Regulation Cut

These photos show Buzztown regular reader "Dave in Japan" with a regulation cut. The term "regulation cut" is a reasonably broad term generally referring to a very short taper cut, with the hair clipped to the skin at the lower area of the back and sides.

As a member of the U.S. military based in Japan, Dave has found that it has taken a while to work out how to get the cut he wants.

Regulation cut - topRegulation cut - left

"It's not too easy getting a good haircut overseas. The barbers don't usually understand all the subtleties of what you want; but after eight months of trial and error, I've gotten a pretty good fade. Once a week I ask for 'skin on the sides and back, trim the top, and leave the front long.' Actually I use a mix of English and Japanese, but that's the idea."

Dave in Japan (AKA deejay).

Regulation cut - right

Regulation cut - back

The pictures below show Dave's progression from a regulation cut, to a high and tight with a medium/short brushed-forward top to a very short high and tight flattop.

The pictures taken of the back of the head show how the shape of the head is changed by the different excellent styles.

Thanks to Dave for sending these photos of his excellent regulation cut. Dave is currently gradually going to a shorter style, and some high and tight photos are now showing in the Buzztown Gallery.

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