This I believe will bring the song to an interesting end, but I still believe the story is left in a bit of a void. Nothing much has changed really. I felt that something conclusive had to happen to bring the story and the show to a proper end. Chess has never had a happy ending, but it's not exactly had a sad or tragic ending either. This is mostly due to the audience never really being too certain what has happened. They need someone or something to latch onto. In Anthem reprise you feel for Florence , more because of the powerful music than her actual position in life, but you still feel for her, which is what is needed. Thus I have decided to go for an ending that will raise emotions. It's not sad, it is in fact a happy ending in many respects, but the level of emotion that should be experienced should take the audience closer to sadness than elation. The emotion should spark a tear rather than a smile, though there will be an element of happiness from the thought that at least something worthwhile came out of all that has happened.

Her father may indeed be proven to be a traitor to his country - that could be how he survived, but that was all a long time ago. This man is her father, the only true relative she has ever had. She can forgive whatever he did, in an attempt to feel what it's like to feel true familial love. Maybe this ending is too sentimental, but I like it and I believe that it will at least spark some emotion in the audience.

Those are my basic reasons behind my choices in the staging and writing of this version. Feel free to send me any comments you want, good or bad, I'll be happy to receive them.
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