Star Trek: Insurrection (Special Collector's Edition) (1998) DVD

The "Star Trek: Insurrection" Special Collector's Edition DVD arrives on June 7, 2005.

Product Details

Disc 1

The movie, presented in widescreen and enhanced for 16:9 TVs. Audio options include: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1, and French Dolby Surround.
Text Commentary by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda.

Disc 2

It Takes a Village
Location, Location, Location
The Art of "Insurrection"
Anatomy of a Stunt
The Story of "Insurrection"
Making "Insurrection"
Director's Notebook

The Star Trek Universe
Westmore's Aliens
Star Trek's Beautiful Alien Women

Creating the Illusion
Behind-the-scenes footage of sequences filled with action and visual effects
Shuttle Chase
The Drones
The Duck Blind

Deleted Scenes
Ru'afo's Facelift
Working Lunch
The Kiss
Status: Precarious
Disabling the Injector
Alternate Ending

Photo Gallery

Teaser Trailer
Theatrical Trailer
Original Promotional Featurette
Borg Invasion 4-D Trailer

This two-disc set should greatly enhance fans' viewing experience of the movie, a rousing adventure about the crew of the Enterprise-E defying Starfleet orders in order to defend Federation principles. This release, the penultimate chapter in the current Star Trek movie portion of the franchise, gets a much needed going over for the Special Collector's Edition DVD, one that will surely add some new luster to the film.

Paramount Home Entertainment has just announced the specifications and list of extras for the DVD release and it looks very intriguing, especially if you are a fan of deleted scenes! The extras are extensive and may be the most on a Trek DVD since "Star Trek: The Motion Picture � The Director's Edition." Featuring seven comprehensive interviews that provide in-depth insights into the making of the movie; seven deleted scenes that expand the original story; the "Creating the Illusion? featurettes that shows things like how to act convincingly in front of a blue/green screen when you're really just interacting with computer-generated elements to be added later. Also, the featurette "Star Trek's Beautiful Alien Women? will showcase the lovely female talent that has graced the the screen over the years.


Star Trek The Motion Picture | Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan | Star Trek III The Search For Spock

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home | Star Trek V The Final Frontier | Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek Generations | Star Trek First Contact | Star Trek Insurrection | Star Trek Nemesis


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Deep Space Nine | Star Trek Voyager | Enterprise | Star Trek Films | The X-Files | Star Wars

All the images are � Paramount Pictures-Star Trek and
� Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

Ritterson's Episode Guides �1998-2005 by Captain Bill.


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