I will be placing yearly anniversary gifts for Heather here. They will be for her earthly birthday and her heavenly birthday...

Bereaved Birthdays

Birthdays are a time to celebrate
Not a time for tears
But what happens when the birthdays
No longer mark the years?

A birthday marks the moment
A child enters earthly life
To share its special love and joy
And learn from earthly strife

Before a child comes to us,
God knows when and how it must depart
He choses its path carefully,
We are honored from the start

The sadness we now feel,
On such a joyus day,
Is longing for our loved one's touch
It's natural to feel this way

For even though the birthdays
No longer mark our child's stay
Love continues on forever
To touch us everyday.

So, I hug my precious memories
Oh so close to my heart!
And honor my beloved angel child
Who was chosen for me from the start

(The author of this poem is unknown to me - if you know who wrote this please email me and I will give the proper credit. Thank you...)

The beautiful graphic below is from my Secret Sister for Aug. 2002 - She sent it in rememberance of Heather's heavenly birthdate. Thank you sweet, Secret Sister!

From Blessed BeyondBelief

The slide show below is where we launched the 22 balloons
in honor of Heather's 22nd birthday.

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