Rohingya to English Dictionary F

fa                    (can obtain; can get; can find)
fáa                  (sticky material flowed from mouth)
fáaca               (comedy)
fáaçá               (iron plate with handle used as a tool for digging ground)
faáfa                (thoroughly)
fáaida              (profit; benefit)  
faám                (pump)
faár                 (mountain)
faári                 (mountainous)
fáarot              (spacious; of being wide space)   
fáasek              (liar; making funny)
fac                   (license)
faça                 (flat rock grinder)
fáça                 (torn)
fáçacúça          (tear and torn)
façi                  (mat made of smooth cane)
fáçi                  (tear)
fáçon               (tearing off)
faga                 (cooking; making ripe)
fagaiya            (of ripen)
fagilé               (if ripen)
fagol                (mad)
faiba                ([you will] get, find)
faibi                 ([you will] get, find)
faibou              ([he/she/they will] get, find)     
faiddé              (release air)
faik                  (bird)
faikfocú           (bird and animal)
faikké              (ripen)
failla                (cooking dish)
faillé                (adopting child; looking after)
fain                  (soldering material, joining)
faincá              (no taste)
fainná              (dilute)
fainná-gula       (a kind of fruit)
fainná-áff         (a kind of snake)    
fáisela              (decision)
fáiththe            (torn)
faiyé                (found)
faiyuom           (will get it)
faijjé               (able)
fák                  (apart; gap)
fak                  (wing; clean)
fáki                 (smallest grains; flour)
fakka              (strong; fixed; cemented; made stronger)
fakkafakki       (sure; promized; without any break)
fakkár             (going round)
fakkáiyi           (have gone round)
fakkáraiya       (of rounded)
fakkó              (go round)
fakkon fiçá      (home made bread)
fála                  (bowl)
fala                  (pillar)
fáldo                (jump)
falki                 (bridge groom carrier)
falong              (bed; bed support part; bed frame)
faloon              (looking after)
fan                   (green leaves eaten with nuts)
fán                   (wire loop to hang or catch some thing)
faná                 (get shelter under someone)
fanboro           (fan leaves cultivation)
fáñc                 (fertilizer)
fáñci                (hanging)
fañçá               (male sheep)
fándha-mas     (a kind of fish that usually float on the water)   
fandhúk           (pipe)
fangká             (fan)
faní                  (water)
fanír                 (of water)
fánoc               (lamp)
fañs                 (five)
far                   (crossing, picking fruits from trees)
fara                 (village)
fará                 (cross over)
fára                 (bad omen)
faráibóu           (will cross)
fare                 (able; giving egg)
faro                 (remove fruit off tree)
faró                 (cross)
fárok               (apart; having a gap)
fásela               (distance)
fasíl                 (rear part of a boat)
fatá                  (address)
fata                  (leaves)
fatá-fatá           (search every corner)
fatal                 (deep underground)
fath                  (small seater a few centimeters high)
fathán              (Patan from Afghanistan)
faththa             (jute)
faththi              (bandage; lying)
faththwa           (jute)
fátia                 (prayer offered with food)
fatila                (dish made of mud)
fatol                 (thin)
fatola               (of thin; of lighter)
fáttara              (a kind of fruit like big orange but of soar taste)
fattarzi             (acting naughty)
fattór               (stone)
fecá                 (work; profession)
fecák               (urine)
féccáh             (lung)
féda                (useless, waste; nothing)
fécen               (fashion)
feén                 (pant)
felá                  (support pillar to a structure)
félah                (make to fall down)
félaidé             (throw away)
félido               (throw to waste bin)
félo                 (drop)
félu                  (long bean)
féna                 (foam)
fená                 (trees of still water)
feñçon             (picking, collecting)
feñdá               (not brave)
féñec               (sign of snake's anger)
fénizál              (a kind of fishing net)
feñra               (squeezing for juice from sugar cane by using pressing machine)
feñs                 (wicked thought; cross bar in wooden structure)
feñsa               (owl)
feñsara            (skin infection/diseases)
feñzi                (person who puts others in cross; wicked man) 
fera                 (bush at the river bank)
ferata              (not hygienic)
ferecan            (sadness)
feth                  (abdomen; stomach)
fethi                 (box)
fethrol             (petrol)
fiada               (watchman; a low level serviceman)
fiala                 (cup)
fiáñra               (ant)
fíañrá               (bad meat among other meat) 
fiañs                (onion)
fiañzú              (round fried fillet of bean)
fiçá                  (a kind of food made of flour)
fiçon                (beating)
fiihó                 (commanding to drink)
fiinic                (plate)
fíis                   (fees)
fiitalon             (giving headache)
fiiyo                 (drink)
fikír                 (thinking; planning)
fílim                 (film)
fin                   (pin, put on, wear)
finak                (nose disease)
fiñas                (onion)
fiñdá               (wear somebody)
fiñdó               (wear)
fir                    (fir, religious God beloved man)
fír                    (making cane out of bamboo; turn)
fira                  (bed room)
fíra                  (turn)
fíring                (insect)
fis                    (back; rear)
fís                    (piece)
fisá                  (at the back side)
fisála               (glut on the skin)
fisáli                (following behind)
fiski                 (water cannon)
fisóttu              (at the back)
fissá                (at the back)
fissáb              (man of highly pious who do pray very strong every night)
fissán               (generation)
fith                  (back)
fíth                  (fit)  
fithdhe             (leave behind)
fit                    (liver)
fitaler               (giving trouble)
fítana               (quarrel; disagreement between; anger between)
fith-haim          (ruler)
fítorot              (character of a person)
fitta                  (of great anger, silent)
fiyá                  (coin denominations in Burma)
focú                (animal)
fódana             (balloon)
fohór               (proudness)
foijjonto          (up to)
foisá                (coins)
foissá               (ring for water pot)
foittou              (about to fall down)
foittowán         (each one)
fójor                (early morning)
fókkor             (cheater)
fókkorai          (noun: cheating)
foola                (mad man)
fón                  (subject; profession)
foñíssé             (reached; arrived)
fonná               (learning, literature)
foñsa               (being of bad breath)
foñósa             (make [he/she/them] reach)               
foñt                 (path)
fooil                (short wooden piece for throwing at)
foóila               (primary; first; beginning) 
fóoir                (feather)
foóir                (pond)
fool                 (mad)
foon                (obtain)
foona              (ripen)
fóoñc              (weak; not tight; loose)
fóoñçá            (ground digging tool used by farmer)
foóñsa            (make it/him/them/her reach)
fóoñtá             (not brittle; not elastic; soft; damaged)
foór                (light)
foóráiza           (forget)
fóourán           (immediately)
for                   (read)
forá                 (teach)
foráleká          (literate)
foran               (live)
fórforár           (trying or struggling to go out)
foribá              (may slip)
foríba              (will read)
forínna fuain     (student)
forir fílim          (angle film)
fórmadar         (obedient)
foró                 (read)
forók               (differ)
fórokot            (wider)
fórom              (form)
forón               (reading)
fóroz               (compulsory)
forr                 (alien; non-relatives)
fossáti             (roof beyond the outermost wall)
fosím               (west)
fosón               (he likes it)       
fóth                 (hole)
foth                 (tin can)
fot                   (design)
fotá                 (making independent)
fothú               (picture)
fotta                (downfall)
fottí                 (every)
fottían              (each one)
fottízon            (every one)
fóukir              (poor)
fouñi                (rod used to push the boat)
fóuni                (comb)
fouri                (angle; head turbans)
fóus                 (army)
fousím             (west)
fóut                 (passed away; died)
fózor               (morning)
fua                  (baby; child)
fuaboc            (child age)
fúah                (make dry)
fuain                (children)
fúainna            (in the same level)
fúan                 (is level)
fúañ                 (larva; grub)
fúaná               (dry)
fúañti               (together)
fúan-fúan         (same-same)
fuañ-mas         (a kind of fish)
fúañná             (dry)
fucák               (dress)
fuchorá            (of bad luck; lazy guy)
fúdh                 (mud)
fuic                  (abscess)
fúic                  (needle)
fuiccón            (give the child to somebody to look after)
fúiccoón          (pursue)
fúk                  (clip)
fuk                  (insect)
fukkul              (eastern part)
ful                   (hole)
fúl                   (flower)
fúla                 (swallow)
fulat                (steel)
fúl-deikké       (girl grown-up or first menstruation )
fúlsuañ            (straight hollow bamboo pipe)
fún                  (listen)
fun                  (body part through which stool passes)
fúna                (hearing)
fúñca               (quick breathing; difficult breathing)
fúñcani            (of difficult breathing)
fuñdor-zurí      (anal groove)
fuñic                (bad blood)
fúñic                (needle)
fuñic-horá        (bad luck person)
fúnta                (of heard before from others)
fúoon               (dry up)
fúuní-guilla       (a kind of fish)
fur                    (burn; full)
furo                  (commanding to burn)
furon                (oven for making bread)
fura                  (fill up)
furan                (old)
furana              (of old)
furani               (of burning)
furíkka             (insurgent)
fúroóin             (broom)
fúrossuañ         (long bamboo pipe to thow arrow at bird to catch)    
fut                    (son)
fúta                  (thread)
futh                  (additive)
fuththóin           (glue type material used for water leaking control in boats)
futílá                 (toy)
futta                 (cemented for strong holding of bricks)
futú                  (toddler)
futúinna            (calling son)
futuli                (eye ball)
futúni               (daughter)
futhka              (very fatty)
fuththóin           (sealing material in wood join)
fúu                   (blowing air into)
fúudon             (act of blowing air into)
fúuinná             (father’s sister)
fuúl                  (full; no more space)
fúuñ                 (smell)
fúwu                (father's sister)
fwa                  (baby)

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