On this page you will find nearly all lyrics of U2.
The lyrics are in Plain ASCII format, and compressed with Winzip.

I've sorted the lyrics by album. So if you are looking for the lyric of 'One' than click on the album 'Achtung Baby'.

Album Number of lyrics Size
Boy 11 60 Kbytes
October 11 59 Kbytes
War 10 58 Kbytes
Under a blood red sky 8 45 Kbytes
The unforgettable fire 9 56 Kbytes
Wide awake in America 4 23 Kbytes
The joshua tree 11 64 Kbytes
Rattle and hum 15 91 Kbytes
Achtung baby 12 77 Kbytes
Zooropa 10 67 Kbytes
Pop 12 86 Kbytes
Original soundtracks 1 6 33 Kbytes

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All files are packed with Winzip. Click to go to the winzip site

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