Message and Photos from Errol Baker in Ettalong Australia

It's great to be the first barber shop outside of North America in the Buzztown Barber Shop.

Errol's Barbery is still progressing with a total makeover of the shop. The antiques are accumulating; we've actually found a really old sheep shearing machine which will soon be installed from the ceiling of the shop. Don't panic. It's not for real haircuts. I'm also on the track of a barber's chair circa 1885. Its restoration will be a labour of love.

A big "Hi" to all the guys who have rung me from the States to exchange pleasantries. Seems that the calls from across the Big Pond came at a time when I am "flat chat" (really busy).

Sorry about that. The new temporary e-mail address is [email protected]. Give us a buzz.

Hoo Roo (Aussie for Good Bye for Now),

Here are some photos of Errol at work showing his shaving skills.

In the interest of public disclosure it should be noted that Errol's own "shaved"
head shown here is only shaved digitally. However, he does plan to shave his
head for real in the very near future!

Errol at work - photo 1Errol at work - photo 2

Erroll - supremo head shaver

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