Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Special Collector's Edition) (1989) DVD

Product Details

·         Starring: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy

·         Director: William Shatner

·         Encoding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. This DVD will probably NOT be viewable in other countries.)

·         Format: Special Edition, Widescreen

·         Aspect Ratio(s): 2.35:1

·         Audio Encoding: Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround

·         Rated: PG

·         Studio: (studio name not provided)

·         DVD Release Date: October 14, 2003

·         DVD Features:

o        Available subtitles: English

o        Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround), French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)

o        Commentary by director/actor William Shatner and his daughter, Liz Shatner, author of Captain's Log

o        Text commentary by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda (co-authors of The Star Trek Encyclopedia)

o        Production Featurettes: Harve Bennett's Pitch; Makeup Tests; Pre-Visualization Models; Rock Man in the Raw; Press Conference; Behind-the-Scenes documentary

o        The Star Trek Universe: Herman Zimmerman: A Tribute; Cosmic Thoughts; That Klingon Couple; A Green Future?; Original Interviews

o        Deleted Scenes

o        Production & Advertising Galleries

·         ASIN: B0000AUHOH


Editorial Reviews
Movie critic Roger Ebert summed it up very succinctly: "Of all of the Star Trek movies, this is the worst." Subsequent films in the popular series have done nothing to disprove this opinion; we can be grateful that they've all been significantly better since this film was released in 1989. After Leonard Nimoy scored hits with Star Trek III and IV, William Shatner used his contractual clout (and bruised ego) to assume directorial duties on this mission, in which a rebellious Vulcan (Laurence
Luckinbill) kidnaps Federation officials in his overzealous quest for the supreme source of creation. That's right, you heard it correctly: Star Trek V is about a crazy Vulcan's search for God. By the time Kirk, Spock, and their Federation cohorts are taken to the Great Barrier of the galaxy, this journey to "the final future" has gone from an embarrassing prologue to an absurd conclusion, with a lot of creaky plotting in between. Of course, die-hard Trekkies will still allow this movie into their video collections; but they'll only watch it when nobody else is looking. After this humbling experience, Shatner wisely relinquished the director's chair to Star Trek II's Nicholas Meyer.


Star Trek The Motion Picture | Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan | Star Trek III The Search For Spock

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