Top 40
How the votes were cast.

Each group member was given the opportunity to vote for their top 8 choices from the first five astronaut groups, a few names were omitted but as the voting showed they probably wouldn't have been chosen anyway.

All the lists were then counted and 8 points awarded to the 1st placed astronaut, 7 for the 2nd, 6 for the 3rd etc down to 1 point for the 8th placed man.  Each astronaut then had his points counted and a top 40 was compiled using these points.
John Young
Charles Conrad
James Lovell
Neil Armstrong
David Scott
Eugene Cernan
Michael Collins
Alan Bean
Gus Grissom
Charles Duke
Frank Borman
48 - points
0 - 1st places
in 12 top 8's
James McDivitt
47 - points
1 - 1st place
in 11 top 8's
Dr.Harrison Schmitt
40 - points
1 - 1st place
in 8 top 8's
Walter Schirra
31 - points
0 - 1st places
in 8 top 8's
Alan Shepard
30 - points
1 - 1st place
in 6 top 8's
Thomas Stafford
24 - points
0 - 1st places
in 8 top 8's
Buzz Aldrin
21 - points
0 - 1st places
in 6 top 8's
Gordon Cooper
20 - points
1 - 1st place
in 4 top 8's
Charles Bassett
17 - points
0 - 1st places
in 3 top 8's
Fred Haise
15 points
Richard Gordon
13 - points
John Glenn
10 - points
141- points
8 - 1st places
in 26 top 8's
121 - points
6 - 1st places
in 22 top 8's
118 - points
5 - 1st places
in 22 top 8's
93 - points
4 - 1st places
in 20 top 8's
77 - points
0 - 1st places
in 20 top 8's
70 - points
1 - 1st place
in 15 top 8's
57 - points
1 - 1st place
in 11 top 8's
56 - points
0 - 1st places
in 11 top 8's
53 - points
3 - 1st places
in 10 top 8's
49 - points
1 - 1st place
in 10 top 8's
Edgar Mitchell
16 - points
0 - 1st places
in 3 top 8's
Russell Schweickart
8 - points
Joseph Engle
7 - points
Alfred Worden
6 - points
Donald Slayton
6 - points
Jack Swigert
5 - points
James Irwin
5 - points
5 - points
Thomas Mattingly
5 - points
Edward Gibson
3 - points
William Anders
3 - points
Donn Eisele
2 - points
Jack Lousma
2 - points
Owen Garriott
1 - point
Vance Brand
1 - point
Edward White
1 - point
Roger Chaffee
1 - point
Joseph Kerwin
1 - point
The following received no votes at all

John Bull
Gerry Carr
Walt Cunningham
Ron Evans
Ted Freeman
Edward Givens
Don Lind
Bruce McCandless
William Pogue
Stuart Roosa
Elliott See
Paul Weitz
The more I think about it, the higher Armstrong rises, though I don't think he'd get to my top 8.
I'd want Pete Conrad to fly the spacecraft for me.
Schmitt-As a scientist Jack Schmitt rose to the top.
Cooper-I had 10 and had to drop Gordo and Conrad.  I still would have liked to party with those two when they were in their prime.
I tried to use a variety of criteria to make my choices.  Leadership: if you could be a leader among these men that says a lot in my opinion.  Dedication: one needs to be dedicated to the program.  Results: when they had a mission how successful was it?  What did they do to make it successful?  Teamwork: how well did they work together with their fellow astronauts?
For some astronauts, like Ted Freeman, we know so little about them that one really can't put them in their top 8.
It was a lot tougher to come up with these than I thought it would be.
Schmitt-In my estimation, there HAD to be a scientist on one of the lunar trips and he's pretty much it.  I don't know him well enough to comment based an any of his works I've read but what I interpret from Gene Cernan's books is that he sure put in all he had and EARNED the slot. 
Schirra-I liked him fine in Mercury/Gemini but his atitude in Apollo 7 really destroyed that.
Shepard-I'm a bit miffed about Cone Crater.
These are based on those individuals who I have taken a shine to through reading various books.  They also seem to fall within my favourite missions Apollo's 8, 10 and 15.  
Its not based on who I think are the best astronauts.  Perhaps its more along the lines of who I would most liked to fly with.
I would define my picks as my 'favorites' rather than as 'the best' because you're giving us the option to pick those who contributed th emost to Apollo as opposed to the best pilots.
Schmitt-Came from outside the 'fighter jock' fraternity and yet became an outstanding LMP.  He developed procedures for lunar observation and sampling and the only scientist on the moon.
Plus the 5 moonwalkers, except Alan Shepard who should have stayed grounded.
Schweickart-Derided as the 'token hippy' by the jet jocks.
Mitchell-The most open-minded of the moonwalkers.
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