Organizational Reports -- Moline

Moline Greens' 2006 Organizational Report

Recent Team History (World Series Champion and Divisional Title, 2002
Record:111-51 (WSC)86-7682-8076-86

2006 Depth Chart:(with Shandler Runs Above Replacement projections). Minor leaguers are limited to top prospects only, B or higher on Sickels scale adjusted for 2005 stats.

AJ Burnett (29.3)Juan Cruz(10.8)Thomas Diamond (B)
Dan Haren (28.2)Ryan Wagner (5.3)J.D. Durbin(B)
Matt Cain(25.6)Byung-Hyun Kim(4.8)Dustin Nippert (B)
Zach Duke(17.6)Jeremi Gonzalez
Denny Bautista(13.3)Doug Waechter
Joel Piniero(11.1)Jesse Foppert
Oliver Perez(7.6)
Joe Kenendy (4.9)
Sydney Ponson(3.3)
Eric Milton

Major League CathersMinor League Catching Prospects
J.D. Closser(11.0)
Ramon Castro (4.2)
Guillermo Quiroz(1.1)

Major League InfieldersMinor League Infield Prospects
JJ Hardy, ss (16.4)Andy Marte 3b(A)
Mike Sweeney, 1b (10.6)Ian Stewart 3b(A)
Nick Johnson, ss (8.5)Daric Barton 1b (B+)
Adam Kennedy, 2b(1.7)Howie Kendrick 2b (B+)
Jose Reyes, 2b-ss Adrian Gonzalez 1b (B)
Wilson Betemit, 1b-3b Kendry Morales 3b (B)
Sean Burroughs, 1b-3b MattTuiasosopo ss (B)

Major League OutfieldersMinor League Outfield Prospects
Pat Burrell(9.9)Delmon Young (A-)
Vernon Wells(8.7)Franklin Guitterez (B)
Jody Gerut(0.8)Brad Snyder (B)

Organization Reports
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