The X-Files Episode Guide

Movie-The X-Files

released summer 1998

Fight the Future
In Texas, a young boy falls into a hole and is overtaken by the black oil. Four fire fighters who go down to rescue him are infected, too. A phalanx of government troops and vehicles descend on the scene and quarantine it. Mulder and Scully have been reassigned. In Dallas, the pair help look for a bomb; they find nothing. On a trip to a vending machine, Mulder finds the bomb after all. The Special Agent in Charge ushers everyone out so he can defuse the bomb - but once everyone's gone, he makes no effort to do so, and is killed in the blast. An inquiry blames Mulder and Scully for the SAC's death, and those of a young boy and three men found in the FEMA office in the building. After the inquiry, Scully tells Mulder of the FBI's plan to split them up, and of her plan to quit the FBI. Mulder is contacted by Alvin Kurzweil, who says he knew Mulder's father. He tells Mulder to investigate the other bodies found in the bomb blast. In Texas, the CSM is shown the fourth fireman, whose skin is now translucent, and who is playing host to a growing lifeform. The lifeform leaves its host and kills a scientist; the whole project is closed down and covered over. Scully examines one of the bodies in the morgue and finds an odd state of decomposition; she finds unknown proteins in the samples she took. Mulder and Scully go to Texas, but only find a freshly-greened playground. Several boys tell them that trucks just left an hour ago - they set out to find them. When they find the tankers the trucks were hauling, they are on flat cars on a railroad. They follow the train to a huge cornfield with large, inflated domes in the middle. They go into one of the domes just as its contents are being released - bees. They flee, unstung, and quickly are chased off by black helicopters. They return to Washington, where Scully is set to resign. She meets Mulder back at his place to say goodbye, but she is stung by a bee that hitched a ride in her clothes - she goes into shock. Mulder calls an ambulance, which quickly arrives and whisks her off - the driver shoots at Mulder when he inquires as to where they are taking her. Mulder arranges to meet with Kurzweil again, but at the meeting place, he finds the Well Manicured Man. The WMM tells Mulder that the discovery of the black oil in Texas has thrown the Syndicate into disarray. He tells Mulder that the oil contains a virus that triggers growth inside the host, growth of the original inhabitants of this planet. The Syndicate has known that the oil would soon be taking over all of humanity, serving it in a deadly way; their efforts to covertly develop a vaccine have not been as successful as they'd hoped, but there has been some progress. He tells Mulder he is doing this because Mulder's efforts might save the lives of his grandchildren some day. He gives Mulder a vial of the vaccine and Scully's location. The vaccine must be administered within 96 hours, or it will be ineffective. He also says that by telling Mulder all of this, his life was essentially over. As Mulder walks away from the car, it explodes. He travels to Scully's location, in the Antarctic. He finds a huge underground operation, with seemingly millions of cocoons filled with people with beings growing inside them. He is able to find Scully and give her the vaccine. The backwash of fluids from her body set off an alarm in the site's control center, manned by humans; the CSM is there, and notes that the system has been contaminated by the vaccine - he evacuates the premises. Mulder has to carry Scully out of the site, as enraged aliens burst out of their hosts and cocoons and give chase. As they collapse from exhaustion, a great ship emerges from underground and leaves the site, leaving a huge hole in its place. Scully presents the evidence to the OPR, including the bee that stung her, and tells them that no unit in the FBI has the ability to investigate the events. Scully finds Mulder to tell him the X-Files have been reopened; she will stay with him. In Algeria, a new, larger corn field, with dozens of inflated domes arises in the desert, with the CSM wondering what the next step should be.

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All the images are � Paramount Pictures-Star Trek and
� Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

Ritterson's Episode Guides is �1998-2005 by Captain Bill.

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