Please allow time for wav file to load...... It's "If You Came Back From Heaven" ...



Memories of yesterday
Long ago and now
Forever in my treasury
I've kept alive somehow

So many years together
Our life we always shared
Always felt her presence
Today her spirit's near

The finest of a gentle rose
With petals softest hues
A presence of sweet velvet
My thoughts return to you

Your flower glows in heaven
For all of us to see
The beauty of your softness
Is captured reverently

I miss your sweetest smile
The way it filled the sky
The sweetest little dimples
That always caught an eye

I know that you are in heaven
I feel it every day
Looking up to painted sky
Your colors never fade

The colors of a rainbow
After rain soaked day
Is always there to show me
You're never far away

My sister had such beauty
Now it fills the soul
With all her special treasures
Her memory consoles

Forever dreams diminished
But memories remain
My sister was my special friend
Until we meet again.

~ �Francine Pucillo


Heather's Butterfly Angel picture></p>

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Another Easter Without Her

  The stillness of the morning wakes me,
But I cannot see
Why there begins another Easter
When my daughter's not here with me.
The house feels strangely silent
And her room, a lonely place.
I long to touch her soft golden hair,
And kiss her dear, sweet face.

I'll never get to hear her call,
"Come see what I've just made!"
I'm left with only memories...
Please God--don't let them fade.

Deep in my heart, her spirit lives,
Her laughter I still hear.
She'll forever be my little girl,
Though I can't hold her near.

The stillness of the morning wakes me,
But I cannot see,
Why there begins another Easter;
When my daughter's not here with me.

Author Unknown









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