Bruce Pawson

I am writing with a heavy heart to tell about the passing of an old friend.
I received a note from Jane Pawson, Bruce’s wife letting me know that Bruce passed away suddenly on July 28.
His car club has a very nice liturgy. (Copied below)


Remembering old friends

Colleen Dickinson (Winslett)



Keep on Truckin' Bruce

On Friday July 28th, our very good trucker friend, Bruce Pawson passed away suddenly. Here at the club, we truly lost the heart of our club. The Pawson family, wife Jane, sons Stephen and Darren, and Bruce’s parents lost a great man. The thoughts and stories that Bruce’s family and friends shared with the so many who attended his memorial, showed us a clearer picture of this great man.

Bruce meant so much to this club from Day 1. He was one of the founding members and was always the club’s treasurer and secretary. He was always involved with the club newsletter in so many ways from writing articles and cartoons, to final copy setting, folding, stuffing, addressing and mailing every newsletter that ever went out which would number several thousand over the years. Bruce served as Vice President for 7years, and then President for 4 years. For most club picnics, Bruce worked so hard gathering food, door prizes, and other necessities and hauling them to the events for us. He was also “the guy” flipping burgers at the picnic every year!

Bruce was the creative genius behind McMerc, creating the character and taking all the gag lines in the cartoons from his own and others’ experiences. He titled our newsletter “The Benchracer” and came up with the idea of a “Surgeon General Report”, spun off the idea that we all had an addiction to trucks and one of our purposes was forming a support group to help others with the same problem.

But just as important as all the things he did for the club were the ways he related to members on a personal basis. If you needed a hand, advice, or a critical eye, Bruce was always there. If you were needing a hand on a project at home, Bruce always made the time to help out. If you ever dropped by his house, he was proud to show you the projects he was working on for someone in the club. And never did a club event pass that you wouldn’t see Bruce smile and hear him let out a great laugh.

We will miss Bruce so much and, rest assured, he will not be forgotten! His memory will continue in the trucks we will build, the shows we will visit, the parts we will exchange, the newsletters we prepare, and even in the burgers we will eat! “Keep on Truckin” Bruce!

**Anyone who would like to sign a card of condolence or make a contribution, we will have a card at both Arthur and Autofest weekends. Please see one of the club executive** 2006-08-14, SOCP Administrator

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