These are letters written by family or friends... They bring me much comfort...

Below is the impact statement read at the trial...

This is not an easy thing for any parent to have to face and deal with. I stand here today with a heavy heart because a part of my life, and the life of my family is forever missing. Our beautiful Heather Nicole Rodriguez is forever gone from our earthly lives. She was the youngest of my four children and always my baby girl. We all, brother and sisters too, treated her as if she needed our daily advice and mothering.

Heather was a wonderful young women that was full of life and spirit. She touched the lives of many with her warm and loving nature. Heather had the most beautiful smile, and a personality that glowed. Her favorite color was pink, she loved butterflies, and Scooby doo cartoons. On a rainy day she would watch reruns of the T.V. show "My so called life" (she had recorded every episode). She was as soft and feminine as any women and as adventureous as any man. She loved to look soft and pretty but she also loved her bluejeans and tennis shoes. Heather loved life. She loved 4-wheeling in her truck, skate boards, roller blading, dirt bikes, go carts, snow boards, and music, dancing, and singing. She had just begun to experience her life when it was taken from her.

Heather, our ray of sunshine is missing in our lives due to the careless act of a drunk driver. Dana Brown gave no thought to her life when she got behind the wheel of a vehicle, and caused the accident that took Heather from us. Dana knows the laws regarding drinking and driving. She knows that drinking at her age is illegal. She gave no regard to those laws and got behind the wheel of her car and caused the death of my beautiful child, Heather Nicole Rodriguez.

Heather did not deserve to die because you, Dana Brown decided to drive your vehicle under the influence of alcohol. You not only killed my child, my little girl, you killed a sister, aunt, granddaughter, niece, cousin, lover, and friend. You destroyed many lives with your choice to drink and drive. You took from us our future.

You gave us a life sentence of pain and grief, and for that I can not forgive you. I pray that for the rest of your life you will be burdened with the fact that you took from us our precious Heather and her future.You still have a future Dana and your family still has a daughter and sister, so remember this... when you are with your mother and you reach out to hug her, you remember my empty arms Dana Brown. When you sit with your brother and sisters and plan your future and share your life, you remember my children and the future you took from them. When the day comes for you to walk down the aisle to greet your husband to be, you think of my Heather and that you took that joy from her. When you hold your first child in your arms, you remember that my Heather, who loved children will never hold her first child. You remember Dana Brown, with every breath you take that you took the life of Heather Nicole Rodriguez, because you decided to break the law and drink and drive. That will be your true sentence, if you have a concience. However, it will never compare to the sentence you handed this family when you got behind the wheel of that car.

My family is scarred for life because of you Dana. We are dealing with lawyers, Doctors, Therapists, lost jobs, support groups, anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks, nightmares, and heartache so severe we can not heal, who do you think you are that you can decide to take someone else's life in your hands? Who are you to destroy this family, and condemn us to a life of loss, grief, and never ending heartache? I know that the law will never give you what you deserve, but I have no choice but to accept what is dealt here today. There is no sentence worse then the one you have given my family. I wish for just one day you could feel the pain, suffering, and heart ache that I feel and will feel for the rest of my days on this earth. I know in my heart that the time will come for you to stand before the ultimate Judge and only then will you truly be punished.


This is Monica's memory letter...

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you, Heather, or remember a memory that we shared. I was your oldest sister or "Mother Hen" as Mom would say. I watched over you and worried about you, cared for you and guided you, and now dear Heather you are watching over me.

Mom asked me to share a memory, but how do you share just one? When you have four siblings living together and as close in age as we were, every day is a memory to be told from laughter to fighting, everything is a story to be told. So I guess I could only take the time to express what Heather meant to me.

When I close my eyes and think of Heather, what I first see is a radiant smile, bouncing locks of blonde hair, bronzed skin and a heart that shined right through her body. She didn't have an enemy in the world and when she would get to know you she would love you with all she had to give. Heather used to live just for that day. She didn't worry about tomorrow only about the moment. She lived in the moment. Maybe a lesson we all could learn from. God knows I would try to change that girl, but there was just no changing Heather. She was who she was, a free spirit.

In my backyard I have tons of flowers that attract butterflies. I love to sit back there now, and remember. Remember all the good times. The vacations we shared. Actually, the life we shared. And sadly, sometimes I cry over the memories we will never have for the future. But most of all "I will remember you" like your favorite song sings, that many times echoes in my mind. I will remember you in my mind, in my soul and in my heart forever, Heather. I will always love and miss you and you will always be my baby sister, always.
by sister Monica Calderin

This is Daniel's memory letter...

One year ago today you turned 21. In my eyes you will always remain my little 21 year old sis. As we all grow old an gray, you will still be young at heart. There is not one day that I drive home from work and not hear a song on the radio that reminds me of you. I kind of use that ride home as our time together.

You know me, I�m a man of few words. As the big brother, dad always looked at me to be the father figure, but I just wanted to be the cool brother. Mom would always tell me I was your hero, I think you were more of a role model to people, especially children, than I could ever dream of becoming. There was always something about that smile of yours that captured people.

Sometimes I regret not being around for your high school years, especially to give you advice about your boy-friends. But I can say at the end, you met a wonderful person in Joe, and played a huge part in his daughters life. We all knew how much you loved kids. I always tell people I feel at peace knowing how much you have done in your short life. The one thing I envied about you is when you wanted to do something, you did it. No matter how extreme, and that is the truth.

As we all wait behind to see you again, it is good to know you are in a better place. Wishing I could have told you more often, I just want you to know that I love and miss you more and more every day. You will always be my little sis.
By brother Daniel Rodriguez

This is Chasity's memory letter...

Through tears last night I watched fireworks light up the sky. I was remembering last year at that time when we were together, lying on our backs looking up at the sky oohing and aahing as the sky lit up a different shade of every color. We were just being silly, trying to make each other laugh. I also remember people in the crowd getting such a kick out of us. I was lying with my little miniature wiener dog, Docker, and you were trying to hold down your harmless giant, Harley. By that time I think he was around 7 months old and over 100 pounds. He was bigger than you by all means, but you finally had your English Mastiff:) At the time I never could have imagined what a significant moment that was in my life, what that 3 day visit would mean to me for the rest of my was the last time I saw you.

Just like that night, you always had a way of bringing out a part of me I couldn't do on my own. It always amazed me how you never gave anything a second thought and whatever the outcome, good or bad, you would just put it behind you. Tomorrow was another day! Your strength blew me away. I always thought being the "big sister" that it was my role to be strong, to help guide you. Although I tried, I realize now that I looked to you for that much more.

I tried so hard to take your advice to heart; to be happy, have fun, live for the moment....or, as you would say it "loosen up, live a little". You were always there to nudge me a little, now that you're gone I feel so lost. So many times I've heard that you're now in safe hands in a better place. Yet I can't help but ache so bad inside to want to hug you, to hear that gullible laugh of yours, see that beautiful smile...that twinkle in your eyes. I just miss you so much I can't breathe sometimes.

Each day is a struggle to get through till the next. On a good day I remember all the fun we had and can't help but laugh. On the bad days I think about everything that will happen in my life that I can't share with you. I know you'll always be with me, watching over me from a much more beautiful place. But no matter how much time passes, I can't help but feel selfish sometimes, to want you here with me. When the time is right I'll try my best to live my life and make you proud, as proud as I was of you and the beautiful person you were.

But for now I'm still trying to figure out how to do that with such a big piece of my life missing. I love you so much baby sis. You're always in my heart!
By sister Chastity Rodriguez



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