Reviews and community
This is my reviews page, and what it does is rate or slate tested objects.If you have tested out a cool something and want to let the world know, then e-mail me. Thanx ;)
As for the community bit, it's just there to fill the space up a bit and to sound gud.
Object:Good Charlotte album:The Young and Hopeless
Price:12.99 (In Pounds,but the pound sign on my keyboard is f***ed up)
Available: From all gud record stores such as HMV
Review: If you like pop punk, you'll like this.There are fast songs such as the anthem, and slower ones like emotionless.Overall it's worth the splash, and if you're feeling bad then Hold on will cheer you up.Either that or it'll depress you even more.
Rating: 8/10
Object: Converse trainers,Chuck Taylors
Price:32.99 (pounds)
Available: From Office, 020 7566 3070
Review: Quite comfy and cool for rockin around in. They look wicked with almost any outfit (er... maybe not a posh party frock)for boys or girls, and are available in loadsa colours & Designs.
Object: GTA Vice City (pc rom)
Available: From most games shops, or amazon,
Review:An ace game, where the whole point of it is to break the rules.Drive around the city stealing people's cars and motorbikes, nick tourists' money and shoot enemy mafias. A  great game.( Er.... no one told me it was 18+...)
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Object: VANS trainers
Price: Around 45 pounds
Available: From VANS stores
Review: Amazingly useful skate trainers, required to go skateboarding in! Good grip and good designs.
Rating: 10/10
Object: Stress reliever
Available: Mainly free with the NHS
Review: Wicked! In different shapes, sizes, colours and designs, these come in handy after a tough day.
Rating: 10/10
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