Astor Place - A New Yorker's View

Who better to ask for information about Astor Place than a New Yorker. Here is one Buzztowner's view.

As for "atmosphere," it's like a small one-man shop ... times 100. It's not what you'd call "intimate," but it IS in the heart of NYC after all. But the barbers are all true professionals. They LISTEN to you and work hard to give you what you want. They take the time needed for your cut. NO attempt is made to hurry you out and get to the next customer.

Also, they allow you to roam around as much as you want. You can watch any of the approximately 50 barbers work, then pick one. You just ask him how many are in line, then hang around his chair until he's done. They do work FAST.

As for styles -- they can't be beat for buzzes of ALL kinds. Crews, flattops, high and tights -- you name it, they do it -- and do it WELL. And cheaply! And they've seen it all. If you walk in with stubble on your head and ask for a haircut, they'll give you one and not blink an eye. Happens every day. It's NYC, after all! And -- let me emphasize this -- THEY DO NOT DO ONLY BUZZES OR WEIRD CUTS!! They are pros. They do what YOU ask for. They will NOT try to buzz every client, or talk you into something you don't want! They will give suggestions IF ASKED, but are not "buzz bullies."

Newcomers, as I said, can roam, watch, and choose. Or, if you want, they'll tell you to wait and then assign you to somebody. Newcomers needen't worry -- ALL the barbers are great.

Downstairs, there are a few barbers who specialize in "designs" or weird/freaky cuts. And they are true artists! They will shave a perfect Batman symbol in the back of your head, or lightning bolts on the sides, or team logos of all kinds. I've even seen a Yankees logo dyed red and blue like the real thing! I've seen Jets logos, High School wrestling logos, pictures, words, phrases -- you name it!! And many keep photographs of their "creations" near their chairs, so you can peruse the "museum" as you wait! There's sometimes a wait for these specialized barbers, sometimes a LONG wait. They take their time with their designs, and sometimes a single one can take a whole hour. But the end result, if you're into that stuff, is awesome, and unrivaled anywhere in the country -- perhaps the world!

Each barber has his (and a few hers) own story. They're like NY cabbies in this respect. All interesting individuals with colorful histories.

Astor Place Hairstylist - Beware of Imitators

Special thanks to the Buzztown reader who provided this view of Astor Place, and who also provided other background information that was valuable for the writing of this article.

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