Star Trek Original Episode Guide






Written by Robert Bloch

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Crewman Jackson-Jimmy Jones, Lt. Vincent Desalle-Michael Barrier, Sylvia-Antoinette Bower, Korob-Theo Marcuse, Lt. Kyle-John Winston

Stardate 3018.2

Airdate 10/27/67

Castles, dungeons, witches and black cats prevail as Kirk seeks a rational explanation of-and escape from-forces that lured him to an alien planet.






Written by Gene L. Coon

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Guest Stars: Nancy Hedford-Eleanor Donahue, Zefram Cochrane-Glenn Corbett

Stardate 3219.8

Airdate 11/1067

A cloudlike creature detours an Enterprise shuttlecraft to a remote planetoid where the travelers are to provide its sole human inhabitant with companionship-forever.






Written by D.C. Fontana

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Eleen-Julie Newmar, Kras-Tige Andrews, Maab, Keel-Cal Boder, Akaar-Ben Cage, Crewman Grant-Robert Bralver

Stardate 3497.2

Airdate 12/01/67

Kirk jeopardizes the lives of his own men when he intervenes in a society where life is valued below combat and personal integrity.






Written by Gilbert A. Ralston and Gene L. Coon

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Apollo-Michael Forest, Lt. Carolyn Palamas-Leslie Parrish, Lt. Kyle-John Winston

Stardate 3468.1

Airdate 09/22/67

Mortals battle an immortal when the Enterprise is seized by the Greek god Apollo.






Written by Theodore Sturgeon (AKA Edward Hamilton Waldo)

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, T'Pring-Arlene Martel, T-Pau-Celia Lovsky, Stonn-Lawrence Montaigne, Admiral Komack-Byron Morrow

Stardate 3372.7

Airdate 09/29/67?

Obeying an ancient Vulcan marriage rite Spock engages in mortal combat with his fiances chosen champion-Captain Kirk.






Written by Norman Spinrad

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Commodore Decker-William Windom, Crewman Elliot-John Copage, Crewman Washburn-Richard Compton, Crewman Russ-Tim Burns, Lt. Palmer-Elizabeth Rogers, Lt. Kyle-John Winston, Crewman Montgomery-Jerry Catron

Stardate 4202.9

Airdate 10/20/67

Kirk has the hopeless task of deactivating a weapon that has wandered into the galaxy, digesting entire planets as it goes.






Written by Robert Bloch

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Hengist-John Fielder, Jaris-Charles MaCauley, Sybo-Pilar Seurat, Tark-Joseph Bernard, Morla-Charles Dierkop, Yeoman Tankris-Judy McConnell, Lt. Karen Tracey-Virginia Alderidge, Kara-Tania Lemani

Stardate 3614.9

Airdate 12/22/67

When a Latter-day Jack The Ripper terrorizes a crime free planet evidence points to Chief Engineer Scott whose fingerprints are on the murder weapon.






Written by John Meredyth Lucas

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Voice of Nomad-Vic Perrin, Mr. Singh-Blaisdell Makee, Lt. Carlisle-Arnold Lessing

Stardate 34510.9

Airdate 09/29/67

Kirk encounters a sophisticated killer a talking metallic cylinder programmed to destroy lifeforms that don't meet mechanical standards of perfection.






Written by Max Ehrlich and Gene L. Coon

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Lt. Kyle-John Winston, Akuta-Keith Andes, Sayana-Shari Nims, Makora-David Soul, Hendorff-Mal Friedman, Yeoman Martha Landon-Celeste Yarnall, Marple-Jerry Daniels, Ensign Mallory-Jay Jones, Kaplan-Dick Dial

Stardate 3715.3

Airdate 10/13/67

Kirk tries to save the Enterprise from destruction by destroying a powerful god-machine and the paradise it provides for its subjects.






Written by Jerome Bixby

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Tharn-Vic Perrin, Lt. Marlena Moreau-Barbara Luna, Farrell-Pete Kellett, Wilson-Garth Pillsbury, Lt. Kyle-John Winston

Stardate 3882.8

Airdate 10/06/67

Kirk, Dr. McCoy, Scotty and Uhura try to reverse the effects of a storm that swept them into an incredibly savage universe, where the Enterprise is there with a cruel crew.






Written by David P. Harmon

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Robert Johnson-Felix Locher, Elaine Johnson-Laura Wood, Commodore George Stocker-Charles Drake, Dr. Janet Wallace-Sarah Marshall, Lt. Arlene Galway-Beverly Washburn, Yeoman Doris Atkins-Carolyn Nelson

Stardate 3478.2

Airdate 12/08/67

Sudden senility attacks top officers of the Enterprise who have contracted a strange aging disease.





#41 "I, MUDD"

Written by Stephen Kandel and David Gerrold

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Harcourt Fenton Mudd-Roger C. Carmel, Stella Mudd-Kay Elliot, Norman-Richard Tatro, 'Alice' series-Alyce and Rhea Andrece, 'Herman' series-Tom and Ted LaGarde, 'Barbara' series-Collen and Maureen Thornton, 'Maisy' series-Tamara and Starr Wilson, Lt. Rowe-Mike Howden, Ensign Jordan-Michael Zaslow

Stardate 4513.3

Airdate 11/03/67

Kirk and company fall prey to their old nemesis Harry Mudd who is now both ruler and captive of an android civilization.






Written by David Gerrold

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Nilz Barris-William Schallert, Captain Koloth-William Campbell, Cyrano Jones-Stanley Adams, Mr. Lurry-Whit Bissell, Korax-Michael Pataki, Arne Darvin-Charlie Brill, Admiral Fitzpatrick-Ed Reimers, Ensign Freeman-Paul Baxley, Guy Raymond, David Ross

Stardate 4523.3

Airdate 12/29/67

Kirk assigned to protect a grain shipment finds that he has trouble with "Tribbles"-balls of purring fluff that live on grain and are incredibly prolific.






Written by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon

Story by John Kneubuhl

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Guest Stars: Septimus-Ian Wolfe, Flavius-Rhodes Reason, Captain R. M. Merik-Merikus, Claudius Marcus, Drusilla-Lois Jewell, Maximus-Max Kelven, Game Announcer-Bartell LaRue

Stardate 4040.7

Airdate 03/15/68

The Enterprise officers are forced into gladiator combat where a savage Roman Empire uses 20th-century technology.






Written by D. C. Fontana

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Sarek-Mark Lenard, Amanda-Jane Wyatt, Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Thelev-William O'Connell, Shras-Reggie Nalder, Gav-John Wheeler, Lt. Josephs-James X. Mitchell

Stardate 3842.3

Airdate 11/17/67

Jane Wyatt portrays Mr. Spock's human mother in an episode that examines the Vulcans family relationships.






Teleplay by Gene Roddenberry

Story by Jud Crucis

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Tyree-Michael Whitney, Nona-Nancy Kovac, Dr. M'Benga-Brooker Bradshaw, Apella-Arthur Bernard, Krell-Ned Romero, Yutan-Gary Pillar

Stardate 4211.4

Airdate 02/02/68

Kirk takes dangerous steps to restore the status quo on a primitive planet where the Klingons are escalating the development of weapons.











Written by Margaret Armen

Directed by Gene Nelson

Guest Stars: Galt-Joseph Ruskin, Shana-Angelique Pettyjohn, Lars-Steve Sandor, Kloog-Mickey Morton, Ensign Jana Haines-Victoria George, Tamoon-Jane Ross

Stardate 3211.7

Airdate 01/05/68

On an uncharted planet Kirk, Uhura and Chekov are shackled in collars and trained for mortal combat to amuse their captors.






Written by Art Wallace

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Ensign Garrovick-Stephen Brooks,

Ensign Rizzo-Eddie Paskey

Stardate 3619.2

Airdate 12/15/67

Driven by guilt Kirk jeopardizes his career and many lives to destroy a monster, a gaseous creature hard to penetrate that lives on red corpuscles.






Written by Robert Sabaroff

Directed by Joseph Pevney

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Lt. Kyle-John Winston

Stardate 4307.1

Airdate 01/19/68

The Enterprise becomes an antibody to penetrate an energy draining invader that has annihilated an entire star system and is about to reproduce.






Teleplay by David P. Harmon and Gene L. Coon

Story by David P. Harmon

Directed by James Komack

Guest Stars: Lt. Hadley-William Blackburn, Bela Oxmyx-Anthony Caruso, Jojo Krako-Vic Tayback, Kalo-Lee Delano, Zabo-Steve Marlo, Tepo-John Harmon, Mirt-Jay Jones

Stardate 4598.0

Airdate 01/12/68

Kirk and his boys come on like gangbusters when they visit a planet who's culture is patterned after Chicago's gangland society of the 1920's.






Teleplay by D. C. Fontana and Jerome Bixby

Story by Jerome Bixby

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Rojan-Warren Stevens, Kelinda-Barbara Bouchet, Hanar-Stewart Moss, Tomar-Robert Fortier, Lt. Shea-Carl Byrd, Drea-Leslie Dalton, Yeoman Leslie Thompson-Julie Cobb

Stardate 4657.5

Airdate 02/23/68

Kirk tries to outwit colonizers from Andromeda who assume human form to seize the Enterprise.






Written by John Kingsbridge

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Guest Stars: Nurse Christine Chapel-Majel Barrett, Dr. Anne Mulhall-Diana Muldaur, Sargon-William Shatner, Thalassa-Diana Muldaur, Henoch-Leonard Nimoy

Stardate 4768.3

Airdate 02/09/68

An experimental transplant between formless creature and three members of the Enterprise crew works well until the creature in Spocks body elects to keep its new form.






Written by John Meredyth Lucas

Directed by Vincent McEveety

Guest Stars: John Gill-David Brian, Melakon-Skip Homeier, Isak-Richard Evans, Daras-Laura Norland, Abrom-William Wintersole, Eneg-Patrick Hargon, Davod-Chuck Courtney

Stardate 2534.0

Airdate 02/16/68

On the planet Ekos, Kirk tries to prevent history from repeating itself when a self-styled fuhrer begins leading his people down a bloody Nazi path.






Teleplay by D. C. Fontana

Story by Laurence N. Wolfe

Directed by John Meredyth Lucas

Guest Stars: Dr. Richard Daystrom-William Marshall, Commodore Robert Wesley-Barry Russo, Ensign Harper-Sean Morgam, M-5 computer voice-James Doohan

Stardate 4729.4

Airdate 03/08/68

The ultimate computer probes the problem of man vs. machine. The question is more than academic for Kirk who has been temporarily replaced by a computer that can think-and will insure its own survival at any cost.






Teleplay by Art Wallace

Story by Gene Roddenberry and Art Wallace

Directed by Vincent McEveety

Guest Stars: Cloud William-Roy Jensen, Sirah-Irene Kelley, Wu-Lloyd Kino, Captain Ronald Tracey-Morgan Woodward, Lt. Galloway-David L. Ross, Lt. Leslie-Eddie Paskey, Dr. Carter-Ed McReady

Stardate 4798.5?

Airdate 03/01/68

On an Omega IV spaceship Kirk battles a starship captain who is using advanced weaponry to decide the outcome of the planets civil war.






Teleplay by Art Wallace

Story by Art Wallace and Gene Roddenberry

Directed by Marc Daniels

Guests: Gary Seven-Robert Landing, Roberta Lincoln-Teri Garr, Barbara Babcock, Cromwell-Don Keefer, Colonel Nesvig-Morgan Jones, Sergeant Lipton-Lincoln Demyan, Bruce Mars, Security Chief-Paul Baxley, Isis-The Cat, voice of Mission Control-Bartell LaRue, Cape Kennedy radio voice-James Doohan

Stardate 4807.2?

Airdate 03/29/68

Robert Lansing appears as Gary Seven a human messiah trained by aliens to save mankind from itself.





Season One (2266) | Season Three (2268)


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