Star Trek Voyager Characters

Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway

Played By: Kate Mulgrew Rank: Captain Current assignment: Commanding officer, U.S.S. Voyager Full Name: Kathryn Janeway Home region: Indiana, North America, Earth Parents: Late Admiral and Mrs. Janeway Siblings: One sister Education: Starfleet Academy graduate Marital status: Single, engaged Office: U.S.S. Voyager, Deck 1 Ready Room adjoining Bridge Starfleet Career Summary: Science officer under Adm. Paris on the U.S.S. Al-Batani , Arias mission 2171 Given command of U.S.S. Voyager, new Intrepid-class starship, presumed lost in Badlands Bio-Psychological Profile: Report of Starfleet Medical/Counselor's Office

Janeway is a tough captain who is not afraid to take chances, while her intelligence, thoughtfulness, dedication and diplomacy have earned her respect and recognition as one of the best in Starfleet. Her talents in engineering and science allow her hands-on expertise, if necessary; as such she has shown a tendency to defy the Starfleet protocol against beam-down of commanding officers into unsecured away team missions. She prefers to be addressed as "Captain" rather than either the gender-based "sir" or "ma'am." Aside from math and the sciences her studies have included chromo-linguistics, American Sign Language, and the gestural idioms of the Leyron. In 2171, Janeway gambled on giving troubled Starfleet renegade Tom Paris a reprieve from his Rehabilitation Settlement in New Zealand by tapping him as a scout for a search-and-rescue mission of her security chief gone undercover aboard a Maquis vessel. However, contact with her new ship, the U.S.S. Voyager, was lost after SD 48307.5 and all hands were presumed lost. File Update: Delta Quadrant

Robert Beltran as Chakotay

Played By: Robert Beltran Status: Maquis commando and felon Full Name: Chakotay Species: Human Year of birth: 2335 Parents: Son of Kolopak Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54 Marital status: Single FEDERATION BIOGRAPHICAL DATABASE FILE: Chakotay (Wanted; Reported Missing) **Includes updates, addenda through SD 50500 (2373) Played By: Robert Beltran Status: Maquis commando and felon Full Name: Chakotay Species: Human Year of birth: 2335 Parents: Son of Kolopak Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54 Marital status: Single

A Native American descendant, this onetime Starfleet lieutenant commander resigned from his position as an instructor in Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training in 2370 to join the Maquis, sparked by his father's death fighting Cardassians on the tribe's homeworld along the Demilitarized Zone. Chakotay is a gentle man but resolute, and is one of the Maquis who are truly in the fight for principle, not mercenary gain or violent outlet - as was one of his students, Lt. Ro Laren.

Roxann Dawson as B'Elanna Torres

Played By: Roxann Dawson Full Name: Torres, B'Elanna Education: Starfleet Academy, incomplete second year Marital status: Single

After a brilliant but troubled two years heading toward an engineering specialty at Starfleet Academy, subject Torres seemed to be constantly at odds with the Klingon heritage of her maternal side and after several disruptive episodes agreed to leave school. She and her Klingon mother had lived on Kessick IV along among humans after her father, a human Starfleet officer, left them when she was 5. She later joined the Maquis rebellion in its early stages and by mid-2370 was acting as engineer for former Starfleet officer Chakotay's crew, her position at last report and the crew to which Lt. Tuvok of the U.S.S. Voyager under Captain Kathryn Janeway had infiltrated undercover. Her ship was last heard from a week before the Voyager went looking for it in the DMZ Badlands; both vessels are missing and presumed lost, last detected SD 48307.5.

Robert Duncan McNeill as Tom Paris

Played By: Robert Duncan McNeill Status: Trusty, UFP Rehabilitation Commission Current assignment: Observer/scout, U.S.S. Voyager (presumed lost with ship) Full Name: Thomas Eugene Paris Parents: Admiral and Mrs. Paris Education: Starfleet Academy graduate Marital status: Single

Paris, managed to graduate from Starfleet Academy after a stormy four years, almost failing stellar cartography as a freshman; he chose Marseilles, France as the site of his physical training second semester. He did hone his natural aptitude for piloting skills on craft large and small and proved adept at holo-engineering. Despite his family legacy, Paris buckled under to the self-imposed pressure and tried to cover-up an error that caused the deaths of three officers at Caldrik Prime; it was only his self-confession at the point he would have been exonerated that netted him a discharge rather than harsher punishment. After leaving Starfleet he turned to the Maquis for fulfillment as a fighter pilot, but was captured by Starfleet on his first mission and this time was sentenced to the Federation Penal Settlement near Auckland, New Zealand, wearing an alarm anklet. Paris was given a reprieve of sorts in early 2371 when he was temporarily released from the rehab colony and given a second chance by Captain Janeway, who needed him to scout her new starship through the Badlands in search of her lost security chief who had been undercover among a Maquis crew Paris had served with, led by former Lt. Cmdr. Chakotay. Had he successfully completed the mission Paris could have applied for permanent parole, but ironically he and the rest of the Voyager crew are missing and presumed lost in the Badlands plasma storms, last contact SD.

Ethan Phillips as Neelix

Played By: Ethan Phillips Species: Talaxian Current assignment: U.S.S. Voyager : Chef, diplomatic adviser, "morale officer" Full Name: Neelix Place of birth: Rinax, a Talax moon Marital status: Single

Profile by Capt. Kathryn Janeway
Neelix is a jovial male Talaxian, a major species of this far side of the Delta Quadrant, whose wit and instincts have enabled him to survive as a scavenger and merchant. Now he aids our cause admirably after coming aboard with his Ocampa mate, Kes, from her home system. Although he takes his good-natured abuse at times for it, he has been invaluable in preparing fresh meals from the flora and fauna of this region in order to ration food replicator power; for the human "'37S," he even researched and came up with 20th century foods comfort foods for all - with none of his usual custom twists added. In addition, his past dealings and travels have yielded invaluable information as well for our command decisions and strategy. he has begun taking a more active role in senior staff affairs and even held off the Kazon-Ogla when myself and Commander Chakotay were absent. Neelix's chores as self-appointed "chief morale officer" have run the gamut from personal counseling, such as with Lt. Ayala deal his separation from his children, to a daily intership video program for the crew, "A Briefing with Neelix," begun ca. SD 49483. The latter led to his single-handedly tracking down the Paris ruse to flush out Crewman Jonas as our Kazon informant, risking his life but emerging intact after killing Jonas in a raw plasma stream in Main Engineering after a brawl there. Neelix is completely in love with Kes, whom he calls by the endearment "sweeting" and was ready to father a child when her premature elogium seemed to loom. His jealous nature of Kes was an ugly monster until he finally settled with its main target, Tom Paris, after the two helped birth an sentient reptilloid infant in an abrasive atmosphere.

Robert Picardo as The Doctor

STARFLEET BIO-FILE: "Doctor" **Includes updates, addenda through SD 50500 (2373) Played By: Robert Picardo Rank: Uncommissioned Current assignment: Chief medical officer, U.S.S. Voyager Full File Name: Emergency Medical Hologram AK-1 Activation Date: SD 48308.2. (2371) Reinitialized Date: SD 50252 (2373) Origin of program: Jupiter Station Holo-Programming Center Original Programmer: Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, Starfleet Programming: Taken from among 3,000 cultures and 47 specific surgeons Office: Adjoining Sickbay on Deck 5, U.S.S. Voyager

***SPECIAL NOTE: Captain's Entry by Kathryn Janeway
Our ship's Doctor is a holographic figure - an emergency medical program devised by Starfleet programmers. When the ship's doctor and entire medical staff were killed in the "Caretaker's" displacement wave, the Doctor by necessity became the resident physician aboard the U.S.S. Voyager, assisted by first Paris and then Kes, a quick study in medical training. The program's first statement upon activation is usually "Please state the nature of the medical emergency"; the automatic command was altered to allow his own creativity, but the Doctor preferred the known opening to creating his own more clever and personable lines. Initiation is automatic upon red alert status; the program is usually set for high magnetic cohesion, but it can be lessened to a mere image. For security's sake in a crisis it carries its own power grid separate from the nominal ship's Holodeck system. The AK-1 program indeed makes the Doctor is a genius when it comes to medicine, but his bedside manner leaves something to be desired - although he has already come far since he was first the joke and then the bane of the USS Voyager crew. In fact, it's harder to tell what's evolved more: the Doctor's own self-respect, or the respect he's given by his colleagues - with thanks on both counts largely due to his surprise assistant, Kes.
File Update: SD 50500
Report by Capt. K. Janeway
I never would have believed it, but our "Doctor" now has more memory and, thanks to the 29th century, is confined to Sickbay no more. It is taking some getting used to, but he has only rarely been troubled by glitches in the self-powered armband mobile emitter he wears after the time-stealing technocrat Starling "donated" it to us.

Tim Russ as Tuvok

Played By: Tim Russ Rank: Lieutenant Current assignment: Detached leave, security chief of U.S.S. Voyager, for undercover Maquis mission; both ships lost and unaccounted for SD 48307.5 Full Name: Tuvok Year of birth: 2264 (Terran equivalent) Place of birth: Vulcan Education: Starfleet Academy, 89-93 Marital status: Married 2304, to T'Pel Children: Three sons, one daughter

Security chief and tactical officer under Captain Kathryn Janeway who had gone undercover to infiltrate the Maqui as part of Chakotay's crew when both ships disappeared in the Badlands of the Demilitarized Zone, presumably destroyed by plasma storms; the smaller craft disappeared a week before the Voyager was last heard from on SD 48307.5. Earlier in his career Tuvok served on the U.S.S. Wyoming and was a teacher and cadet trainer at Starfleet Academy for 16 years before joining Janeway's crew on her ship prior to the U.S.S. Voyager; for a brief time he was on leave with a temporary assignment at Jupiter Station. In his youth he was an opponent of the Federation-Klingon treaties but later came to see the wisdom of fellow Vulcan Spock's drive for alliance.

Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine

Played By: Jeri Ryan Species: Human, Cybernetic Current assignment: U.S.S. Voyager : no formal assignment Full Name at Birth: Annika Hansen Place of birth: Tendara Colony, SD 25479 Marital status: Single

Introductory Medical Notes: EMH Doctor, AK-1 The Borg formerly known by the designation "Seven of Nine" has been disconnected from the Borg collective mind through the neutralization of the upper-spinal column neurotransceiver. In total, I have extracted eighty-two percent of her Borg hardware implants. The remaining bio-implants have been stabilized and remain critical to her life support. I have also stimulated her human metabolism and immune system, though the Borg Nanobots in her bloodstream will more than suffice until she has stabilized. Hair follicles have been repaired and stimulated. Left eyepiece has been replaced by an artificial organ replacement, simulating her own organic eye. Starfleet records indicate that Seven of Nine was formerly Annika Hansen. Annika's parents were last reported to be leaving a remote outpost in the Omega sector, headed towards the Delta Quadrant in a small vessel The Raven. It is possible that the Hansen family were the first humans to be assimilated by the Borg. For detailed records of the implant removal process, access U.S.S. Voyager Medical Database 01-022473-007.

Garrett Wang as Harry Kim

Played by: Garrett Wang Rank: Ensign Current assignment: Operations Officer: U.S.S. Voyager (ship lost and unaccounted for SD 48307.5) Species/gender: Human male Year of birth: 2349 Education: Starfleet Academy, 2367-71 Marital status: Single Last known whereabouts: The Badlands

Profile: Report of Starfleet Command Review Board Kim had an especially promising career in engineering and analytical operations when his life was apparently cut short along with 151 fellow crewmembers on the ill-fated Voyager. Kim, who was engaged at the time of his disappearance, had played clarinet in the Julliard Youth Symphony and was editor of the Starfleet Academy newspaper for one full year, where his series on the mounting Maquis problem fostered much campus debate. Though he enjoyed a stellar academic career and welcomed the challenges and adventures of exploration, Kim was a bit nervous about living up to his own expectations.

Jennifer Lien as Kes

Played By: Jennifer Lien Species: Ocampa Current assignment: U.S.S. Voyager: airponics gardener, medical aide/student Full Name: Kes Year of birth: 2370 Place of birth: Ocampa homeworld Parents: Daughter of Benarem, her father Marital status: Single

Profile Entry: Report by Capt. Kathryn Janeway
Additional Medical Notes: EMH Doctor, AK-1
Kes is a female Ocampa, the species with a life span of only nine years whose home system Voyager was pulled to by the "Caretaker" entity of the Nacene race; although she appears as a twenty-year-old in human years, Kes is actually just two. A tough survivor and a bit of a rebel despite her waif-like air, she came aboard as Neelix's lover and to escape her abuse as a slave with the Kazon-Ogla on the surface of her world, having fled her peoples' passive underground existence to pursue the outside world and the mental acuities rumored to have flourished among her ancestors. She did so at the regret of leaving behind her wise father, Benarem, who died just after her first birthday; she was very close to him and still feels his presence as a guide.
Kes has undergone a radical evolutionary process. Following contact with the species known only by their Borg designation as "8472", Kes began to exhibit extremely elevated serotonin levels. After running a micro-synaptic analysis, I found no way to slow the increase in telesynaptic activity. Kes continued to destabilize at the molecular level and eventually became a being seemingly comprised of pure energy. Kes left the starship Voyager at the time of her destabilization, but imparted a gift to the crew; she propelled us 9, 500 light years towards home, completely circumventing Borg space.

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