Rohingya Language


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Rohingyalish is the modern written language of the Rohingya People of Arakan (Rakhine) State in Myanmar formerly known as Burma. The first Rohingya Language written was back to 300 years and used Arabic Scripts. Due to the long colonial period under the British rules, Urdu, Farsi and English were the main communication languages in that time. Since then many other scholars have tried to write the Rohingya Language using Arabic, Urdu, Burmese and Hanifi Scripts; the last one being the new invented alphabets mostly derived from Arabic Scripts but a few from Latin and Burmese. However, to make Rohingya language more easy in today's Computers and communications world,  Rohingyalish has been developed using Latin alphabets only. Since these alphabets are readily available in almost all personal computers used today, we need only a few guide lines to write the Rohingya Language

straight into the millions of computers at home, school, universities and work places. The use of Latin alphabets free us from learning and writing the new alphabets. Moreover, it is not needed for the engineers to design fonts, keyboard layout and alphabets sorting method. Furthermore, direction and auto-shaping system software are also required to be developed, if we choose right-to-left oriented scripts such as Arabic, Urdu and Hanifi for example. If we choose non-Latin alphabets, do you know how much efforts do we need to implement the new alphabets into your systems? It is not just simply to design a font file and load into the Windows font directory. You need to make sure your font works with thousands of application software out there today. Finally, can you maintain your new invented alphabets to work along with the rapid changes in new and updated operating systems coming out almost every quarter in a year? more

Rohingyalish Character Set

ÇÑ:  Learn today how to write the modern Rohingya Language (Rohingyalish) within minutes. Look the table at the right and see how easy the Rohingyalish characters are. Just add only two familiar Latin characters (Ç and Ñ) to the existing English Alphabets A-Z, and we have Rohingyalish character set consisting a total of 28 characters. 

Aa Bb Cc Çç Dd Ee Ff
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Nn Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

C:  The sound of the original English  C  has been changed to the sound of 'Sh' as adopted by countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia. It is because the original sound of the  C  can be substituted with K and S.

For example, Kar instead of Car and Sement instead of Cement. Therefore to say spoon in Rohingyalish writes as Camic instead of Shamish.


Ç:  One of the two new characters is  Ç  and it is pronounced as r'dh.

For example Caça (=sha-rda) meaning mat and Naça (=na-rda) meaning closed in Rohingyalish.   

Ñ   The other new character is  Ñ  and it is pronounced as silent 'N' sounding like a'nh. It is used where nasal sound is required.  

For example, Fañs (=Fa'nh-s) meaning 'five' and Suañ (=Sua'nh) meaning 'short bamboo piece' used as a container.




Rohingyalish Vowels

Six Straight Vowels (Normal)  
Six Straight Vowels (
Four Circular Vowels (
Four Circular Vowels (
 a   e    i   o   u   ou
 á   é    í   ó   ú   óu
 ai  ei  oi  ui  
 ái  éi  ói  úi  

(a) Normal and stressed vowels:

AEIOU or ÁÉÍÓÚ      To make Rohingyalish more easier in pronouncing  accurately, accented European vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú)  have been used in addition to the existing 5 normal vowels (a, e, i ,o, u). Accented vowels are used where stress is required whereas normal vowels are used to read in soft and short sound. For example, the word Babá meaning father, has the part Ba which is to pronounce soft and Bá which is to pronounce hard like English Ba.



(b) Only one sound for each vowel:

FAther, FEllow, FIx, FOx, FUll, FOUr      What makes Rohingyalish more easier? Unlike English, Rohingyalish adapts only one sound for each vowel. For example in English, o sounds four different ways in four different words, such as Love(=a), Lock(=aw), Loan(=o), and Loose(=u), showing the respective sound vowels in brackets. This causes English very difficult to learn. Therefore, for each vowel, Rohingyalish uses only one suitable sound, wherever and however the vowel many be used within a given word. The chosen sounds are as found in English words: Father, Fellow, Fix, Fox, Full. Unfortunately, the sound for the true o (such as in the word Go) is missing in these chosen sounds. Therefore Rohingyalish uses Ou (O and u combined together) to get the true o sound. So, Góu in Rohingyalish gives the same sound as Go in English. View the vowel diagram right showing the six basic vowels (a,e,i,o,u,ou). The corresponding stressed vowels are (á, é, í, ó, ú, óu) where the last vowel óu has, only the first character accented. You can read the words representing the vowels in the diagram above as Father, Fix, Fellow, Full, Four, Fox  clockwise.


(c) Circular Vowels:

There are four commonly used circular sounds which can not be satisfactorily written using only one of the any 6 staright vowels (a,e,i,o,u,ou) or (á,é,í,ó,ú,óu).  These sounds can be written by simply adding "i" to each of the four straight  vowels (a,e,o,u) or (á,é,ó,ú). Both non-accented and accented circular vowels are shown right side in the table.

1 2 3 4
ai ei oi ui
ái éi ói úi
1. Bai (Bái), Gai, Lai, Sai (Sái), Sail
2. Beil, Dheil (Dhéil), Meillé, Neillé, Kéil
3. Boi, Loi, Boil, Foil, Soil, Thoin, Bóin
4. Dui, Rui, Tui, Súi, Muillo, Fúic

(d) Long Vowels:

There are four different long vowels, steady long(=aa), accelerated long(=aá), decelerated long(=áa) and raised long(=áá).

For example:
Gaa=body,  G=sing,  Gáa=infection,
gorí maijjé = slapped in big sound

aa áa áá
ee ée ée
ii íi íi
oo óo óó
uu úu úu

More examples:
Maana, brkule, fáaçá, Tháác
Neel, zn, éen, Fééc
Biili, iín, zíi
Hoor, bl, sóol
Muu, Mntu, Súura, Dúúm


Rohingyalish Extended Characters

There are six commonly used sounds which can not be satisfactorily put in written using only a single consonant from the Rohingyalish character set mentioned above. Therefore two consonants are combined together to form an extended character. The extended characters used are H', Dh, Ng, Ny, Th, and Ts  as shown in the table right. Here H' is used for light Ha sound in contrast to H used for deep in the throat sound. However H can be equally used for both sounds unless there needs clear distinction between the two.

H'áwa =air   Holom =pen
Dhail =lantil Darí =beard


=place name Nam =name
Nyongcóng =place name
Thala =lock Tál =plate
Tsáani =next Salu =fast