MISSION 1:   Arkangelsk
PART I:   Dam
All difficulty levels
Primary Objectives:

1. Neutralize all alarms:               Secret Agent, 00 Agent
2. Install Covert Modem:              00 Agent
3. Intercept Data Backup:            00 Agent
4. Bungee Jump from Platform:   Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent

Weapons and Gadgets:
PP7, Kf7 Soviet, Sniper Rifle, Covert Modem

Around the first corner, you'll see a soldier on your left. Your default weapon here is the silencer PP7. Use it to shoot the guard. Grab his weapon, the KF7 Soviet, a loud automatic rifle. Now directly infront of you is a guard tower with a few men around it and in. Kill them all. Head to the tower, but go around the left side, or you will notify the soldiers in the tunnel if you go to the right. At the top of the guard tower is the Sniper Rifle. Look through it, press R, and adjust the zoom lens with the top C button. In the tunnel are two guards. Pick them off. Head into the tunnel. After taking the tunnel right after the bend, you will want to move to the right to protect yourself. In the distance, you'll see about two close soldiers. Pick them off and them zoom in to nail the two guys in the bunker. You'll notice a tower on the right and a large stack of crates on your left. On agent there is body armor in the tower. Grab it. To collect more ammunition, blow up the wooden crates near the bunker. Shoot only the wooden boxes. Watch for barrels with skulls and crossbones, which will blow up and hurt you. The green Truck is waiting at the far end. To it's right is a red switch, so you need to press B to activate it. After it is another switch, press it. A tower is on your right with at least two guards near it. Make sure to hit them, but be sure to quickly zoom in the soldiers in the far distance, the ones nearest to the alarm. Now blow up the red alarm on the barrack wall, and back up to the red garage door. Open it and be careful of hiding gaurds as you move inside. Exit the compound and move onto the next bunker. A set of crates appear just behind the bunker. Blow up the one closest to it, and you'll see a monitor. Attach your covert modem to it. Head to the fence, shoot at the lock, and press B to push the gates open.
In the distance, you will see three guard towers. Zoom in and pick off these tower guards with the lovely Sniper Rifle. There is one guard in each tower. I think that it is best to eliminate the guards in the towers, then destroy each alarm, systematically. There is one alarm located in each tower, so just walk through and you'll see each one on the wall.
You can access this downstairs region by going down a ladder near eah guard tower door. But the best way is to go to the farthest tower. Enter the tower, walk down the stairs, open the gate, and head left. The upcoming corridor is loaded with guys, so use the learning tecnique and your Sniper Rifle. When you've reached the end of the tunnel, open the door and prepare for serious battle. Use the KF7 Suviet for massive attack, making sure not to blow up the mainframe in the back at the left. Approach the mainframe and press B to intercept the data backup, and you are almost done.
Go back the way you came, and head toward the second guard tower, where across from it, there is a set of stairs. Walk up it and jump off the dam.
Mission complete.
MISSION 1:   Arkangelsk
PART II:   Facility
All Difficulty levels
Primary objectives:

1. Gain Entry To Laboratory Area:        Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
2. Contact Double Agent:                     Secret Agent, 00 Agent
3. Rendezvous with 006:                      Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
4. Destroy all Tanks in Bottling Room:   Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
5. Minimize Scientist Casualties:            Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent

Weapons And Gadgets:
PP7, KF7 Soviet, Door Decoder, Keys, Mines, Mine Activators, Grenades

Head down the air shaft to the bathrooms, where you'll see a head of a guard. There are three other soldiers in this room. Kill them with your PP7. Other guards will hear you and swarm into the bathroom. Leave the bathroom, but don't go downstairs. On that floor, open up the door, and at the bottom of the stairs is one guy. Kill him. And them open the door where he was standing. Open it, take a few steps, turn left, and you'll be behind a guard with a keycard B, which will permit you into an important security room. Across from the stairs, is a security door, open it and press B to activate the computer infront of you. There should be three guards in there, and now you should switch to your KF7 Soviet, Make sure not to blow up the computer, the computer will open a timed security door down the hall and to the left. Be quick because there is yet another door that will close fast. Leave that room, turn left, run down the hall, pick up the body armor, keep running, take a left, and open the door on the left. Then turn right, and pass through that door and stop. To the left in a locker room are two guards. It is not neccessary to kill them, but it is fun. Now open the next door, behind which at least three soldiers that are waiting with rifles in their hands. Open the door, step away a few feet, and wait for them to enter. They line up so killing is easy. Go in and check the left and right rooms, where Dr. Doak the Double Agent (he has brown hair, walks slow, and doesn't put his hands up) may be, and he will hand you a door decoder for later use. If he is not there, you'll see him near the bottling room upsairs later in the level. Leave those two bottling rooms and continue on through the next door. Infront of you is the room with the two security switches, and hallways on either side. Pull out your PP7, pick off the security guard to your left and right. Now, enter and go toward the room infront of you. The room is filled with four guards, so switch to your KF7, but don't throw a mine in there. Go to the left and right and pick off the guards. Almost garunteed, you'll invite others. After killing those stray guards, and facing the door, hit the console on the right with flashing button, press B, and now run because the doors are timed. Of course, you'll have to go through about five guys so reload your KF7 Soviet, and then blow the guards away. If you make it through the security door, go upstairs, kill the three or four guards, and enter the bottling rooms, one by one, if you haven't found Dr. Doak, if you havent already found him. He walks around and may walk towards you if he is near. Talk to him, and wait until he gives you the door decoder key, and then get ready to run. Now take out your PP7 and run down the hall. To the left are two guards, kill them. Now you can use the door decoder. You will see to doors, the one on your right is your door. On Agent mode,  you simply approach it, but on Secret Agent or 00 Agent, you must switch to the door decoder to open the door. Once you are through the door, switch to the mines, go down the stairs, approach
006 so that a conversation begins and as soon as it starts place a mine on each of the front five tanks. Across the room from the staircase you came from, there is a door .It is your escape route. Now there are only two things that need to be done. First make sure 006 is about 5 - 10 feet away from the tanks so he doesn't get killed. Then, blow up all the tanks in the room. As soon as all the tanks have blown up, walk out the door. If you stick around to see what happens, infinite guards will swarm out as the gass fills the room. Make it out alive, and you have completed the mission.
MISSION 1: Arkangelsk
PART III: Runway
All Difficulty Levels
Primary Objectives:

1. Find Plane Ignition Key:                    Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
2. Destroy Heavy Gun Emplacements:   00 Agent
3. Destroy Missle Battery:                     Secret Agent, 00 Agent
4. Escape in Plane:                                 Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent

Weapons and Gadgets:
PP7, KF7 Soviet, Timed Mines, Detonator, Grenades, Klobb, Plane Ignition Key.

Immediately behind you is a large crate og grenades. Grab the box. A guard is in a nearby room. Kill him and pick uup the crate of mines. Head out into the snow using the snow chute or the door. One guard is watching the area. Kill him and grab his KF7 Soviet. To aqquire thePlane Ignition key, walk left and enter the shed. Grab another box of crates on the way to the shed. After you enter, turn right and kill the two guards guarding the plane key. Grab the key.
Then get out of the room and move straight until you reach the end of the bug shed. Then turn right and you'll see a Tank. Go into the tank and then head out onto the runway. To the left of the runway is a machine gun. Shoot a tank shell at it to blow it up. Then drive to the right and there should be a plane and the missle battery. If you are on Agent you will just touch the plane and you are done. Aim the tank at the top of the missle battery and shoot it. Another way is to throw a mine up at it. After you've destroyed the battery, go to the end of the runway to the left and there should be a drone gun. Aim your Tank and shoot it. Then to the right is another drone gun. Shoot that and then head back to the plane. Get out of the Tank and go to the plane and open the plane door. Mission Accomplished.
MISSION 2:   Severnaya
PART I:   Surface
All Difficulty Levels
Primrary Objectives:

1. Power Down Communications Dish:   Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
2. Obtain Safe Key:                                Secret Agent, 00 Agent
3. Steal Building Plans:                          Secret Agent, 00 Agent
4. Enter Base via Ventillation Tower:      Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent

Weapons and Gadgets:
Silenced PP7, KF7 Soviet, Sniper Rifle, Klobb, Grenade Launcher, Safe Key, Hut Key, Grenades.

Unlike the easy mission, fewer soldiers chase you, but they are better aiming with their weapons. Follow to the road to a crossing that splits to a small hut on the left and right side. Two guards shoot at you on the right. Kill them and grab the stuff inside the hut. Skip the left house for now.
Continue on down the road, keeping the big satellite dish in site. You have to power it down anyway, so use it to guide your way when your lost. Along the path is an observation tower which has nothing in it so skip it. When you are at the satellie dish, take a right. Along the way, you should pick up a Klobb eventually, a fast shooting, automatig machine gun. It is excellent (Ya right!.) A small guard tower and two houses appear, Ignore tha metal girded construct and the first house and head to the other, slightly farther house, the one at the end of the road. You'll find the hut door key, Grenade Launcher, and Grenade rounds. A beige suit military guard has the key in the hut. Kill him and get the key. Now remember that hut at the beginning of the journey we told you to skip? This is where you will use the key to unlock the hut. Make your way back to the hut, ignoring enemies, and avoiving gunfire. Unlock the hut door and grab the Safe Key. Objective B completed. Now head back to the main road, and be sure to reload because there will be some enemies wanting to kill you.
Head straight to the main satellite ignoring any distractions. Enter the facility and run up the stairs. On Agent, you simply open the door, walk up the stairs open up the other door and power down the satellite, justdon't shoot the computer because it will sound the alarms. Run back down the stairs.
Two objectives to go (in Secret Agent and 00 Agent). you must obtain the map, in the bunker compound, and find the ventilation shaft. Turn left once you leave the satellite area. Follow the path to the left to the compound. There are many huts. Enter the first hut to the left and unlock the safe to get the building plans. Then head out. If you want to get rid of some guys, use your Grenade Launcher, aiming at the barrels, That'll get them for sure. Still the best idea is top run, because there are too many guards around. Then once you are out of the compound, follow the left side until you reach a dead end. Then you will see a ventilation shaft. go up the ladder, shoot off the four locks and jump in and you're home free.
MISSION 2:   Severnaya
PART II:   Bunker
All Difficulty Levels
Primrary Objectives:

1. Disrupt all Surveillance Equipment:                   Secret Agent, 00 Agent
2. Copy Goldeneye Key and Leave the Origional:   Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
3. Get Personnel to Activate Computer:                 00 Agent
4. Download Data from Computer:                         00 Agent
5. Photograph Main Video Screen:                          00 Agent

Weapons and Gadgets:
Silenced PP7, DD44 Dostovei, Klobb, Kf7 Soviet, Grenades, Camera, Key Analyzer, Datathief, Security Card,              Computer room Keycard,  Phantom, Klobb

Open the door infront of you and quickly kill the two guards infront of you. If you are slow, then they will turn on the alarm. Pick up their KF7 Soviet, and use the PP7 again to knock out the red alarm on the wall. Turn around and head to the room from where you started. There's another door there, and behind it is a generator and a surveillance camera. Open the door and quickly blast the camera. No alarms means you are succeeding. Go back to the second room where you were in. You will see a guard passing. Take him out with the PP7. He's got the security card. If he doesn't, then some other guard walking around guard in the bunker will. Knock out the camers outside and to the right. With the room you just left from, turn right. You'll reach a room that is also part cave. Three men guard it. Kill them and eliminate the camera there. Use your PP7 for quiet death for a few enemies, or your KF7 Soviet for more enemies, plus better enemise as well, like the Klobb and DD44's. To your left is a hallway that leads to a staircase. That staircase leads to the main roo with Boris, the key you need to copy, and the map of the world, of which you need to take a picture of. But you can't go in yet, there are simply too many guards in it. Leave that cave when the coast is clear. You'll find very close to you a gray door that leads to another gray door inside it, but not the second. Look through the window. There are three men, and a mainframe. Don't use any grenades and make sure not to blow up the mainframe. On 00 Agent you'll have to bring Boris up here and turn on the mainframe. Two guards are to your right and one to your left. Open the door and spray bullets at the guards. Collect their ammo and head to the main room. At this point, you should have eliminated everyone in the hallways and the other rooms except for the main room. Move around the corner to the left and slowly use your PP7. A few guards should be in various places around the room. One is directly to your left, another straight across from you, to your right is a staircase, so run up it and kill the three enemies in it. The room that you are in is a split floor and across from it is a similar one across the large main floor. Two men are in it. Run over there and blow up the camera. That should complete Objective A. This should be done quickly, so that Boris doesn't run away. Initiate conversation with Boris on 00 Agent. He'll lead you to the mainframe room. now while you're in the main room you'll see a giant world map. While you are following the really slow Boris, switch to your camera and take a picture of the world map, completing Objective C. When you are in the mainframe room, switch to your datathief and wait until Boris types in "KNOCKERS" and then press Z to activate the computer and wait until the Objective is completed. Boris will have set off the alarm, so get ready with your KF7 Soviet, because you will be facing some enemies in the big room. Now run back to the computer in the main room where you saw Boris. Pick up the Goldeneye Key and switch to your key analyzer. Copy the key by pressing Z and press Z to throw the origional away. Now that objective is complete. There is one door to the right of the World map. Enter this door which leads to a staircase where at least two guards are at the top. Pick them off. and your Mission is complete.
MISSION 3:   Kirghizstan
PART I:   Launch Silo #4
All Difficulty Levels
Primary Objectives:

1. Plant Bombs in Fuel Rooms:       00 Agent
2. Photograph Satellite:                  Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent
3. Obtain Telemetric Data:             Secret Agent, 00 Agent
4. Retrieve Satellite Circuitry:       Secret Agent, 00 Agent
5. Minimize Scientist Casualties:   Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent

Weapons and Gadgets:
Silenced PP7, Plastiques, Camera, Kf7 Soviet

On Agent mode, there is no time limit, but on Secret Agent and 00 Agent, the whole mission is timed and a clock at the botto of your screen delivers the time. On Secret Agent, you have 7:30 to complete the mission and on 00 agent, 8:30. That means a lot of running and killing. Also in every room, there is the satellite circuitry, and imprortant telemetric Data which you'll need to recover. The circutry is hanging around on tables, and is pretty easy to spot, while the Telemetric Data is harder to find. The security cards are in the hands of the scientists. If you run and chase them, they'll drop the card, otherwise, the cards are in their hands. Usually the guy in the deepest corner has it.
Go to the first room kill the soldiers guarding it. They will be in range and if you kill them fast enough, and no scientists should get in the way. Pick up the required cards (two green data ones on the table on the left) and the security card on the floor.
After the first room you'll come to a split in the hallway, take a right, and pass along a side bridge, by the rocket. At least twomen stand behind the door that leads from the bridge to the hallway, so when you open the door, shoot fast, strafe right, Then strafe left infront of the doorway and finish the other guys off.
At the end of the hallway that turns left, there are a few barrels. A few soldiers may also appear. Instead of shoothing them, shoot at the two explosive barrels in the corner. If done right, all of the nearest barrels will blow up. give yourself a lot of room, like stay at the bottom of the stairs. Approach the corner of the wall without revealing  yourself. lean out and shoot about 3 or four guys in the distance. Beware of grenades. Take out one soldier at a time. There are more barrels just around that corner, so if the barrels explosion you caused didn't set them off, make sure the enemy fire doesn't either.
You are now ready for room two, containing at lest three soldiers who hide behind the door on the right. Another will be in your sight as soon as the door is open. one green data card lies on a computer card just on the other side of the door, so grab it. Grab the security card on the floor as well. As many as three more gurads may enter the room, so watch out. Go up the stairs and out.
Another split appears in the hall before you, and you should strafe to the left side of the hallway and kill the guy on the right with out exposing yourself to the intersection. now turn left, press R and right C, and lean to see a soldier ducking behind a crate. Now turn and go to the right where you'll open a door to a bridge with a load of soldiers on it. more appear on the other side of the door. Strafe and shoot, strafe and shoot. After that, enter the room, follow the corridor that leads up a short set of stairs and lead to the third room where more soldires will meet you. at the top of the stairs.Don't forget to wave.
The third room. no soldiers will apperar initially. Enter the and head right to the bald scientist in the corner. He will have D.A.T. card which will complete objective B. Great, now turn around go to the far side of the tall computer just next to the door. Another bald scientist is there so you will need to grab the security keycard from him. Objective C is now completed. You should have no less than 1:40 on you clock if your half way decent. Three guards will stand in your way as you pass through a T-shaped split in the corridor. Turn right, and get ready.
After the third room, turn right and kill the few soldiers on the bridge. After that, a clan of gunmen are ducking, hiding, and shooting. follow suit. Crouch down and wait until there is no gunfire and then stand up and shoot. Kill the first guy on the left and hide behind that crate. then duck and shoot a few times quickly, before they start tossing grenades.
room 4 has the satellite. It is easy spot because of the blue side pattern; switch to your camera and take a picture. All objectives are met for Agent and Secret Agent. Walk up the stairs and prepare for another battle. There are no less than a dozen men, plus Ourumov, who has a briefcase behind them all. well it is relatively easy to kill off the soldiers, our Ouromov will shoot and not miss untill you run towards him. And your gonna take a few hits, so hopefully you'e accuired those vests. halfway through the tunnel he'll run. You're on a time limit, so rush at him as soon as you kill all of the soldiers.
Chase carefully after him, but slow down befor you turn the corner left in the final T-shaped hallway. At leas three guards are there. Strafe right and left to avoid their shots. Turn left, go out the door that leads to a bridge, and then to another door. Enter it and passthrough a hallwaywith an oval shaped room. A guard will stand on each side shoot 1, then the other. More should appear. Go right into the next room and kill the few guards that are in the middle of a giant computer circle. Plant the plastique, ascend the three stairs, and turn left past the room you entered. don' forget to run like a crazy fiend. Take a right to an elevator and thats the ball game.
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