
Getting The Golden Gun In The Temple

In order to recieve the Golden Gun in Level 20, you must walk a certain way to keep the drone guns from shooting at you

up 1, left2, up2, right 3, up 2, left 1, up 1, left 1, up 2

Getting Back Into The Vent In The Facility

1. Stand on the toilet under the vent facing the door.
2. Hold the R button down
3. Push and hold C right and the control stick left
4. Keep holdine R, C right and control stick Left until you see Bond jump into the vent
5  Release the buttons
6. Push back on the control stick.

Invisible Mines

In Multiplayer, when someone dies, you can put a mine on one of the guns that they left behind. Then when you pickup the gun, it looks like the mine has disappeared, but actually it is still the and can still be blown up.

Mixed Weapons

When you have doubles of a weapon, you can pair one of those weapons up with another weapon. Just go to the second set of doubled guns and hold A, press Z twice, then let go of A, and press A again. If you did it right and quick enough, a glitch will cause you to have mixed weapons.

Blowup Mines Without Watch

To blowup your remote mines without taking the time to flip through the watch, just press A & B at the same time. This is great in multiplayer when your enemie are right infront of you. Just throw the mine at them and blow it up in the face.

Three  Of The Same Player In Multiplayer

In a 4 player multiplayer game, 3 people can be the same character. Just:

1. In 4 player mode, set the character you want to be "multiplied" as player 4 and then chose anyone for players 1, 2, 3.
2. Set the number of players to three, then choose player 4's character for player 3.
3. Set the number of players to two, then choose the same player that you chose for players 3 and 4, for player 2.
4. Change the number of characters to 4 and players 2, 3, 4, will all be the same person

Floating Mines

In multiplayer, go to the bunker and choose remote mines as your weapon. Then in the big room, plant eight mines on the TV screens on the ceiling. Detonate the mines. Then go pickup some more mines. When you throw one, it lokks as if you didn't throw it, but if you back up, you will see it floating in the air.

Scroll Through Weapons Backwards

To scroll through weapons backwards, press and hold A, and tap Z. This is good to know how to do in harder levels of the game.

Slap Jaws To Death

In the Aztec level, try killing Jaws with only your fist. because Bond is so close, Jaws can't get any shots off

Unlock the Doors in th Frigate

To unlock the doors in the Frigate in the control room, put invisibility on and go to th locked door on the left. Attract the guards over and sooner or later, one will open the locked door. Now you can walk out on the lookout and get locked out when the door shuts. What fun.

Floating Mines in Caverns

Go to the end where you contact Jack Wade. Walk over by the radio, throw three timed mines on the barrels, and run for your life. Then after they explode, your mines will float!

Talk Through Wall

In the streets, go to the building where you talk to Valentin, but instead of going in the place with him go into the room behind and stand near the wall. He will start to talk.

Kill Alec before he says fate w/o failing or setting off the alarm

Talk with Alec until it says Objective C, D completed, then plant mines on the tanks then go throught the door where all the enemies go through and Alec will say "there's a job to do here, don't neglect your duty James" then go back, but don't let Alec see you, when he is near the tanks, blow them up and amke sure he disappears and you still won't fail th mission.

Statue with no Mishkin

Here is a cool trick you can do in the Statue Park level. Do all the objectives but afer the helicopter explodes, find the Helicopter Flight Recorder, but do not pick it up. Instead, keep shooting it up towards the gate, until you can see Natalya. At this time, you can pick it up. If you do this, then Miskin will never appear. Even if you go through the whole level again. If you go through the gates, then you will see no animation with Mishkin leading bond away, but you will still have to go through the Archives

Easier Cradle Level

On the Cradle, run after Trevelyan. If you runfast enought into the shed with the console, the turret gun will shoot Trevelyan. Then simply go down the ladder and you have beaten the level.

Enemies can kill each other

First put on invincibility, Infinite Ammo, Paintball Modes, 2x Grenade Launchers, 2x RC-P90, and 2x Throwing Knives. Then go to the streets level on agent. When you start the level, let the time run out and kill all the civilians until you fail the mission. Now have two enemies at least 5 feet apart shoot at you. Line them up so that the one behind the enemy infront of you will shoot the one infront of you. The enemies can kill their own men! You can also do this with the civilians and have the enemy kill the civilian. It is pretty cool!

Fight while paused

Go to multiplayer. While playing, pause the game. Then while paused, tap the Z button. your gun will fire while it is paused, but no bullets will come out. This trick is useful when someone is infront of you, because you can slap them while the game is paused.

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There are 17 Tricks on this Page                                Last Updated April 23, 2000

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