Multiplayer Awards:

Most Deadly

Most Harmless

Most Frantic

Most Cowardly

Most Honourable

Most Dishonourable

Most Professional

Markmanship Award

Longest Innings

Shortest Innings

Where's The Ammo?

Where's The Armor?

Double Kill

Triple Kill

Quadruple Kill

Lemming Award

AC-10 Award


















It means you are very deadly, and you kill quick and efficiently

You didn't get too many kills and didn't deal much damage. This works in relation to most deadly. If the other player was mush better than you, but you were also deadly, you could still get this.                      

You don't stay and fight, you just run around.

You run away from the battle.

You battle by the rules, aren't being cheap, and no back shots

Lots of back and head shots, being a cheap player.

You played like a pro, lots of head shots etc.

You had the best aim

You were alive for long amounts of time between deaths

You lived for short amounts of tome between deaths

You ran out of ammo, or you didn't get much

Didn't get much body armor

Killed two people at once

Killed three people at once

Probably the rarest award. You killed everyone including yourself

You Killed yourself alot

(Armor Class -10) Tough to hit and you aren't killed easily. The name originates from RPG games.

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There are 17 awards on this page                                                       Last updated:   May 13, 2000  

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