Q:   What is the GS button?
A:   It is the only button your gameshark, located on the front side. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest you go to and look around there a bit.

Q:   I was wondering if you had ever tried to find any extra multiplayer levels. I figure if you can get Statue and Cradle, you can get all of them. I tried changing the last two numbers but it does nothing so I was wondering if you might know
A:   Of course many people, including myself, have tried to find many other multiplayer levels. I'd say the chances of finding any more are slim, but there is still a possibiblty.

Q:   Is it fair that you kill Xenia, Trevelyan, Jaws, and Baron Samedi with dozens of bullets and a regular soldier with three or four?
A:   Fair? Nope! Realistic? Nope! Then why would it be that way? Simple: They're "BOSSES." and because of that fact, they are supposed to take longer to kill and a greater challenge.

Q:   In the Dam level, if you walk across the Dam itself, you eventually get to a dead end with red stripes over the wall. Is or was there anything behind it in BETA version, or was it also removed due to  "memory" constraints?
A:   You just answered your own question, kind of. However, I'd said nothing became of it more as a result of "time constraints." See that what happens when we the public pressure companies to release a game, not everything that was planned makes it into the final game.

Q:   If  you select "Tiny Bond", go to the Frigate, go and stand infront of the stairs that lead to the lower part of the ship (the brown  ones) crouch, and walk across, you'll float in mid air! Now continue walking until you get to a door and open it. To your right is another door hangind in mid air as well. When I try to get it, I fall back down to the floor. Do you think Xenia is behind it? Since it says in the Moneypenny Briefing: "Xenia somewhere on the La Fayette..." maybe that is just a hint to find her.
A:   Nope. Xenia is nowhere to be found in the Frigate, period. (except, of course, using a certain gameshark code...)

Q:   If you put on INVISIBILITY and go to any level that contains drone guns, they will shoot at you, even though you are invisible! But the guards don't see you at all. Why?
A:   As I have learned, Bond simply  isn't visible in the visible color spectrum. However, Bond still gives of infared light, and these drone guns are able to see him due to his infred light

Q:   If you go to the Egyptian Temple to the blue glass that's right infront of the starting point, lok down and shoot at one of the pillars in the reflection, you'll see a trace that a bullet leaves when it is shot into a hard surface. But if you look up to the pillar in the reflection that you shot at, you will see no trace at all .Why?
A:   It is just a minor, insignificant glitch that the gamesters missed

Q:   How is the KF7 Soviet different than the AR33 Assault Rifle besides looks?

A:   The only real difference is that the AR33 Assault Rifle is slightly more accurate, due to less recoil.

Q:   Is there anyway to play the game in BETA?
A:   Well, not exactly.This hard to answer, because using a gameshark, we can all make many, many different changes.However, since we can't really say what all was in the BETA, we have no idea if the changes we made were from the BETA, or the gameshark just dinking around with the game's programming. But,who knows, maybe we will someday find a gameshark code that will release extra objectives in a level, which, you could effectivly call, "Playing 007's BETA."

Q:   Do you get an extra code for getting all the codes when you beat all twenty levels in the cheat time? (eg:   Facility - 00 agent - 2:05...)
A:   No extra codes are rewarded for getting each code. (Unless, at the .0000001% possibility that Rare is still hiding something from  us . Here's hoping for an all Bond's cheat!)  

Q:   Is there a swearing mode in the game?

A:   NO!

Q:   How do beat any levels for 007 mode?
A:   You can't "beat" any of the 007 levels. You can obiously go through them and coplete them however you would like to, but, it will never get checked off.

Q:   Is there a nude Natalya code?
A:   There is no way in hell that there is a code like that

Q:   Are Mayday and Oddjob in the 1 player game?
A:   Oddjob and Mayday are certainly, absolutely positively not a doubt, NOT in the 1 player game. They remain in multiplayer only

Q:   Is there anyway to put all guns on every level in multiplayer (with gameshark)?
A:   As of right now, I know of no way to put it in for every level. However, It is still worth shutting of for.

Q:   What is the Island across the far side of the dam for?
A:   It was originally planned for Bonde to have to go across to the island to complete an objective.It didn't go into the final version of the game, and the graphics are all that remains.

Q:   What is the chemistry set doin on top of the ducting of the gasplant?
A:   Little detals like this were put in the game because we always appreciate seeing little details like this in other games. They could be there for you to shoot, in the vain hope of activating the final cheat slot, but there not. Sometimes things just are.

Q:   What is the final cheat slot for?
A:   Nothing. It can be used for various gameshark codes.

Q:   AC-10 ? What on earth does that mean?
A:   It is a term derived from role playing games which a couple of the designers are interested in. In a particularly old game system, the better the class of the character's armor, the lower the number went. To a maximum of -10. AC-10. Obscure. Yes

Q:   Why do the soldiers arms stick through the doors?
A:   Actually it was a particularly annoying problem that would of taken a very large amount of time to fix. Players still seem to have fun in spite of it, and we hope it will be very absent in the next game.

Q:   Where is the "Spyder" Gun?
A:   The spyder was turned into the Klobb, which was named after Ken Lobb of NOA.

Q:   What is the room for at the end of the radio ca in the Train?

A:   It is for you to wander into if you manage to kill Trevelyan, and Xenia unusually quick to outwit the programmers, who didn't think it was possible. It was modelled for the sake of completeness, and proved to be unneccesary for this mission. The door at the end of it is locked so you can't open the door. That is usually why doors are locked.

Q:   Why does everything blow up? I've never seen a wooden chair blow up.
A:   You have now. Not the answer you may have wanted, but hey.

Q:   Where is the Taser Boy in the game?
A:   The Taser boy is only available when you activate the ALL GUNS cheat. Again, it would have been in single player you know the rest

Q:   Where are the proximity mines in the game?
A:   You can get them in the Depot, if you go to the warehouse with the weapons.

Q:   Were you going to put a motorbike in the runway to chase the plane with?
A:   We might have been. Are you saying that you would rather have a motorbike than a tank? And surely two vehicles on a level would have been a extravagance? Well, if you are not satisfied with that answer, you can see the motorbike on a table in the Surface.

Q:   Why do the guards fade when you kill them
A:   Because the game would eventually stop if they didn't.

Q:   What's all this about a hidden 'Citadel' level? 
A:   The Citadel was a very rough test level designed during the early stages of multiplayer mode. It is not playable in the finished game in any shape or form, and Oddjob and Mayday wouldn't be in it if it was.

Q:   Are you doing Tomorrow Never Dies for the N64?
A:   No. we were offered the licence several times, but the team chose to excersize its creativity and come up with some origional characters and scenarios featuring no inbuilt restricions. The game will still run on  an updated version of the Goldeneye engine, however. Keep an eye on the site for more details on Perfect Dark as they're released.

Q:   Does this mean you won't be doing another Bond Game ever
A:   At this point in time, Rare is not making, nor has it any plans to make a game based on a Bond film, past, present or future. So there you go.

Q:   How much do Gamesharks Cost?
A:   About $60 to $75 (Cdn)

Q:   Are there gameshark codes to play the full Facility, Archives and Caverns?
A:   Yes.
       Play Full Facility:   880C8784   0001
       Play Full Caverns:   880C5F84   0001
       Play Full Archives:   880CD784   0001

Q:   Are there Gameshark codes to play four player Egypt, Caverns, Archives, and Bunker?
A:   Yes.
       Play Egypt with four players:       8002B537   000B
       Play Caverns with four players:    8002B537   000A
       Play Archives with four players:   8002B537   0009
       Play Bunker with four players:      8002B537   0008
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