew J. Robinson as Garak William Sadler as Sloan

Airdate 05/19/99


When Kira brings a terminally ill Odo back to the station for medical treatment, he orders her to leave him and return to help the Cardassian Resistance. Later, O'Brien and Bashir inform Sisko of their plan to lure a Section Thirty-one operative, who may hold the cure to Odo's disease, to the station. The scheme works when Sloan, the director of the unsanctioned Starfleet extremist organization that infected Odo -- as part of a genocidal plot against his people -- arrives. But when Bashir places a Romulan mind probe on the agent, who refuses to give information regarding a cure, Sloan attempts suicide in the science lab by activating a neuro-depolarizing device in his brain. Although Bashir manages to stabilize Sloan, he has suffered severe brain damage and the doctor expects him to die within an hour. Refusing to give up, Bashir masterminds a device that will allow him to link his mind to Sloan's and discern the cure. O'Brien, worried that Bashir will be incapable of returning from the mind-link, insists on joining him. Inside Sloan's brain, O'Brien and Bashir meet Sloan's wife, who hands Sloan a recorded file which supposedly contains the cure. But when Sloan offers it to Bashir, a phaser bolt hits him in the back; the shot has been fired by a second Sloan, who vanishes with the file, leaving O'Brien and Bashir alone in Sloan's mind. In the science lab, Sisko and Ezri discover the unconscious bodies of O'Brien, Bashir and Sloan, while, inside Sloan's brain, O'Brien and Bashir seek a way out -- but before they can escape, the two men are confronted by another Section Thirty-one operative, who injures them with phaser fire. Intent on escaping death, the two men appear to regain consciousness. Back at the science lab, Bashir insists they must reenter Sloan's brain -- but the agent dies. Soon, Bashir and O'Brien realize that Sloan's mind is playing tricks on them: they're not in the science lab after all; they're still inside his brain. Knowing the clock is running out, they search Sloan's mind for clues and, finally, find the information they desperately want. The two escape just before Sloan really dies -- and deliver to a grateful Odo the hypospray which saves his life.





Story by Peter Allen Fields

Teleplay by Rene Echevarria & Ronald D. Moore

Directed by Avery Brooks

Guest Stars: Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Andrew J. Robinson as Garak, Jeffery Combs as Weyoun and Brunt, Max Grodenchik as Rom, Casey Biggs as Damar, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, Cecily Adams as Ishka, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, Chase Masterson as Leeta, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, Julianna McCarthy as Mila, Tiny Ron as Maihar'du, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Wallace Shawn as Zek

Airdate 05/26/99

Stardate Unknown

While Sisko takes command of a new ship named in honor of the Defiant, Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion ambush on Cardassia and are forced into hiding. Quark receives a static-filled message from Grand Nagus Zek, the Ferengi leader, that he's being named Zek's successor. Now cured of the deadly Changeling virus, Odo is outraged to learn that he was infected by Section Thirty-one -- an unsanctioned extremist organization within the Federation -- but promises Sisko he won't take matters into his own hands. Over lunch, Bashir and Ezri confess their mutual attraction, but decide to remain friends. On Cardassia, Weyoun publicly announces that Damar and his collaborators were killed shortly after arriving on the planet. Although Damar is still very much alive, he, Kira, and Garak are stunned by the news that Dominion forces have eliminated all eighteen rebel bases of the Resistance. To Quark's horror, he learns that Ferenginar has instituted democratic changes -- which he's determined to reverse. Back on Cardassia, Kira realizes that Damar's "death" has catapulted him to legendary status, and urges him to openly rally the Cardassian people against the Dominion. Meanwhile, the Female Shapeshifter devises a strategic retreat of Dominion forces to Cardassian space. At the station, Quark agrees to sell his bar to Rom, and vows he'll reject his new position unless Zek lets Quark rule in the traditional Ferengi way. In the meantime, Garak slips into enemy Jem'Hadar barracks; on his way out, he's detained by guards. Kira and Damar watch from a distance, alarmed, because a bomb which Garak planted inside is set to detonate at any moment. The trio overpowers the guards moments before the bomb explodes, and Damar galvanizes a crowd gathered near the scene. At the station, Bashir and Ezri share a passionate kiss; to everyone's surprise, Zek taps Rom as the new Grand Nagus. Sisko, Admiral Ross, and Chancellor Martok discuss the Dominion withdrawal and agree to attack the enemy at its new defense perimeter within Cardassian territory. Later, Kasidy tells Sisko that she's pregnant, and he silently shares her concern that the Prophets may react negatively to the blessed event.





Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler

Directed by Allan Kroeker

Guest Stars: Rosalind Chao as Keiko, Jeffery Combs as Weyoun, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Andrew J. Robinson as Garak, Casey Biggs as Damar, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, J. G. Hertzler as Martok, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, Deborah Lacey as Sarah, Julianna McCarthy as Mila, Hana Hatae as Molly, James Darren as Vic Fontaine, Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 06/02/99

Stardate Unknown

As Cardassians revolt against the Dominion, the Federation and its allies start to get an upper hand in the war. Meanwhile evil brews from another front.

While Dukat and Winn enter the Fire Caves, the first power outage strikes on Cardassia. The Female Shapeshifter realizes that the Cardassian people are rising up against the Dominion - and she promises severe retaliation.

Monitoring events from their basement hideout, Kira, Damar and Garak are horrified when Weyoun announces that, as punishment for every act of sabotage committed by rebel forces, one Cardassian city will be leveled. Reacting to the decree, Kira decides they must attack Dominion headquarters. Entering Cardassian space aboard the Defiant, Sisko prepares his crew to engage the Dominion-Cardassian-Breen fleet in battle.

As the Federation forces strike, the Defiant is rocked by enemy fire. Back on Cardassia, Jem'Hadar soldiers burst into Damar's hideout. Suffering heavy losses in space, Sisko, Admiral Ross and Chancellor Martok strategically realign their attack. Meanwhile, word of Damar's capture reaches the Female Shapeshifter, who orders Weyoun to have Damar, Kira and Garak executed.

Before the order can be carried out, Cardassian soldiers revolt and rescue the rebel trio. Meanwhile, in the heat of battle, the Defiant crew is elated when Cardassian ships switch sides and attack the Dominion fleet. In retaliation, the Female Shapeshifter orders the complete extermination of the Cardassian race - and a Dominion retreat to Cardassia Prime. Emboldened by the Cardassian about-face, Sisko, Ross and Martok decide to press forward in an attempt to end the war once and for all. On Bajor, Winn chants from the Kosst Amojan, brings the Fire Caves to life, and attempts to release the Pah-wraiths. And back on Cardassia, Kira, Damar and Garak lead an invasion of Dominion headquarters. Damar is killed by Jem'Hadar guards, but inspired by his leadership, the rest of the resistance presses on.





Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler

Directed by Allan Kroeker

Guest Stars: Rosalind Chao as Keiko, Jeffery Combs as Weyoun, Salome Jens as Female Shapeshifter, Penny Johnson as Kasidy Yates, Andrew J. Robinson as Garak, Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, J. G. Hertzler as Martok, Barry Jenner as Admiral Ross, Casey Biggs as Damar, Deborah Lacey as Sarah, Julianna McCarthy as Mila, Hana Hatae as Molly, James Darren as Vic Fontaine, Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn

Airdate 06/02/99

Stardate Unknown

The confrontation with the Dominion comes to a climax, as does Sisko's fate.

While Sisko, Ross and Martok plan a final assault in space, Kira and Garak lead the Cardassian resistance on the ground into Dominion headquarters and overtake the Briefing Room. Kira orders the Female Shapeshifter to surrender, but she refuses; soon after, the defiant Weyoun is killed by Garak.

When Kira alerts Sisko to the situation on Cardassia, Odo asks to meet with the Female Shapeshifter. In the Fire Caves, Winn poisons Dukat with a glass of wine - and presents his body as a religious sacrifice to the Pah-wraiths. Hoping to commune with the Female Shapeshifter, Odo links with her and heals the Shapeshifter of the disease that has ravaged their people. Transformed by the experience, she orders a cease-fire. Eager to cure the rest of the ailing Shapeshifters, Odo informs a deeply saddened Kira that he is returning to his homeworld.

With the signing of surrender documents, the war officially ends. Later, Worf agrees to become the Federation Ambassador to Kronos and O'Brien announces that he's returning to Earth to teach. The crew holds a farewell party for Worf, O'Brien and Odo. Meanwhile, the Pah-wraiths bring Dukat, as a Cardassian, back to life in the Fire caves, and Sisko abruptly leaves the party - after a vision from the Sarah Prophet - to visit the site. Sisko confronts Dukat, and Winn is sacrificed to the Pah-wraiths; Sisko tackles Dukat and, along with the text of the evil Kosst Amojan, they plunge into the fiery abyss. Sisko "awakes" in a great vision: the Sarah Prophet assures him that he has completed his task by returning the Pah-wraiths to the Fire Caves; she then informs Sisko that he must now join the Prophets.

Back on the space station, Kasidy has a vision of Sisko in which he explains his reason for remaining with the Prophets - and he promises to return someday. In the meantime, Jake grapples with his father's departure; Bashir and O'Brien bid a fond farewell; Ezri says goodbye to Worf; and Kira leaves Odo on the Changeling planet where a sea of ailing Shapeshifters awaits his curative link. At Deep Space Nine, Kira takes command of the Captain's chair, Ezri and Bashir plan their future, and, despite her own feelings of loss, Kira reaches out to comfort a fatherless Jake.




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