The Mythology Of The X-Files

The Arrival Of The Aliens

The aliens first landed here on Earth millions of millions of years ago. They Colonized, then went to explore the universe. Those aliens that did not leave remained underground in the form of an evolved pathogen - a virus, unstoppable and unpreventable in almost every way which would later be known as Purity. It waited to be reconstituted when the alien race from which it came returned to Colonize the planet.

The Creation Of Mankind

Mankind and everything we know of our past was created by the aliens. The DNA of Purity (therefore, the DNA of the aliens) lives in all of us - but it is dormant. However, in some, the DNA is active and this gives these people the ability to read minds using a part of the brain which we are only just beginning to learn about - the God Module. This indicates that the Colonists are psychic. The Colonists, it should be said, are the classic image of the Gray alien. After the Colonists left or went underground, the human species expanded and took over Earth. Humans were created by the Colonists, presumably, as an experiment which snowballed. Thousands of years later, the Colonists returned in secret and, through observing us with UFOs and advanced technology, they were able to examine our society. They then informed the world leaders that they intended to wipe out mankind and Colonize Earth. A timetable for Colonization was set.


Though the alien Colonization of Earth was fifteen years away, plans have already begun. The aliens plan to Colonize Earth by unleashing a virus called Purity which is, in essence, their very life force. When humans become infected with the virus, they fall comatose and then the virus creates a new alien entity inside the human. The entity kills the human, and then gradually evolves into the familiar form of the Grays.

The Colonists are Colonizing because they were the original inhabitants of the planet, though they left to explore and take over the universe using their virus. Now, they have seen humans as an impurity in their bloodline, and they will wipe us all out. Colonization will happen on a holiday, when people are away from their homes. The President will declare a national state of emergency at which point FEMA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency - will suspend constitutional government, and all government agencies will come under the power of FEMA. The virus will be unleashed, and the aliens will kill everyone except those immune to the virus - people who have been vaccinated and alien / human hybrids and clones.

Colonization will begin when a race of successful hybrids has been created, in order for the Colonists to use as slaves.

The Virus And Its Immunity

The virus (also referred to as the 'oil,' the 'black oil,' or the 'black cancer,' or its proper title of Purity) is spread by the Syndicate who inject crops with it, transgenically, and then have the crops pollinated by bees which will carry the virus and sting people, thereby injecting them with it. The only ones immune to the virus are, of course, the aliens, as well as alien / human hybrids and clones - which were the purpose of the Project - and those who have been injected with the vaccine created (albeit stolen) by the Syndicate.

The virus appears in the form of a thick black fluid. At first, the virus seems to 'possess' its victims - apparently using them as hosts for a control organism - and the only indication of its existence within them is a thin black fluid over the eyes. This alien entity can control them, and the victim is unaware of it. With the black oil inside them, they have the ability to emit strong bouts of radiation and light. The oil can be transferred from person to person.

Later, the oil appears as a series of small worms which enter the victim and gradually send them comatose. This oil has been known to come from a UFO which exploded over Tunguska, Russia. This is how the Russians learned of the existence of the Colonists, and of their plans.

Later still, the virus appears as both thick fluid and as worms, and once a person is infected they are used as hosts to re-populate the alien species. It must be understood that the virus is, essentially, the life-force of an alien - like its brain, containing all of its memories and thoughts, only it first uses humans as a slave to do its bidding, then it gestates and re-creates itself, and then it evolves into the form of a Gray alien ... a Colonist.

Alien / Human Hybrids And Clones

The Syndicate agreed to create a cloned slave race of alien / human hybrids for the Colonists in order to buy themselves time to develop a vaccine against Purity. They have only recently completed their work, with Cassandra Spender being the first successful alien / human hybrid. The hybridization scheme was only agreed to in order to buy time to develop a vaccine against Purity.

Though the Syndicate has had access to alien DNA since Roswell in 1947, the technology was apparently not developed prior to 1973. It is is known how the cloning work relates to the hybrid program, but the wrap-up of the Litchfield Experiment may have produced the advancements in the art required.

Alien / human hybrids were created using human test subjects and alien DNA. They were created by the Syndicate using data given to them by the Colonists in order to create a race of hybrids who would mobilize from different parts of the country when the order for Colonization was given.

Hybrids bleed green, toxic blood which can be deadly to anyone who inhales its fumes. The only way to kill hybrid (or a faceless alien, for that matter) is to pierce them in the base of the neck with an alien weapon - a 'stiletto.' While this method has failed several times, it is still generally believed that this is how a hybrid is killed. It is certainly how a rebel is killed.

Alien / human hybrids and clones are results of the Project. If a human is injected with alien DNA, they will eventually become an alien / human hybrid. The hybrids have differing physical characteristics. Some look human yet have alien abilities and several alien characteristics, while others appear alien but are not. They all stem from human test subjects, namely humans who had previously suffered from diseases such as leprosy. After Victor Klemper created them during the days of Operation Paper Clip after the war, they were hidden in Hansen's disease research camps where they were subsequently executed and buried. Those killed elsewhere were hidden in buried boxcars.

The alien / human hybrids and the clones are cloned using the ova of female alien abductees injected with alien DNA which is then implanted into infertile or post-menopausal women, often in convalescent homes. The cataloguing began fifty years ago, with the record keeping being maintained by a complex system which ran through every branch of government - the FBI, CIA, NSA, Social Security Administration, CDC, Department of Defense, and FEMA. They called the Project Purity Control. Purity Control was originally conceived by German scientists as a part of Hitler's legacy which would deal with Purity.

The Litchfield Experiment

Under threat from the Colonists, the American government attempted to create a clone race of alien / human hybrids which the Colonists would use as slaves. To do this, they used technology and data from Purity Control and the Project - a race of super-beings. These beings, who were all cloned, have above-average intelligence (some IQs are pushing 265), heightened strength, but also severe homicidal and suicidal tendencies.

The Litchfield Experiment was a secret government eugenics project in the early 1950s. A group of children - the clones - were produced and they all had fifty-six chromosomes, instead of the regular forty-six, which accounts for their intelligence, strength, behavior. The boys were named Adam, the girls were named Eve. There was eight of each, totaling sixteen. Eve 7 managed to control her psychosis with drugs, and later became Dr. Sally Kendrick. The government sponsored her to clone herself in order to get rid of the Litchfield Experiments' flaws.

These clones are not born naturally; they are either 'created' and then adopted, artificially inseminated, or born through in-vitro fertilization. They appear to have telepathic abilities and, with these powers, their intelligence, and their strength, this indicates that they were the first American clones. It is unrevealed as to whether or not they bleed green blood. Having locked up ten Eves, it remains unknown where the Adams are, and where the remaining Eves are (if any). It is also presumed that these experiments have been abandoned, due to the creation of the alien / human hybrids and clones.

The Tunguska Incident

In 1908, what was first described as a meteorite crashed in Tunguska, Russia, but no scientific study team reached the site until 1927, and they come to the conclusion that a meteorite was responsible.

However, Dr. Alexander Kazentsev is a member of the team who believes otherwise. He notices that, immediately under the center of the explosion, the tops of trees are missing whilst their trunks still stand. Around them, trees are knocked down in uniform directions and they radiate from a central point. Many years later, after the Hiroshima nuclear damage, Dr. Kazentsev studies the area and finds the same thing - topless tree trunks directly under the co-ordinates of the explosions with surrounding trees having fallen in uniform directions.

Returning to the site of the Tunguska explosion, a study conducted by Dr. Kazentsev finds radioactivity in the soil as well as fragments of what appear to be metal alloys. In his official report on this new trip to Tunguska, Dr. Kazentsev comes to the conclusion that the actually explosion was nuclear in nature and occurred more than one mile above the ground. He states that it was the result of the explosions of 'some very large artificial construction weighing in excess of fifty thousand tones, which was being directed toward a landing when its atomic engines exploded.'

The above information on the Tunguska incident is not simply a concoction of the minds of the writers of The X-Files - it is based on actual facts as written by Frank Edwards in his book 'Stranger Than Science' first printed in 1959, reprinted in 1983 by Bantam Books. This information leads to the conclusion that, in The X-Files universe, this was the explosion of one of the Colonist's space ships exploding above Tunguska. Evidently, the aliens on board were killed and their blood (the black oil; virus; Purity) was spread throughout the Tunguska area.

When the Russian government discovered this, they took slaves to help mine the Purity and use it in experiments on humans in order to develop a vaccine against it which was later stolen and given to the Syndicate.

The Syndicate

The group known as the Syndicate began as a small collaboration whose original purpose was to create plausible denial for Purity Control. However, over fifty years, the group grew, encompassing the United Nations and, by 1990, the only person who could give orders which s panned the entire organisation was a German industrialist residing in Tunisia. His name was Conrad Strughold.

Other members of the Syndicate include the Cigarette Smoking Man and the First Elder and, above them, the Well Manicured Man. However, the Well Manicured Man betrayed the Syndicate and informed Mulder of Colonization and how to prevent it. For this, he was killed.

Still more members include Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias, the Pilot and Diana Fowley. Ex-members include Bill Mulder, Deep Throat, X, the Crew-Cut Man, the Gray Haired Man, and Quiet Willy.

Bill Mulder was also a part of the Syndicate, but he was involved with a separate faction which did not work directly on the virus and its outbreak. He worked in the State Department alongside Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil on the Project. Another member of the Syndicate was German scientist Victor Klemper. He conducted brutal experiments on humans using diseases to test immunity and survival ratios (possibly in the hope of developing a vaccine against Purity).

They had only helped the Colonists not because the Colonists had threatened them with their lives, but because they wanted to survive. Their plans weren't to protect the safety of all mankind - only to protect themselves, in the hope that they would remain as the last of the human species. Survival of others was only a bonus. Their loved ones and family were abducted and the Colonists promised to return them when the creation of a successful alien / human hybrid was completed. The aliens intended to use the cloned hybrids as a slave race.

If the truth were to ever be known to the public, the Syndicate would collapse and Colonization would begin immediately. If they were ever to be exposed, there would be chaos. So, they used corruption and plausible denial to their advantage. They even went so far as to use UFO hysteria as their main weapon but, in times of extreme crisis, they used a tool of the Colonists themselves: alien bounty hunters who would police the cloning operations and enforced rule. The bounty hunters, however, also kept watch on the Syndicate themselves and report back to their superiors on the Syndicate's operations.

But the Syndicate had stolen, via a rogue of the Cigarette Smoking Man's known as Alex Krycek, a vaccine to the virus which was the means for Colonization. They had stolen it from the Russians who also knew of Colonization and who were determined to beat the Syndicate as the survivors of the holocaust. In fact, this was the true purpose of the Cold War. They had gained the ability to fight the future.

Samantha Mulder's Abduction

When Bill Mulder was involved in the Project, and as such he was forced to sacrifice one of his children to the Colonists as their form of insurance to make sure that their work - the creation of a perfect alien / human hybrid - was completed. Bill was forced to make a choice. His choice was Fox, but upon consulting his wife, Samantha was selected.

Samantha was abducted and was taken to an alien hybrid program where she was cloned with alien DNA, in order to survive the viral holocaust and Colonization scheme. Fox Mulder still searches for his sister, having encountered clones of her in the past. To this day, Samantha's DNA is still being used to create clones in the preparation for Colonization.

However, Bill was not without his colleagues - the Cigarette Smoking Man also had someone close to him abducted. His ex-wife, Cassandra Spender, who was abducted on the same night as Samantha. She would later become the perfect alien / human hybrid.

The Project

In order to collect DNA and ova for cloning and hybridization, the Syndicate decided to fake alien abductions and extract these. Every American citizen who, in the last fifty years, received a smallpox inoculation was catalogued and then processed. A sample of their DNA was taken and stored in hundreds of underground bases for easy access. This was known as the Project.

However, the Project is really nothing more than another name for the operation which deals with the defeat of the alien life-force - Purity Control. Purity Control and the Project are one and the same, attempting to create a cloned race of alien / human hybrids for the alien Colonists.

Faking Abductions

Alien abductions are faked by the government (who fake the abductions in league with the Colonists) in order to extract DNA and ova from humans. In order to track these abductees, they are implanted with a chip in the base of the neck which, if removed, causes an incurable cancer. When the chip is re-implanted, the cancer will go into remission. It is through the chip and, subsequently, the abductees that the virus will primarily be spread and Colonization enforced.

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

Many female abductees who have their ova taken join the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON. The Syndicate routinely checks up on these women, who have mostly contracted cancer due to the removal of the chips in the base of their necks.

UFO And Alien History

Several famous events in UFO history occurred in The X-Files universe - for example the Roswell incident. Although alien DNA was first obtained in 1947 (three years after the discovery of DNA itself) Roswell was mostly a smokescreen for both the DNA discovery and the beginning of Purity Control. It did happen, but it was a minor crash which was blown out of proportion - the more that they denied it, the more the people believed it. Deep Throat would later tell Mulder that 'half a dozen better samples' were obtained between 1947 and 1994.

After the acquiring of the DNA (though it is not stated whether it was from the crash or a gift from the Colonists) there was a top secret meeting of representatives of many nations in 1947 to agree that any alien survivors of UFO crashes shall be exterminated by the government of the nation in which the UFO crashed. Deep Throat was responsible for the extermination of one of the alien survivors between 1947 and 1994.

Other Aliens

There are other aliens out there, several with an interest in Earth. Aside from the Colonists, one of the more frequent visitors is a radioactive alien. This type of alien also abducts humans for purposes unknown. They are translucent in appearance, and they can emit strong bouts of radiation (similar to those possessed by the black oil, though the connection remains unknown). This species is transporting - with the help of the government - alien weapons and power sources throughout the country. These weapons also emit radiation, and their purpose remains unrevealed. Somehow, these aliens have created a form of time travel which allows them to suspend time for nine minutes.

The Resistance

We do know that there is a race of aliens who protest the Colonist's takeover. These aliens are, of course, the faceless aliens or the rebels. They appear to be human but they have no eyes and no mouths. Evidently, they do not need to eat and they can see through other means (most probably psychically). They have no eyes or mouths so that they can not be possessed by the black oil. They have mutilated themselves to appear this way.

The rebels have been able to use the Colonist's neck implants to their advantage, calling all abductees to gather in organized meeting spots or 'lighthouses' where the rebels use tools of advanced technology to burn the abductees and hence destroy those who will help spread the virus and aid in Colonization.

The rebels are not working in league with the Syndicate - although they want to. They are only to the Syndicate's advantage. The Syndicate fear the Colonists learning of the rebel involvement in their activities and they will hold a dying rebel in captivity, later handing it over to the Colonists. They will even kill rebels. Rebels have been known to go so far as to shoot down a Colonist's aircraft. What we are seeing here is an intergalactic war being waged in secret on Earth. They also bleed the familiar green blood we have come to know.

Roush Technologies

Roush Technologies apparently controls a great deal of the Colonization details. Very little of the organization is known, except that they carry and transport much of the virus, and many FBI members are also members of Roush. In fact, Section Chief Scott Blevins was a member of Roush, and it was he (along with the Cigarette Smoking Man) who first paired Special Agent Fox Mulder with Special Agent Dana Scully.

The Files

Files regarding all of the information you will find here were downloaded onto a DAT tape by a computer hacker, which was subsequently returned to and presumably destroyed by the Cigarette Smoking Man. However, Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and many Native Americans know some of the contents of the tape (very little). Krycek also probably knows its full contents, as does Luis Cardinal, and the Syndicate. The hacker who downloaded the files - the Thinker - was killed because of them.

There are files on the government's cataloguing program (through use of smallpox inoculations) and also skin samples of certain subjects (presumably from alien abductions, as Scully's file contains a skin sample while Mulder's does not). These are stored in the Strughold Mining Company's mountain base in West Virginia.

Furthermore, there are files on every government-registered person in the country (anyone who has a medical record, social security number, anything) which are hidden in a tunnel beneath Washington which connects the Department of Defense with the Pentagon. Also contained in the files are the locations of various alien abduction-related paraphernalia.

The Paraphernalia

Certain alien paraphernalia is hidden inside the Pentagon. It consists of mostly alien implants, and the chips which must be implanted into the neck. It also consists of several alien weapons (presumably) and one or more alien fetuses.

Abduction Locations

Abductees are usually taken to an abandoned train in which experiments are carried out. However, ova manipulation and removal are presumably carried out inside a Level Four Access level inside the Department of Defense (at least, something of the kind is).

Abductions are staged at various locations, one of which is Skyland Mountain. Both Scully and Duane Barry were abducted here. These locations are referred to as 'lighthouses.' These are also the places where the faceless aliens - the rebels - stage mass burnings.

Purity Control

After contact between the government and the Colonists was made in Roswell, 1947, the conspiracy truly began. The Syndicate was formed, and they agreed to develop a race of alien / human hybrids for the Colonists to act as a slave race when they would unleash Purity - a black substance which is, essentially, their life-force. The Colonists agree to wait until the slave race is completed before they Colonize. It is most probably their belief that the Syndicate is intimidated, which is why they will do their work for them.

However, while they are intimidated, the Syndicate is simply buying time in order to develop a vaccine against Purity. This Project - both the hybridization and the vaccine development - is given the title Purity Control. It is staffed with German scientists given immunity from war crimes and allowed to continue the eugenic experiments of the Third Reich. After the surrender of Japan, additional scientists join the work.

Conrad Strughold becomes involved and gains a position of authority in the Syndicate, and he begins managing Purity Control. Bill Mulder also gains a positiong of authority in Purity Control.

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